
Buy NZEAN branded gear to wear on your ride, and show your support

NZEAN branded T-Shirts and more

Buy Direct from the manufacturer, and supporter. Contact BBS direct with the type of top and design you like. They are more than happy to work with you on sizing, colour and if you want the print on the front or back or both. $35 ish for the high viz and t-shirts, depending on what you want.

BBS - Brand Boost Solutions

83 Hilton Highway, Washdyke 7910 Timaru

Phone: (03) 390 1538


Support our Work

We need your help to achieve our goals; protecting our access to public spaces, changing legislation to ensure we have legally defined bridleways, and ensuring horse riders are included in planning, policy, and design on a level footing with walking, and cycling.

Donate now

Help us with legal costs, and resources that will help us to protect our future.

NZ Equestrian Advocacy network

Bank Account 12-3143-0420751-00

Ref : Donation

Please email Treasurer Andrew Norrab, so that we can acknowledge your donation.