Open Letter to Secretary DeVos and Asst. Secretary Marcus

from members of the National Women's Studies Association

November 11, 2018

The Honorable Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Education

Mr. Kenneth L. Marcus, J.D., Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights

U.S. Department of Education

400 Maryland Ave. SW

Washington, DC 20202

Dear Secretary DeVos and Assistant Secretary Marcus:

As faculty, staff, and students who teach and study women’s and gender issues and offer resources to students through women’s centers, we have long been engaged in efforts to address gender-based violence on college campuses. As members of the National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA), one of the largest academic associations in North America, we also see firsthand how critical civil rights laws are to ensuring a safe educational environment for our students. Many of us have supported victims of sexual harassment and misconduct and can testify that sex- and gender-based discrimination can impede access to educational opportunities, derail an education, and damage a student’s future.

We therefore write to express our serious concerns about the Department of Education’s (ED) draft Title IX regulations as leaked on September 13, 2018, as well as the report of a separate leaked memorandum in which the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) proposes to redefine “sex” as a person’s binary sex assigned at birth.

Far from ensuring equal educational opportunity for all students regardless of sex, these draft regulations would make all students in schools across the country—but especially trans* and gender non-binary people, and cisgender women and girls—more vulnerable to harassment and other forms of discrimination. This unequal treatment is a form of discrimination itself, and does not achieve the result that was intended when Congress passed and President Nixon signed Title IX in 1972.

Sexual harassment should never be the end of anyone’s education. Yet we live in a nation where nearly 1 in 4 transgender and gender-nonconforming students, more than 1 in 5 women, and nearly 1 in 18 men are sexually assaulted during their time in college. Even higher numbers of students are verbally sexually harassed; more than 60% of all students report experiencing verbal sexual harassment during college.

Providing strong protections for victims of sexual assault is in the best interest of all students, regardless of race, color, and ethnicity. Evidence suggests that women students of color are disproportionately targeted for sexual harassment and violence, but are often invisible in the national conversation about such abusive conduct.

Providing strong protections for victims of sexual assault is in the best interest of all students, regardless of sex or gender; multiple studies have showed that men and boys are far more likely to be victims of sexual assault than to be falsely accused of it.

Providing strong protections for victims of sexual assault is in the best interest of all students, regardless of class or economic status. The stories of survivors who end up dropping out of school because they do not feel safe on campus are too numerous to count; some are expelled for lower grades in the wake of their trauma, and many bear the burden of student loans for an unfinished education.

The leaked proposed rules would significantly weaken the protections for victims of sexual harassment and assault.

Here are just some of the reasons:

  • On page 17 of the leaked document, the ED proposes to narrow the definition of "sexual harassment" so that only certain forms of quid pro quo harassment, and what has traditionally been called hostile environment harassment (harassment that is "so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it denies a person access to the recipient's program or education activity"), would count as sexual harassment. The problem with this is that it ignores all of the efforts that have been made to prioritize prevention of sexual violence; it would require victims to wait until the harassment is so severe that they are barred from educational opportunities before they report. It also flies in the face of precedent and federal law. Since the 1980s, sexual harassment has been defined as any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature.
  • On page 19 of the leaked document, the ED suggests that institutions of higher education and other recipients of federal student aid would have a duty to respond to discrimination only in cases in which those with the authority to institute corrective measures have "actual knowledge"—and not in cases in which serial sexual harassment, misconduct, and even assault are "open secrets" among faculty and staff, but in which direct reports were not made. This means that universities will not be responsible for the discriminatory behavior of serial harassers such as Geoff Marcy and John Searle, who were "known problems"—but whose victims were discouraged from reporting due to the "star status" of the offenders. It also means that schools like Michigan State and Penn State would have had no responsibility to stop Larry Nassar and Jerry Sandusky—just because their victims reported their experiences to school employees who didn’t have “authority to institute corrective measures.”
  • On page 29 of the leaked document, the ED severely limits the protection afforded by Title IX by insisting that a recipient of federal aid "is only responsible for responding to conduct that occurred within its education program or activity." This means that if a middle school student is being sexually harassed by her classmates on Instagram or Snapchat, her school would no longer need to do anything—even if she stops attending school as a result of the harassment. It means that a faculty member can grope a graduate student at a conference with impunity. And it means that if a college student is sexually assaulted by another student at an off-campus frat party, her college wouldn’t need to investigate—even if she drops a class or drops out altogether because she is afraid of seeing her rapist on campus.
  • On page 46 of the leaked document, the ED indicates that recipients of federal student aid "may apply either the preponderance of evidence standard or the clear and convincing standard"—but then also suggests that the recipient must apply the same standard for all complaints of discrimination. This is both contradictory and misleading. As a group of over 100 law professors has pointed out, until last year, the ED has consistently required schools to use the preponderance of the evidence standard in investigating all complaints of discriminatory harassment, including not only sexual harassment but also racial harassment and other forms of race or national origin discrimination. The draft leaked rules only establish that the clear and convincing evidence standard may be used in sexual harassment cases, treating sexual harassment victims differently and less protectively than all other discrimination victims. In addition, allowing different standards for racial versus sexual harassment creates an intersectional legal conflict for women and gender-minority students of color, at least, and likely for other students who face intersectional forms of discrimination.

