Isaac Castillo

Who I Am

Greetings, my name is Isaac Castillo, and I went to The Urban Assembly New York Harbor School. The Marine Biology Research Program was my CTE, and I participated in it throughout high school. According to my Myers-Briggs personality type, INTP, I typically remain to myself and prefer to work alone when given a choice. When working alone, I finish my chores more quickly, but I always maintain my resources close by if I need help. Holland code, for me, is ICE. I always decide to go about and do some research before doing anything. Brooklyn, New York, is where I was born and raised, and when the time comes, I'll be the first person in my family to attend college and study computer science so I can keep pursuing my passion for technology and web design.

More About me

Currently a Poolee in the United States Marine Corps. Science, technology, and the aviation industry are three areas that interest me. I am eager to pursue a career in either or, but I must first face the difficulties of being a marine. I am an introvert and a problem solver. Most of the time, I choose to work alone because it makes objectives less stressful. I like art and playing video games. Being outside in nature with my loved ones and reading a book comforts me.  I love traveling and listening to music and experiencing other cultures.