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The flow structures of Jupiter's Great Red Spot (GRS) are studied based on a high-resolution velocity field extracted from the Galileo 1996 cloud images of the GRS by using the physics-based optical flow method. The mean transverse velocity profile across the anti-cyclonic near-elliptical collar of the GRS is obtained. The flow structures in the relatively quiescent inner region enclosed by the high-speed collar are revealed at a coarse-grained level. The cyclonic source node in the inner region is identified that is directly associated with the observed cyclonic rotation near the center of the GRS, and its significance in the maintenance of the GRS is explored by using a topological constraint.

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Figure 1. Upper panel shows the selected regions in December 2016. Lower panel shows the retrieved accumulated optical depth as a function of pressure. The black, blue and red lines represent the stratospheric, tropospheric and total aerosol optical depths, respectively. The upper and lower grey lines mark the aer=0.5 and aer=2 pressure levels. The dashed line marks the aer=1 pressure level.

Our philosophy is to use a model with the fewest free parameters that is an exact, steady solution to the least complex governing equation, yet can still reproduce the observed velocity to within its uncertainties. The danger of more complex models, or numerical simulations of more complex equations with more unknown input parameters, is that they have larger degrees of freedom. By varying parameters, they can fit the observed velocity while still misidentifying relevant physics. Here we use the quasigeostrophic (QG) 1.5-layer reduced-gravity equation,1 and a model with nine free parameters. The Voyager 1 data can be reproduced with this model and does not warrant models with more free parameters or governing equations with more complexity.

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Is it going to be a smooth exit, or might there be a little bit of turbulence on the way out? And what's it going to find out there in the great beyond? Joining me now to talk more about it is Ed Stone, NASA's chief scientist on the Voyager mission, professor of physics at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. Welcome back to SCIENCE FRIDAY. Ed.

FLATOW: Ed Stone, NASA's chief scientist on the Voyager mission and professor of physics at California Institute of Technology, Caltech, in Pasadena. We're going to take a break. And after the break, the dark side of the universe, talking more about space, perhaps another mirror, parallel world out there. You thought about that. We're going to talk about that when we get back. So stay with us. Michael Turner joins us after this break. We'll be right back. 17dc91bb1f

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