Westchester Association of Chinese Americans (WACA) 


Welcome to WACA

The Westchester Association of Chinese Americans (WACA)  is a non-profit organization registered under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. It promotes cultural and social harmony by working with schools, community centers and other culture organizations, providing assistance to students, artists, new immigrants and others to meet their financial and other needs; and organizing community activities such as Chinese New Year celebration, picnics, sports, and other social events. It also endeavors to provide an enabling environment to enhance the mutually beneficiary interactions between all communities and to promote cultural and social exchanges among them.       Read more about us  

2024 WACA Outstanding Student Leadership and Community Service Award Winners

2024 WACA DR. SUN Student Science Award Winners

Coming Soon

Celebration of the Year of Snake🐍

Spectacular Live Performances for very one

Saturday February 8, 2025, 1:00pm – 6:00pm 

The Performance Art Center, SUNY at Purchase 

 735 Anderson Hill Rd, Purchase, NY 10577     

Event Location Map:

* For sponsorship, please fill out  The Sponsorship Application Form

* For advertisement,  please fill out The Program Book Advertisement Application Form 

* For on-site activities, please fill out The Vendor Table Registration Form  

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* Early bird saving Tickets by Jan 25, 2025, please do not miss it! 一月二十五号以前早买票便宜请不要错过
Adult: $35;   Early bird * $30;   At door $40;               Senior (>65 &+): $30;   Early bird* $25;     At door $35;               Child (<12): $30;   Early bird* :$25;   At door:$35;    VIP:$100

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* Buy Tickets - early bird by Jan 25, 2025   (购票方式)  

2025 Chinese New Year Festival

c/o  WACA

34 Main Street, Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522


Chinese New Year Celebration 

特色节目预告  Special Program Preview coming up soon

Tickets:   请不要错过 early bird saving !
Adult : $35;   Early bird price*- $ 30;   At door - $40;

Senior (>65 &+): $30 ;   Early bird price* - $ 25;     At door - $35;

Child (<12): $30; early bird price*- $ 25; at door - $35;

VIP: $100

Buy Tickets (购票方式)

2025 Chinese New Year Festival

c/o  WACA

34 Main Street, Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522


Westchester County Government, New York Life, Visionland Eye Care



THANK YOU for your support WACA a non-profit organization -from community to community.

Please send your Support payment-check (payable to WACA) to:


34 Main Street, 

Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522

or        Zelle Pay: nywaca@gmail.com  

五彩缤纷中国年 A Variety of Celebration Activities

特色节目 Special Program


The Art of Tea in a Long-spouted Pot 





The Art of Tea in a Long-spouted Pot 

The long-spout teapot holds a unique place in China's tea culture, boasting a rich and extensive history. Its tea art performance, a cherished folk tradition, captivates enthusiasts across the nation. This performance seamlessly merges practicality with visual appeal. The extended spout naturally cools the boiling water, ensuring an optimal temperature for brewing tea, especially in delicate tea bowls. 

Beyond its functional aspect, the art of the long-spout teapot involves a captivating display of cultural expression through body language. It serves as a conduit for conveying diverse cultural meanings, broadening people's understanding and fostering contemplation. This performance creates an immersive ambiance within tea-houses, cultivating an enriching experience for tea aficionados, enhancing their appreciation of this revered beverage.

Mr. Li, born in Tianfu New Area, Chengdu, has studied Chinese art of tea ceremony for over sixteen years. Just like those in action movies, there are many different schools for the art of tea ceremony, inlcuding Longmen, Furong, Gai, etc. Mr. Li is a member under Xiaoyao school. He got invited to the land of America about 6 years ago, and now works as a performer of Sichuanese tea ceremony art. Mr. Li showed his great satisfaction towards the fact that this art was brought and developed in Northern-America. He stated the forms of the tea ceremony performance in America varied a bit from that in China. With various types of instant products and commodities, a long-mouth teapot could not only contain tea in a traditional way, but also contain alcohol, or maybe cold beverages. Tea ceremony was now gradually accepted by alcohol drinkers, instant-coffee/instant-tea lovers, bridging Chinese culture with the Western.

Lina Liu, hailed as the world's foremost umbrella juggler, stands as a two-time Guinness World Records holder and recipient of the International Circus Gold Award. Her performances have traversed the globe, leaving an indelible mark. Referred to as the "dark horse" by Cody Rhodes and the "dazzling butterfly" by Rosario Dawson, her talent transcends boundaries. Recognized as the Most Popular NBA Halftime Entertainment in 2020 by Big Ten, Lina Liu's mesmerizing acts have graced screens on NBC and NBA sports TV stations, captivating audiences worldwide. We specialize in delivering high-end, uniquely creative artistic experiences tailored to elevate your event, wherever it may be across the globe.

