
 Feb. 2024, Visited by President Kawai from The National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS).

 Nov. 2023, TJ-SS in NYCU.

 Nov. 2023, TJ-CGAC in Kyoto University.

May. 2023, Visited by Prof. Tsai from Tokyo University of Science and RIKEN.

Mar. 2023, Visited by Prof. Shimizu from Keio University and Dr. Chen form Academia Sinica.

Feb. 2023, Asta, Alex and Watalu's experiment in KYOTO UNIVERSITY.

Dec. 2022, Visited by Prof. Okada from OIST (Okinawa).

Nov. 2022, Presentations of  Prof. Lin, Kawakami san, Scola, Asta, Alex in RPGR 2022.

Oct. 2022, Talk at FUTEX 2022.

Oct. 2022, Tony won first place in 2022 undergraduate thematic competition of department of Electrophysics.
Sep. 2022, Tony's presentation at IVC-22.

Jul. 2022, Graduation party.

Jun. 2022, Party after oral defense.

Apr. 2022, Graduation party.

Nov. 2021, Presentations of Pratyay and Frank in IEDMS 2021.

Mar. 2021, Travel in Miaoli.

Sep. 2020, "Gasshuku" in Hualien.

Feb. 2020, Visited by Prof. Hasegawa from Univ. Tokyo.

Dec. 2019, Lucy's first presentation in ICSPM27.

Oct. 2019, "Gashuku" in Yilan.

Sep. 2019, Visited by Prof. Takagi from Kyoto Univ.

Apr. 2019, "Gashuku" in Taichung

Jan. 2019, Visited by Prof. Fu, Prof. Kim, Dr. Liu and Dr. Kawakami during TPS.

Jan. 2019, Party for the end of Lunar year.

Dec. 2018, Visiting IoP in Academia Sinica.

Dec. 2018, Visiting NTU Prof. YP Chiu's Lab.

Dec. 2018, Visited by Prof. Y. Kim's group from RIKEN.

Dec. 2018, Visited by Prof. N. Takagi from Kyoto University.

Dec. 2018, Visited by Prof. S. Stauss from Tohoku University and Prof. Y. Kunisada from Hokkaido University.

Nov. 2018, Visited by Prof. T. C. Chiang.

Sep. 2018, Party for the New Semester.

Jul. 2018, Pizza@New Office.

May. 2018, Talk in NTNU.

Mar. 2018, JPS Young Scientist Award.

Nov. 2017, Great Moment beyond the Ito conference.

Jul. 2016, Cover of Solid State Physics.

Dec. 2015, Invited talk in Florida.