The leaked proposed rules are far out of step with the general public’s views on sexual harassment. The American public overwhelmingly agrees that strong Title IX protections are necessary to ensure student survivors’ equal access to education. Of the over 12,000 people who submitted comments to ED last fall regarding Title IX, 99% supported Title IX and 96% explicitly urged the Department to preserve its 2011 Dear Colleague Letter on sexual violence. They were joined by more than 150,000 other individuals who signed petitions and statements that were delivered to ED in January through September 2017 in support of Title IX and the 2011 guidance. And this support was expressed before the #MeToo movement and other high profile examples of public opposition to sexual harassment in the last year.

The threat to Title IX protections for non-genderconforming students shows a similar disconnect with public opinion. The HHS proposal to narrow the definition of "sex" to a person's binary sex assigned at birth, which would undermine the goals of Title IX by harming all students who fail to conform to rigid gender stereotypes and by exacerbating the violence and discrimination directed at transgender, non‑binary, and intersex people, ignores the fact that a 2018 survey of global attitudes towards transgender people shows that a strong majority (60%) of people around the world and a majority (51%) of Americans want their country to do more to protect and support transgender people, who are uniquely vulnerable to sexual harassment and violence. At school, 84% of transgender students report that they were harassed because of their gender, and those who persevere are more likely to miss or drop out of school and to have significantly lower GPAs. Now, more than ever, ED must not turn its back on student survivors and gender-minority students.

We call on ED to refrain from publishing a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking until it has fully engaged with student survivors; gender-minority students; civil rights advocates; and educators; and incorporated their concerns into any regulations ED may then seek to propose.

We urge ED not to ignore the overwhelming majority of Americans who supported the 2011 and 2014 guidances on sexual violence and the overwhelming number of education and child health experts who supported the 2016 guidance on the rights of transgender students that Secretary DeVos and Attorney General Sessions rescinded in 2017.

We urge ED not to further deprive student survivors and gender-minority students of equal protection of the law. Title IX was passed over 40 years ago with the goal of ensuring equal educational opportunity. Few, if any, civil rights statutes have received as much overwhelming, bipartisan support as has Title IX.

We call on the Department of Education to honor that support, to do the job delegated to it by Title IX, and to take seriously the work of ensuring safe, non-discriminatory educational environments for all.


