NZFAA Indoor Regional Championships and Indoor Nationals 2024

This year there will be Six Regional Championship Events where archers compete locally for placings and event scores will then be used to determine the division placings for the NZFAA Indoor Nationals 2024. 

The six Regional Championships are:

The numbers at each location are capped as indicated above and limited spaces made available for cubs.

The program at each venue will differ for each host to fit in  2 rounds of the IFAA Standard indoor round and 1 round of the NZFAA short Flint Round. 

Note Xs are recorded for this event

The program is subject to change depending on registered archers for each of the five host clubs as each venue has limited shooting lanes capacity. 

Registrations online close 9pm Friday 7th June 2024

Any late entries are to be directed to local host contact and subject to their approval for acceptance.


A Space on the line will be on first come basis so get your entry in early so you don't miss out.

Those that make the cut will be notified by email the online payment details and request to make the fee payment to complete their registration and secure their place on the line.

Payments must be made no later than Monday, 5pm 10th June 2024  else your spot could be allocated to someone else.

The Entry fee is 

With the limited space cub registrations are to be negotiated with each venue.

Parents please contact host club to negotiate a place on the line. 

Each event location will be managed by a local admin team with archers required to complete equipment inspection and confirm they are registered in correct division. To avoid any last minute changes archers are encouraged to use an experienced local club member to check equipment in advance and advise archer of correct gear or division before registering.

The Local admin team will be in touch with registered archers to advise any changes to local event program and shooting times. 

Event contacts for The Indoor Regional Championships are:

Nationally – Tony Denton –

Southland Region - Adrian Ayto -

Wellington Region – Peter Fahy -

Waikato Region – Tony Denton -

South Auckland Region – Lorna Robertson –

North Auckland Region - Tracy Gaughan -

Northland Region -  Stephen Orchard - 

Lunch and Food

As a basis archers should be prepared to provide own lunch and food.

Host clubs may offer other refreshments and details will be shared with registered archers.

Refer to Notice Page for any event and important information

Event Links to important event documents

Indoor Nationals Registered Archers

2024 Indoor Nationals registered archers

Southland Regionals Registered archers

2024 Indoor Regionals southland registered archers

Wellington Regionals Registered Archers

2024 Indoor Regionals wellington registered archers

Waikato Regionals Registered Archers

2024 Indoor Regionals waikato registered archers

South Auckland Regionals Registered Archers

2024 Indoor Regionals auckland registered archers

North Auckland Regionals Registered Archers

2024 Indoor Regionals North Auckland registered archers

Northland Regionals Registered Archers

2024 Indoor Regionals northland registered archers