Utkarsh Sanjanwala

Whaikaha Supported Learning
Unitec Institute of Technology
Auckland, New Zealand


Utkarsh Sanjanwala uses Classcraft and SIMS for game-based learning in the New Zealand Certificate in Skills for Living and Working (Level 1). The team have found that the game-based learning supports neurodiverse learners, who prefer predictable consequences for their learning, which is likely in game-based learning.
Background: Yoga & Meditation, Fine Art, Graphic Design, Film, Photography and Journalism

An overview of what we've been doing:

Student Feedback

Survey 1: Start of the year

Survey 2: Mid Year

Survey 2: End of the year


  • 91% - I look forward to coming to class because of Classcraft

  • 100% - Classcraft makes it easy for me to understand the lessons

  • 100% - I like getting XP and GP for my work. It motivates me to do more

  • 86% - I am more engaged in classes that have Classcraft when compared to other classes