Signatures (603):

Jacqueline Adams, Faculty, Bowling Green State University, Ohio

Kathleen Adams, Professor of Anthropology, Loyola University Chicago, Illinois

Elizabeth Adan, Professor, Art and Design and Member, WGS Teaching Faculty, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California

Amy Agigian, Assoc. Prof. of Sociology, Suffolk University, Massachusetts

Sanjam Ahluwalia, Professor, WGS and Department of History, Northern Arizona University, Arizona

Ryan Alaniz, Assoc. Prof. of Sociology, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California

April Alliston, Professor of Comparative Literature, Princeton University, New Jersey

Amy Allocco, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, Elon University, North Carolina

Dylan Allred, Student, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, California

Adriana Alvarado Garcia, PhD Student in Digital Media department, Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia

Jennifer Alvey, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Women's and Gender Studies, University of Michigan - Flint, Michigan

Rosalyn M. Amenta, Director of Women’s Programs, Southern Connecticut State University, Connecticut

Megan Ammer, Graduate Student - Women's Studies and Gender Studies, Loyola University Chicago, Illinois

Young-ok An, Associate Prof. of English, Affiliated with Women's Studies, Director of the Luann Dummer Center for Women, University of St. Thomas, Saint Paul, MN, Minnesota

Hafeeza Anchrum, Research Assistant & PhD Student, School of Nursing, University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania

Uzoamaka Anyiwo, Professor African American Studies, Curry College, Massachusetts

Vivian Appler, Assistant Professor, Theatre, Women's and Gender Studies, College of Charleston, South Carolina

Amanda Armstrong-Price, Assistant Professor of History, Fordham University, New York

Mariam Asad, PhD candidate/instructor in Digital Media, Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia

Eve Aschheim, Lecturer, Lewis Center for the Arts, Princeton University, New Jersey

Nnenne Asi, B.A Women and Gender Studies, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, North Carolina

Colleen Asper, Lecturer in Visual Arts, Princeton University, New Jersey

Dolores Augustine, Professor of History, St. John's University, New York

Lori Bable, PhD/JD student, University of Arizona, Arizona

Aneesa Baboolal, PhD Candidate, Sociology and Criminal Justice, University of Delaware, Delaware

Daoine Bachran, Ph.D., V. Assist. Prof. Gender & Women's Studies, University of Denver, Colorado

Courtney Bailey, Assoc. Prof. of Communication Arts and affiliated with Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Allegheny College, Pennsylvania

Carrie N. Baker, Professor of the Study of Women and Gender, Smith College, Massachusetts

Jennifer Balboni, Professor of Criminal Justice, Curry College, Massachusetts

Timothy tenBroeke Balke, Clinical Faculty, Graduate School of Professional Psychology, University of St. Thomas, Minnesota

Isabel Ballester, , Davidson College, North Carolina

Anondo Banerjee, Sexual and Interpersonal Violence Prevention Education and Outreach Coordinator, Miami University, Ohio

Adriane Bang, Director, Gender Equity Center, Boise State University, Idaho

Dr. Jennifer Barajas, Assistant Professor of Spanish, WGS Committee Member, Bradley University, Illinois

Chris Barcelos, Assistant Professor of Gender and Women's Studies, University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin

Monica Barron, Program Coordinator, Women's and Gender Studies, Truman State University, Missouri

Susannah Bartlow, Independent Scholar, University of Memphis, Tennessee

Bernadette Barton, Prof of Sociology and Gender Studies, Morehead State University, Kentucky

Annamaria Basile, , St. John’s University, New York

Rebekah Bass, Student, University of Northern Iowa, Iowa

Amy Beadle, Graduate Student, Graduate School of Professional Psychology, University of St. Thomas, Minnesota

Gwendolyn Beetham, Associate Director, Gender, Sexuality & Women's Studies, University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania

Elaina Behounek, Assistant Professor of Sociology and Criminal Justice, Middle Georgia State University, Georgia

Margaret Beissinger, Research Scholar, Slavic Dept., Princeton University, New Jersey

Wendy Belcher, Assoc. Prof of African Literature, Princeton Univesity, New Jersey

Cara Benedetto, Assistant prof. Print media & Dir. of Graduate Studies, VCU, Virginia

Krista Benson, Assistant Professor of Liberal Studies, Grand Valley State University, Michigan

Tamara Berg, Professor of Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, Winona State University, Minnesota