Lina Liu, 世界顶级蹬伞杂技大师。 她曾两次获得吉尼斯世界纪录保持者和国际马戏金奖,她的足迹遍布世界各地。“黑马”来自科迪·罗德,“耀眼蝴蝶”来自罗萨里奥·道森。 她被Big Ten评选为2020年最受欢迎的NBA半场娱乐节目,您随时可以在NBC、NBA体育电视台看到她。 她提供高端独特的艺术创意,为您在世界各地的活动带来精彩. 更多的介绍请打开网站:www.linaliu.org 和 umbrellalina.com.  Instagram @linaliuartistgroup .

变脸   Face-changing

变脸, 这是川剧表演艺术的特殊技巧之一,非常有趣。它是揭示剧中人物内心思想感情的一种浪漫主义手法。把不可见、不可感的抽象的东西变成可见、可感的具体的东西。

Face-changing: This is one of the special skills of Sichuan Opera performance art. It is very interesting. It is a romantic technique that reveals the inner thoughts and feelings of the characters in the play. Turn invisible and insensible abstract things into visible and sensible concrete things。

廖祖华表演的“变脸”,让大家近距离体会这种传统文化表演的精妙,演员上场时带着面具,甩了一下头,他的面具就变了,  通过可见和可感的具体脸谱,来表达人物情感的波折与变化。一张脸可以变出很多张颜色、情绪各异的脸来,真是非常不可思议! 

Liao Zuhua's "Face Changing" offers a captivating opportunity to intimately experience the nuances of this traditional cultural performance. As the actor steps onto the stage adorned with a mask, the mesmerizing transformation begins. With a mere shake of the head, the mask undergoes a remarkable change, revealing a sequence of vivid and discernible facial makeups that vividly portray a spectrum of emotions. Witnessing the seamless transition between expressions and the diverse array of emotions conveyed by a single face evolving into various hues and sentiments is truly awe-inspiring.

Congratulations to 2023 WACA Outstanding Student Leadership and Community Service Award Winners

2023 威郡春节晚会精彩回放 

优秀学生颁奖/Student Aawards 

Westchester County Executive  George Latimer, WACA president Shuo Wang, issued outstand student leadership and community service awards to   Alicia Xin,  Amelia Liu, and Sophia Huang, thanks to the award co-chairs  Jean Zhang, and  Li Pan

孙教授学生科技奖/Dr. Sun Student Science Award

WACA launched Dr. Sun Student Science Award.   Dr. Tung-Tien (Henry) Sun was the co-founder, the first President, and the Honorary Forever President of WACA, and  extraordinary Professor and Scientist at NYU. 

New Year Greetings from CE  Mr. George Latimer

Mr. Latimer wished all a big "leap" into perpetual prosperity and abundance!

WACA Interviewed Mr. George Latimer

Mr. Latimer emphasized the robust diversity of Westchester county.   

Dr. Ruojin Silvia Ren explaining eye care 

For nearly 25 years Dr. Ren has been providing comprehensive eye care services to patients of all ages. She offers both diagnostic and therapeutic services, including treatment for diabetic eye disease, glaucoma, cataracts, and dry eyes. She also provides surgical co-management.

Dr. Ren is especially passionate about children’s eye care, particularly myopia control. As a specialist in orthokeratology, as well as a member of the esteemed American Academy of Orthokeratology and Myopia Control, Dr. Ren is knowledgeable about Ortho-K contact lenses and other specialty products for children with myopia.

《新春游园》看一看有什么奇妙有趣的活动 ?

1) 炎黄子孙无论身在何地,都会吃出博大精深的中华饮食文化。  过年必吃传统美食, 新春好彩头.  

