Church in Franklin Meeting Hall

24  Evelyn Ave., Franklin Park, NJ 08823

2024 Spring Regional Conference Announcement


Message 1
3/22  Friday
7:30 PM


Message 2
3/23  Saturday
10:00 AM

Message 3
3/23. Saturday
4:00 PM

3/24  Lord's Day
10:00  AM

About the Meetings: 关于聚会事项

1. Translation will be provided for Chinese, Korean and Spanish. FM radios are avilable for the saints to borrow.


2. Lunch for both Saturday and Lord’s Day will be provided.


 About the Parking: 关于停车事


Dajie Li (908-342-4146); Huanwang Yang (732-823-8708); Joe Zhou (732-629-1679)

 Click to enlarge the map..点击

Franklin Park School

(For parking on Friday & Saturday)


30 Eden St, Franklin Park, NJ 08823

 Click to enlarge the map. 点击

Claremont Elementary School

(For parking on Lord’s Day)

175 Claremont Rd, Franklin Park, NJ 08823


1. No vehicle shall be parked in a fire lane, reserved parking space, or handicapped parking area. For your safety, please do not walk at any time between the school and the meeting hall.任何车辆均不得停放在消防通道、预留停车位或残疾人停车区。为了您的安全,请不要在学校和会所之间随意行走。

2. Due to limited parking spaces, it is recommended that all saints carpool to Franklin meeting hall.

3. We ask that the drivers first drop off all passengers at the Franklin meeting hall then proceed to park at the nearby lots. Shuttle service will be provided from the parking lots and Board of Education. See details below.
我们要求司机首先将所有乘客送到富兰克林会所, 然后再去附近的停车场停车。我们将提供从停车场和教育局往返会所的接驳车。请参见下文的详细信息。

4. There will be one-way traffic to the meeting hall. All vehicles should enter from Clover PL and exit on Evelyn Avenue. See

attached map.

前往会所的车辆只能单向通行。所有车辆都应从Clover PL进入,从Evelyn Avenue出来。请参见左图。

5. Limited parking will be available at the Franklin meeting hall for serving ones with a permit only. Overflow parking will be available at the Franklin Park School.

6. Please follow the directions of the traffic serving brothers and obey the 15 mph speed limit in  the parking lot. Drive carefully and beware of your surroundings.


Friday and Saturday):(3/22 - 3/23):
周五和周六 (3/22 - 3/23):

1. On Friday and Saturday, parking isavailable at the Franklin Park School (30 Eden St, Franklin Park, NJ 08823) parking lot.

周五和周六可将车停放在富兰克林公园学校(30 Eden St, Franklin Park, NJ 08823)的停车场。

2. Before the meeting, drivers may drop off all passengers at the Franklin meeting hall first and then proceed to park their vehicles at the Franklin Park School lot.

聚会前,司机可以先将所有乘客送到富兰克林会所, 然后再前往富兰克林帕克学校停车场停放车辆。

3. After the meeting, saints should line up outside the Franklin meeting hall and wait for a shuttle to take back to the parking lot.


Lord’s Day (3/24):
主日 (3/24):

1. On Lord’s Day, parking is available at Claremont Elementary School (175 Claremont Rd, Franklin Park, NJ 08823) parking lot.

主日当天请将车停放于克莱蒙特小学 Claremont Elementary School(175 Claremont Rd, FranklinPark, NJ 08823)的停车场。

2. For saints who need children service (K-6), please drop the children off at the Franklin Board of Education Consolata Building (2301 NJ-27, Somerset, NJ 08873) and then leave your car parked in the BOE parking lot and take the shuttle tothe meeting hall.

对于需要儿童服事(幼儿园至六年级)的圣徒,请将孩子送到富兰克林教育局(2301 NJ-27, Somerset,NJ 08873),然后将车停在教育局停车场,并搭乘接驳车前往会所。

3. For those who do not need children service, drivers may drop off all passengers at the Franklin meeting hall first and then proceed to park their vehicles at the Claremont Elementary School lot.

对于不需要儿童服事的圣徒,司机可先将所有乘客送 到富兰克林会所,然后再前往克莱蒙特小学Claremont Elementary School 停车场停放车辆。

4. After the meeting, saints should line up outside the Franklin meeting hall and wait for a shuttle back to their cars. Both driver and passengers should take the shuttle as a group to the school parking lot or Franklin BOE to retrieve their cars.


 About Children Services: 关于儿童服事

Franklin Board of Education Consolata building

(For children service on Lord’s Day)

2301 NJ-27, Somerset, NJ 08873


Coordinators: Tim (551-265-9881); Jack (646-708-6573);  Shepherd (732-648-3764)

1. Children's service will be provided for children from Kindergarten to Grade 6 on Saturday and Lord's Day.


2. Friday, 3/22: No children services on Friday. Parents are responsible to arrange among themselves childcare for that evening. One room on the east wing of the first floor with live streaming of the message will be provided for parents with little children. Basement area will be provided for older children and their parents to use.


将提供信息的现场直播, 供婴幼孩童的家长使用。地下室将提供给大孩子及其家长使用。

3. Saturday, 3/23: Children’s service will be provided at the meeting hall of the Church in Franklin (24 Evelyn Ave, Franklin NJ 08823). Children may be dropped off beginning at 9:30 AM for the morning session and 3:30 PM for the afternoon session.
3/23星期六:富兰克林召会提供儿童服事(地址:24 Evelyn Ave, Franklin NJ 08823)家长们可以分别在早上9:30am将孩子送往会所签到后, 然后参加上午聚会;同样在下午3:30pm 将孩子送往会所t答到后,然后参加下午聚会。

4. Lord's Day, 3/24 (Please Read Carefully!!!): Children’s service will be provided at Franklin BOE Consolata Building (2301 NJ-27, Somerset, NJ 08873), 5 minutes driving from the Franklin meeting hall. Children may be dropped off beginning at 9:30 AM. After dropping off children, parents can park in the BOE parking lot and take the shuttles to Franklin Meeting Hall. On Lord's Day, lunch will be served to children by the serving ones.
3/24(主日)(请仔细阅读!!): 儿童服事将在富兰克林教育局 BOE Consolata Building(

2301 NJ-27, Somerset, NJ 08873) 举行,距离富兰克林召会会所开车5分钟。孩子们可以在上午9:30开始入场。家长可以在富兰克林教育局(BOE)停车场停车, 然后搭乘接驳车前往富兰克林召会会所。主日,服事者将为孩子们提供午餐。

5. Pre-K, toddlers, and younger children: One of the parents is required to stay with them. A room will be provided for them and their parents with live streaming of the messages for all 4 meetings from Friday to Lord's Day. Registration for children is required for all ages including Pre-K, toddlers, and babies. Please submit one form for each child.

婴幼孩童: 要求其中一名父母陪同。将为他们和他们的父母提供一个房间, 并提供周期五到主日的四次聚会的信息现场直播。所有年龄段的孩子, 包括婴幼孩童,都需要进行注册。请父母为每个孩子提交一张表格。。

6. Please submit the children's registration form as soon as possible. Any food allergies should be noted to the serving ones.