Suzanne Bergeron, Professor of Women's and Gender Studies, University of Michigan Dearborn, Michigan

Kim Berry, Professor and Chair of Critical Race, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Humboldt State University, California

Jay Bettergarcia, Assistant Professor of Psychology & Child Development, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California

Donna M. Bickford, Director, Women's and Gender Resource Center, Dickinson College, Pennsylvania

Céline Bisson, Women’s & Gender Studies student, California Polytechnic Univetsity, San Luis Obispo, California

Kristin Mapel Bloomberg, Professor and Chair, Women's Studies, Hamline University, Minnesota

Tracey Jean Boisseau, Associate Professor of Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies, Purdue University, Indiana

MaryJo Bona, Professor and Chair, Department of Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies, Stony Brook University, New York

Dr. Denise Paquette Boots, Professor of Public Policy & Political Economy, University of Texas at Dallas, Texas

Eileen Boris, Hull Professor of Feminist Studies, University of California Santa Barbara, California

Jennifer Bosson, Professor of Psychology and Women's Studies Affiliate, University of South Florida, Florida

Suzanne Bost, Professor of English and Women's Studies and Gender Studies affiliate, Loyola University Chicago, Illinois

Laura Bower-Phipps, Professor of Curriculum & Learning, Southern Connecticut State University, Connecticut

Daniela Brancaforte, Senior Assistant Dean, Director of Strategic Initiatives & Interdisciplinary Programs, Adjunct Professor of Anthropology, Georgetown University, District of Columbia

Jessica Bray, Academic Advisor, College of Arts and Sciences, Loyola University Chicago, Illinois

Andrea Breau, Lecturer in Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies, The Ohio State University, Ohio

Lindsey Breitwieser, Doctoral Candidate of Gender Studies, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

Patricia Joy Brock, Senior Analyst, California Polytechnic State University, California

Winnifred Brown-Glaude, Associate Professor, African American Studies, The College of New Jersey, New Jersey

Maria Bucur, Professor of Gender Studies and History, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

Kristen M. Budd, Assistant Professor of Sociology & Criminology, Miami University, Ohio

Maria Helena Buitrago Cohoon, Mid Campus East Block Hall Director, Department of Residence Life, University of St. Thomas, Minnesota

Iris Bull, Graduate Student, SICE, Indiana University, Indiana

Colleen Bunn, Director of Residence Life/Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Susquehanna University, Pennsylvania

Jessica Burchett, Undergraduate WGSS student, Elon University, North Carolina

Christi Burdick-Travis, Director of Executive Education, University of St. Thomas, Minnesota

Shawn Meghan Burn, Professor of Psychology, California Polytechnic State University, California

Ann Burnett, Director, Women and Gender Studies, North Dakota State University, North Dakota

Emily Burrill, Associate Professor, Women's and Gender Studies/History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Theresa L. Burriss, Chair, Appalachian Studies, Radford University, Virginia

Ashlee Burt, Academic Advisor, Engineering Student Services, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California

Sheila Bustillos, M.Ed., Doctoral Candidate and GTA in the Department of Multicultural Women's and Gender Studies, Texas Woman's University, Texas

Samuel Neil Byrd, MED NCC, Lead Coordinator for Campus LGBTQ+ Initiatives | Dean of Students, California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly), California

Bernadette Marie Calafell, Professor, University of Denver, Colorado

Lewis Call, Professor of History and Women's and Gender Studies, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California

Kim Camacho, Violence Prevention and Support Coordinator, Gender Equity Center, Boise State University, Idaho

Jizelle Campbell, Student, Elon University, North Carolina

Theresa Canfield, Student, Loyola University Chicago, Illinois

Stephanie Cappadona, Assistant Professor, Curry College, Massachusetts

Jamie Capuzza, Professor, University of Mount Union, Ohio

Resha Cardone, Associate Professor of Spanish and Women's Studies, Southern Connecticut State University, Connecticut

Beth Carroll, Associate Professor, Appalachian State University, North Carolina

Tamar W. Carroll, Associate Professor of History, Rochester Institute of Technology, New York

