Citizen Science : A Library Case Study

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Birding, Biodiversity, & Pollinators At Rogers Memorial Library

Our library's birding backpack, which we have offered for checkout for two years, has been transformed into a citizen science kit for interested patrons! Click the links to view our purchased items. 

Original Birding Backpack Contents:

Total Spend: $175.24

"Basics Only" - Backpack, binoculars, poncho, books and guide: $97.72

We added information about two citizen science projects from SciStarter: 

The following items were added to complete these kits:

Total Spend: $65.44

With a relatively small budget, we were able to bring well-stocked citizen science kits to our patrons! 

Telescopes and Light Measurement

We are exploring adding the citizen science project "Measuring Light in the Night" from SciStarter and information from Globe at Night to our telescope, both to gather information about light pollution and visible constellations.