Mandarin Accidental Gap Corpus

張貼日期:Dec 05, 2018 9:31:0 AM

About the Corpus

(updated on 06/14/2021, 11 syllables added)

A calculation of 398 allowable Mandarin syllables (from Lin 2007 appendix B) [1]


Mandarin Accidental Gaps Corpus Study with IPA.xlsx

Mandarin Accidental Gaps Corpus Study.csv (ICPhS 2019 presentation slides) (ICPhs 2019 paper for citation)

Two views in accidental gap calculations:

① Broad view: [Syllable + tone]

combinations that do not exist were counted as accidental gaps.

② Narrow view: [Syllable + tone] + frequency restriction

combinations with zero frequency in the corpus (Tseng 2003) [2] were counted as accidental gaps.


[1] Lin Y-H. (2007) The Sounds of Chinese, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

[2] Tseng, S.-C. 2013. Lexical coverage in Taiwan Mandarin conversation. International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing 18(1):1-18.

Collected by NYCU Experimental Phonology Lab

#contact for any questions or suggestions