McKenzie Carter, Student, Loyola University of Chicago, Illinois

Siobhan Carter-David, Associate Professor of History, Southern Connecticut State University, Connecticut

Monica J. Casper, Professor of Gender and Women's Studies; Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs and Inclusion, University of Arizona, Arizona

Elizabeth Catchings, Assistant Teaching Professor, Writing Program, University of Denver, Colorado

Santhosh Chandrashekar, Assistant Professor, Communication Studies, University of Denver, Colorado

Edmond Y. Chang, Assistant Professor of English, Ohio University, Ohio

Sara Chatfield, Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Denver, Colorado

Edward Chauca, Assistant Professor, Hispanic Studies, College of Charleston, South Carolina

Frederique Chevillot, Professor, French & Francophone Studies, University of Denver, Colorado

Dr. Sara Childers, Associated Faculty, Assistant Director, Ohio State University, Ohio

Esther Chow, Professor of Sociology, American University, Washington, D.C.

Nicole Christian, , University of St. Thomas, Minnesota

Fae Chubin, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Bradley University, Illinois

David Andrew Ciepley, Associate Professor of Political Science, Universiy of Denver, Colorado

Laura Ciolkowski, Senior Lecturer, Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts

Adele E. Clarke, Professor Emerita, Doctoral Program in Sociology, University of California, San Francisco, California

Katie Clonan-Roy, Assistant Professor of Curriculum & Foundations, Cleveland State University, Ohio

Gail Cohee, Director of Center for Women and Gender, Brown University, Rhode Island

Ed Cohen, Professor of Women's and Gender Studies, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey

Ellen G. Cohn, Associate Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice/Women and Gender Studies, Florida International University, Florida

Carol Colatrella, Professor, CoDirector of Center for Study of Women, Science, and Technology, Georgia Tech, Georgia

Paula M. Cole, Teaching Associate Professor, University of Denver, Colorado

Emily Colpitts, PhD Candidate, York University, Canada

Catherine Cory, Associate Professor of Theology, University of St. Thomas, Minnesota

Nina Cory, Student, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, University of Northern Iowa,

Dr. Lisa A. Costello, Director, WGSS, Georgia Southern University, Georgia

Julia H Coyne, Director, School Psychology, Montclair State University, New Jersey

Catherine Craft-Fairchild, Professor of English, University of St. Thomas, Minnesota

Natalie Crane, , Western Kentucky University, Kentucky

Sara Crawley, Associate Professor and Graduate Director, Department of Sociology, University of South Florida, Florida

Suzanne E Cuellar, Graduate Student in Social Work and Women's Studies & Gender Studies, Loyola University Chicago, Illinois

Giselle Cunanan, PhD Candidate, Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana

Elizabeth Currans, Assoc Prof of Women's and Gender Studies, Eastern Michigan University, Michigan

Anna Daley Laursen, Gender and Women's Studies Student, University of Denver, Colorado

Meghan Daniel, PhD Candidate, University of Illinois at Chicago, Illinois

Gwen D'Arcangelis, Assistant Professor of Gender Studies, Skidmore College, New York

Coralynn Davis, Professor of Women's and Gender Studies and Anthropology, Bucknell University, Pennsylvania

Sky Davis, , College of Wooster, Ohio

Thomas M. Davis, H.S.D., Professor of Health Promotion, University of Northern Iowa, Iowa

Misty De Berry, Visiting Scholar & Pre-doctoral Fellow, Women’s and Gender Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Massachusetts

Kylan Mattias de Vries, Assoc. Professor, GSWS and Sociology, Southern Oregon University, Oregon

Kris De Welde, Director, Women's and Gender Studies, College of Charleston, South Carolina

Vasilikie Demos, Professor Emerita of Sociology, University of Minnesota, Morris, Minnesota

Dianne J. DeTurris, Professor, Aerospace Engineering, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California

Carl DiSalvo, Assoc. Prof. of Interactive Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia

