The New York Water Safety Coalition is a group of aquatics organizations, swim schools, water safety advocates, and local businesses that have united around a common mission: to increase access to lifesaving swim instruction and reduce the rates of drowning in New York State.

Coalition members pool resources to help fund and organize public policy efforts. Each member commits to following minimum industry standards. Frequent meetings with our allies in state and local government - including Senators, Assembly Members, City Council Members, Mayors, and the Governor - allow us to make meaningful progress.

Our advocacy work helped pass a 2022 bill that created the State Commission to Study Childhood Drowning, which makes legislative recommendations to the state. A founding NY Water Safety Coalition member was appointed Vice-Chair of that commission. We also introduced a bill that would help families in need secure transportation to pools where lessons are offered. In 2023 we introduced a bill that will bring water safety education for new parents to hospitals & birthing centers, and a bill to create a statewide drowning prevention public awareness campaign. 

We've accomplished a lot in a short period of time, yet there is so much more that needs to be done to highlight the problem of drowning and the importance of swim lessons. Join us today!