2) 花间一壶茶,无酒亦可醉。 又是一年团圆时,茶入口中,  滋味清鲜爽口,香气清新芬芳。

3)糖画  以勺为画笔,以糖汁为 “墨” , 行云流水之间,一幅糖画栩栩如生。生动传神地印证了 “化繁为简”、“以少胜多”的艺术境界。

4)折纸剪纸 以其特独的艺术魅力,流传于世界各地。它充满中国元素,深受人们喜爱,是一种老少皆宜的益智活动。 


要知道更多, 就点击Young WACA 现场专访。  

Young WACA interviewed Activity Leaders 

美食 Chinese Gourmet  

春来茶馆 Chunlai Tea Ceremony

糖画 Sugar sculpture 

折纸剪纸 Origami

 传统服饰留念 Costume Photo

书刊赠送 Books as Gifts 

筷子夹物游戏 Chopstick game

中医义诊  Chinese Medicine 

盛大演出 Grand Performance
Full coverage with videos will be updated soon

观众  The Audience 

Performance 精彩演出

Performance  精彩演出

闭幕  The closing

Celebration of the Year of Rabbit 

Spectacular Live Performances for veryone

Saturday February 18, 2023, 2:00pm – 6:00pm 

The Performance Art Center, SUNY at Purchase, 

 735 Anderson Hill Rd, Purchase, NY 10577     


威郡中国年 “福兔送喜,牵手同庆”春节联欢会如期走来!乘着兔年为我们带来的无限的生机和祥和的祝福, 纽约威郡华人协会,协同各个中文学校和机构,为 观众准备了一场集舞蹈,器乐,魔术,歌曲,语言类节目等多形式的综合联欢会。将于2023年2月18日, 在SUNY表演中心,隆重登场。 


Adult : $35;  early bird  price*- $ 30; at door - $40;  

Senior (>65 &+): $30 ; early bird  price*- $ 25;  at door - $35; 

Child (<12):  $30; early bird  price*- $ 25;  at door - $35;

VIP:  $100

For Ticket(s), please click https://cny2023.eventbrite.com  

(or scan left barcode)


Great Opportunities for all Local Businesses and Events 

(from the community to the community)

* For sponsorship, please fill out  The Sponsorship Application Form

* For advertisement,  please fill out The Program Book Advertisement Application Form 

* For on-site activities, please fill out The Vendor Table Registration Form  


2023 flyer V3.pdf



 糖画老师 隋亚军现在给大家做带着浓浓时代的印记糖画 - 以勺为画笔,以糖汁为“墨”, 行云流水之间,一幅糖画栩栩如生, 生动传神地印证了“化繁为简”、“以少胜多”的艺术境界。 糖画是是以加热的糖稀为原料做成各种造型的民间艺术。


廖祖华表演的“变脸”,让大家近距离体会这种传统文化表演的精妙,演员上场时带着面具,甩了一下头,他的面具就变了,  通过可见和可感的具体脸谱,来表达人物情感的波折与变化。一张脸可以变出很多张颜色、情绪各异的脸来,真是非常不可思议!


魔术师李影SAM and IBM 魔术协会会员。 出生魔术世家从师于 母亲杨新英著名魔术大师。李影曾于2000年在纽约水牛城参加美国国际魔术大赛荣获金奖。从事魔术教学 8 年 李影女儿Rena Cui 11岁参加纽约少儿魔术比赛一等奖

The Dr. Sun Student Science Award in Memory of Dr. Tung-Tien Henry Sun (February 20, 1947 - May 26, 2022). Dr. Sun was the co-founder and the first President (1989-1991) of the Westchester Association of Chinese Americans (WACA). He was a beloved and extraordinary Professor of CellBiology, Dermatology, Pharmacology, and Urology, at NYU School of Medicine. Dr. Sun's lab at NYU has helped numerous young scientific leaders stand out in curiosity, creativity, collaboration, and boldness in scientific research. The Dr. Sun Student Science Award is a continuation of his passion and devotion to supporting future generations of young scientists.EligibilityThe Dr. Sun Student Science Award provides the opportunity to nominate outstanding Chinese American students of 10th, 11th, and 12th grades in Westchester Country by their high school science teachers. Nominees then need to complete an application to compete for the award.The application will open for nomination in May and have the award in October. All applications are first checked for eligibility, including meetingthe application deadline and qualifications. Eligible applications are then evaluated and scored by a panel of professors and scientists.PrizeThe first-place winner will receive $2,000. The nomination is a great honor, as it designates to award the outstanding Chinese American students recognized by their respective high school science teachers. Each eligible nominee will receive a recognition letter from the President of the Westchester Association of Chinese Americans (WACA).

Congratulations to 2022 WACA Outstanding Student Leadership and Community Service Award Winners:

1st Place Winner: Alicia Xin    |   2nd Place Winner: Amelia Liu    |    3rd Place Winner: Sophia Huang

|| 2022 威郡春节联欢会节目回放  ||  2022 WACA CNC Replay ||

2022 威郡春节联欢会 - 节目荟萃 -  Individual performance of Chinese New Year Celebration 

Please Click the link(s) below to Watch


龙狮腾跃 【录像回放】 –大纽约华夏中文学校

新年祝福 【录像回放】WACA Board

Mr. George Latimer, Westchester County Executive

Jerry Wang,  CEO at Haitou Global

榜上有名【录像回放】 WACA 2021 优秀学生奖

Grand Performances(盛大演出)