Nicole Guenther Discenza, Professor of English, University of South Florida, Florida

Kelly Donahue, Adjunct Professor of History, University of St. Thomas, Minnesota

Leah Drayton, Student, English and Media Studies, Hunter College, Indiana

Patricia S. Duff, MSN, Master’s student in Women’s & Gender Studies, Southern CT State University, Connecticut

Aisha Durham, Associate Professor of Communication, University of South Florida, Florida

Meenakshi Gigi Durham, Professor, School of Journalism and Mass Communication and Dept. of Gender, Women's and Sexuality Studies, University of Iowa, Iowa

Aniruddha Dutta, Assistant Professor of Gender, Women's & Sexuality Studies, University of Iowa, Iowa

Mary Ann Dzuback, Chair, Assoc Prof Women Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri

Alexis Easley, Professor of English, University of St Thomas, Minnesota

Gina Leah Edwards, Student, Mary Baldwin University, Virginia

R. Danielle Egan, Fuller-Matthai Professor of Gender, Sexuality, and Intersectionality Studies, Connecticut College, Connecticut

Carolyn J. Eichner, Assoc. Prof., History and Women’s & Gender Studies, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Carolyn Elerding, PhD, Asst. Prof. of Women's Studies, Wichita State University, Kansas

Jennifer Ellerman-Queen, Instructor of Women’s and Gender Studies, University of South Florida, Florida

Cassidy Enlow, , University of Northern Colorado, Colorado

Nirmala Erevelles, Professor, Social and Cultural Studies in Education,, The University of Alabama, Alabama

Claire A. Etaugh, Distinguished Professor of Psychology, Emerita, Women & Gender Studies Affiliated Faculty Member, Bradley University, Illinois

Katie L. Ettl, 4th year undergraduate student, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California

Breanne Fahs, Professor, Women and Gender Studies, Arizona State University, Arizona

Susan A. Farrell, Professor Emerita, Behavioral Sciences & Woman's & Gender Studies, Kingsborough Community College, CUNY, New York

Dr. Sandra L. Faulkner, Prof. of Communication & Director of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Bowling Green State University, Ohio

Lindsey Feitz, Director of Gender and Women's Studies Program; Associate Teaching Professor of GWST, University of Denver, Colorado

Mary L. Felstiner, Professor Emerita of History, San Francisco State University, California

Myra Marx Ferree, Alice H. Cook Professor of Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin

Lindsay Nicole Firster, Graduate Student Department of WGS, University of South Florida, Florida

Olivia Fisher, , University of Denver, Colorado

William F Flack Jr, Professor and Co-Chair, Department of Psychology, Bucknell University, Pennsylvania

Charlotte Fonrobert, Associate Professor of Religious and Gender Studies, Stanford University, California

Karen J Ford, Professor of English, Divisional Dean for Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Oregon, Oregon

Estelle Freedman, Robinson Professor in U.S. History, Stanford University, California

Susan Freeman, Assoc. Prof. and Chair of Gender and Women’s Studies, Western Michigan University, Michigan

Su Friedrich, Professor, Visual Arts Program, Princeton University, New Jersey

Madison Gagnon, Master of Social Work Student and Graduate Assistant at the Women's Center, St. Cloud State University, Minnesota

Amy Gansell, Associate Professor of Art History, St. John's University, New York

Lorrie Greenhouse Gardella, Associate Professor of Social Work, Southern Connecticut State University, Connecticut

Victoria L Garrett, Visiting Assistant Professor of Hispanic Studies, College of Charleston, South Carolina

Ednie Kaeh Garrison, Adjunct Lecturer, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and UC Santa Barbara, California

Ann Garry, Professor Emerita of Philosophy, California State University, Los Angeles, California

Alexander Joseph Gawlik, , UNC Greensboro, North Carolina

Judith Gerso, Associate Prof. Women's and Gender Studies and Sociology, Rutgers University, New Jersey

Jean Giebenhain, Professor of Psychology, University of St. Thomas, Minnesota

Ian Gillespie, Student of English Literature, Foreign Languages, and WGS, California Polytechnic State University, California

