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NYSAFLT Rochester Regional Conference

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Nazareth University, Rochester NY

Keynote speaker,  Laura Terrill

Laura Terrill is an Independent Consultant who works with educators in local, state, regional, national, and international schools.. She is the co-author of ACTFL Keys to Planning for Learning: Effective Curriculum, Unit and Lesson Design. She taught French for 21 years, has been a Coordinator of World Languages and Director of Curriculum. She has served on the Board of Directors for Central States and ACTFL. She is the recipient of the Founders Award for Central States, has been named as the NADSFL District Supervisor of the Year and has received the ACTFL Florence Steiner Award for Leadership. She was recently the Senior Associate for Professional Development for the National Foreign Language Center at the University of Maryland and continues to work as a consultant for PEARLL, a Title VI Language Resource Center.