MC 【录像回放】 -王睿娜 

1.儿童舞蹈: 你笑起来真好看【录像回放】 -夏玫舞蹈工作室,华夏纽约中心学校

2.书法祝福【录像回放】 - Chenhao Angel Zhao/赵晨皓

3.彝族舞蹈: 好姑娘 【录像回放】-夏玫舞蹈工作室

4.Electronic Wind InstrumentAr Diao 【录像回放】 -  Greg Gao

5.舞蹈:苏州河上一座桥 【录像回放】- 莉-花园舞蹈团,Serena Luo, Yinan, Xia Wang, 曹菲, Minnie Liu

6.Harmonica Solo Air on the G String 【录像回放】 - Greg Gao

7.藏族舞蹈:放牧青春 【录像回放】-夏玫舞蹈工作室舞蹈队 

8.艺术画廊 - 【录像回放】 Scarsdale Youth Art Show

9.舞蹈:绽放-【录像回放】 Scarsdale 翩跹舞苑,Sophie Luo;  Rachel Yang;  Linda Zhang;  Chenyu Li ; Serena Lin;  Alina Yang;  Michelle Peng; Julie Chen


10.相声:四道名菜 【录像回放】- 赵晨皓,赵晨宇

11.旗袍舞:花样年华 【录像回放】-大纽约华夏中文学校体育舞队,周青,李长秀,何文,王新彦,苏红,黄茵。指导老师-苏红

12.舞蹈:十步一箭 【录像回放】- Serena Lin.   Choreographer: Xiaoxiao Wang

13.舞蹈: 梨花颂 【录像回放】- The Evergreen Club

14.独唱:生僻字 【录像回放】–  Chenyu Li

15.舞蹈:下山 【录像回放】- 孙凌云,杨波,韩璐璐,雷天明,张东莉,施维,黎飒,魏萍

16.独唱:大鱼 【录像回放】–  Sarah zhang

17.Zumba Shivers 【录像回放】-大纽约华夏中文学校Zumba队,周青,李长秀,肖雁,马红云,Stacy Yan,罗敏,王媛,吴旭红,崔海妮,邬红玉,苏红。指导老师-苏红

18.儿童武术【录像回放】- Mia Wilson

19.Zumba:无价之姐【录像回放】 -大纽约华夏中文学校Zumba队,周青,李长秀,肖雁,马红云,Stacy Yan,罗敏,王媛,吴旭红,崔海妮,邬红玉,苏红。指导老师-苏红

20.华夏队列舞团二十年【录像回放】- HXNYC Line Dance Team,制作: Yuan Xiaojun, Yin Xiaoshen

21.作品欣赏 【录像回放】书法-李锐奇;绘画-陳慶娜;摄影-英华.Eric; 朗诵- James Wilson

鸣谢 【录像回放】- 海投全球简介


2021 WACA Outstanding Student Leadership and Community Service Award 

1st place: Vincent Li; 2nd place: Fiona Chen; 2nd place: Emma Zhu (tie)

In the face of Covid-19, Young WACA is seeking to bring hope and empathize with the struggles of the elderly. We are collecting cards for a card drive that will be mailed to the residents of Goodwin House. Anyone can submit a card, or simply write a kind message.  Please click here to submit a card or write a kind message.

绘出精彩,点亮世界 -斯镇第五期学生画展在图书馆拉开序幕


To review previous show, click HERE

WACA 2021 Chinese New Year Celebration Show Review    威郡2021"牛气冲天"新春联欢会回顾

Scarsdale Youth Art Show 2021 Winter Exhibit Review  |  新春学生画展回顾

Congratulations to all young artists for their outstanding artworks and creativity!  

5000 USD donation for personal protective equipment to organizations in urgent needs

As COVID-19 affects our community, there is a substantial increase in demand for the personal protective equipment (PPE). In addition to the volunteer works in the past few months, the Westchester Association of Chinese Americans (WACA) also contributed $5,000 to purchase 7,000 masks , and donated these masks to  9 organizations that are in urgent needs.   red more 

 All events

Student Awards

WACA recognizes outstanding student leadership and community service annually.

Winners of 2021 

Culture Programs

 WACA promotes cultural diversity and  creativity during Chinese New Year celebration and other events

Global Outreach 

WACA youth group connects with the world.


Friends of WACA 

THANK YOU to Support WACA a non-profit from community to community origination!

Please send your Support payment-check (payable to WACA) to:


34 Main Street, 

Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522

or        Zelle Pay: nywaca@gmail.com