BROOKE GILMORE, Director, Deborah L. Coffin Women's Center, Southern New Hampshire University, New Hampshire

Katie Gilroy, Student of Gender Studies, Nebraska Wesleyan University, Nebraska

Sarah Gjertson, Associate Professor, Studio Art, University of Denver, Colorado

Sarah Glasco, Coordinator, Women's, Gender, and Sexualities Studies Interdisciplinary Minor Program, Elon University, North Carolina

Jessica Gokhberg, PhD Candidate, Duke University, North Carolina

Kim Golombisky, Assoc. Prof. of Women's & Gender Studies, University of South Florida, Florida

Jax Gonzalez, PhD Student and Professor, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado

Thalia Gonzalez, Associate Professor of Politics and Law, Occidental College, California

Noelani Goodyear-Kaʻōpua, Associate Professor and Department Chair of Political Science, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, Hawaiʻi

Hava Gordon, Chair, Department of Sociology and Criminology, University of Denver, Colorado

Jacqueline Grabowski, Undergraduate, History Major, Women's Studies and Education Minor, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, Wisconsin

Lateja Grate, Student, Texas Woman's University, Texas

Carly Greco, MA, MSW Candidate, Wilfrid Laurier University, Ontario, Canada

Sharon Green, Former instructor of Women's Studies at the University at Buffalo, ,

Adrienne Greve, Professor City and Regional Planning, California Polytechnic State University, California

Ashley Griffin, LMSW, Program Manager, Sexual Misconduct Support Services, University of Houston, Texas

Susan Grover, Women's and Gender Studies MA candidate, University of Northern Iowa, Iowa

Cheri Gurse, Teaching Faculty, Undergraduate Studies, Antioch University Santa Barbara, California

Percival Vincent Haas, Admin Assistant of Women's & Gender Studies, College of Charleston, South Carolina

Cheryl Hall, Associate Professor of Political Theory, School of Interdisciplinary Global Studies, University of South Florida, Florida

Gordon Hall, Part-Time Faculty, Art, Media, and Technology, Parsons the New School for Design, New York

Angelica Hambrick, Assistant Vice President of Diversity, Justice, and Sustainability, Pacific Lutheran University,

Elizabeth K Hamilton, , University of Denver, Colorado

Dr. Mary Jean Hande, Posrdoctoral Fellow, Family Studies and Gerontology, Nova Scotia Centre on Aging, Mount Saint Vincent University, Nova Scotia, Canada

David Hansen, Assoc. Prof. of Entrepreneurship, College of Charleston, South Carolina

Kelly Happe, Assoc Prof of Women's Studies, University of Georgia, Georgia

Shannon Hardy, Alumna - Political Science, Niagara University, New York

Anita Harker, Assistant Professor of Sociology/WGSS, Whatcom Community College /Central Washington University, Washington

Michael Harrawood, Associate Professor, Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College, Florida Atlantic University, Florida

Sydney Hart, Professor of Anthropology and Sociology, Wilbur Wright College, Illinois

Jameka Hartley, Doctoral Candidate, The University of Alabama, Alabama

Denise Haskamp, Adjunct Professor, History and Sociology, Central Methodist University, Missouri

Jennifer Haskin, PhD, Lecturer, Arizona State University, Arizona

Dr. Liz Haworth-Hoeppner, Pediatric Hospitalist, Western Michigan University Homer Stryker MD School of Medicine, Michigan

Susan Haworth-Hoeppner, Professor of Sociology, Aquinas College, Michigan

Adrienne Hayes, Undergraduate Student Researcher in Human Service Studies, Elon University, North Carolina

April Haynes, Associate Professor of History, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin

M. Kristen Hefner, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, The Citadel, South Carolina

Linda Sue Heidenreich, Associate Professor, Department of History and Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies Program, Washington State University, Washington

Sarah Heiderstadt, MA/MA Theology/Women’s & Gender Studies, Loyola University Chicago, Illinois

