New York State Elks Association - Internet / Electronic Media

This committee will provide a high quality, well organized and easy to navigate electronic medium to promote the public image of the Order and provide information useful to our membership.

Mission of the Committee

This committee will provide a high quality, well organized and easy to navigate electronic medium to promote the public image of the Order and provide information useful to our membership; improve communication and function within the organization, maintain credibility of the content provided and protect the integrity of the Association and the Order. This committee shall work with the chairmen of other state committees, including the Empire State Elk Publication, who may benefit from a presence on our site.

District Committee Guide

A guide for District Internet and Electronic Media Committee Chairpersons

Grand Lodge VHP for Lodges

The Virtual Home Page Owners Manual can be used to help you set up your Lodge's VHP. This guide is for Lodge webmasters, assigned by the Lodge Secretary.

Grand Lodge Guides

Also on the Grand Lodge Site are the Users Manual and the How to Register for document.

How does your Lodge's web presence compare to other Lodges? Keep your website up to date.

For information on the contest, follow the link above.


Contact to get more information.