Evangeline Heiliger, Visiting assistant Professor of Gender, Sexuality, Feminist studies, Oberlin College, Ohio

Susan Sage Heinzelman, Director, Center for Women's & Gender Studies, University of Texas at Austin, Texas

Carol Helstosky, Associate Professor and Chair, History Department, University of Denver, Colorado

Betsy Jones Hemenway, PhD, Director, Women's Studies & Gender Studies, Loyola University Chicago, Illinois

Judy Hennessy, Professor of Sociology, Director Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Central Washington University, Washington

Margaret Henry, GWST major, University of Denver, Colorado

Heather Hewett, Assoc. Prof. of Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, State University of New York at New Paltz, New York

Kirsten Hextrum, Assistant Professor, Educational Leadership & Policy Studies, University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma

Angela High-Pippert, Professor of Political Science, University of St. Thomas, Minnesota

Evan Hile, Student Senate Secretary, Aquinas College, Michigan

Amelia Hill, Doctoral student, University of California, Los Angeles, California

Jen Hill, Director of the Gender, Race, and Identity Program, University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada

Paul Hiltpold, History Professor, Cal Poly (SLO), California

Christopher Hinesley, Co-Director of Women's and Gender Studies, Rochester Institute of Technology, New York

Katie Hogan, Prof. English & WGS Faculty Affiliate, UNC Charlotte, North Carolina

Sarah Hogan, Assistant Professor of English, Wake Forest University, North Carolina

Kathryn Holland, Assistant Professor Psychology and Women's & Gender Studies, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Nebraska

Wendy Marie Hoofnagle, Director of Women's & Gender Studies, University of Northern Iowa, Iowa

Dr. Andrea Hope, Associate Professor, Monmouth University, New Jersey

Katie Horowitz, Asst. Prof. of Gender & Sexuality Studies, Davidson College, North Carolina

Heather Howard, Asst. Prof of Library Science and Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies Affiliate, Purdue University, Indiana

Maeve Howett, Assistant Dean College of Nursing, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Massachusetts

Elena D. Hristova, PhD Candidate, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, Minnesota

Xin Huang, Women's and Gender Studies, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Jennifer Hudson, , Southern Connecticut State University, Connecticut

Shekinah Hudson, Area Director, University of St. Thomas, MInnesota

Michelle Hughes Miller, Assoc. Prof. of Women's and Gender Studies, University of South Florida, Florida

Jeffry J. Iovannone, American Studies, Independent Scholar,

Jeffrey Isaac, Professor of Political Science, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

Susan Iverson, Professor, HigherEd Leadership, Manhattanville College, New York

Cassandra Jackson, Professor of English, The College of New Jersey, New Jersey

Susan Jahoda, Undergraduate Advisor and Professor of Studio Arts, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts

Marla Jaksch, Associate Prof. of Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies, The College of New Jersey, New Jersey

Emily James, Associate Professor of English, University of St. Thomas, Minnesota

Michelle Jarman, Assoc. Professor & Director, Disability Studies Program, Adjunct Gender and Women's Studies Program, University of Wyoming, Wyoming

Dr. Kevin Jenkins, Art Education, University of North Texas, Texas

Laura Jenkins, Professor of Political Science, University of Cincinnati, Ohio

Tom Jenkins, , Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia

Robert Jenkot, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Sociology and Criminology, Coastal Carolina University, South Carolina

Jennifer Jipson, Professor of Psychology, Cal Poly, California

Caresse John, Associate Professor of English, Belmont University,

Colin R. Johnson, Associate Professor of Gender Studies, Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana

Judith E. Johnson, Professor (retired) of English and Women's Studies, The University at Albany, State University of New York, New York

Melencia Johnson, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of South Carolina Aiken, South Carolina

Arthur C Jones, , University of Denver, Colorado

Sherry Jordon, Associate Professor, Theology, University of St. Thomas, Minnesota

Dr. Tristan Josephson, Assistant Professor, Department of Women's Studies, California State University, Sacramento, California

Rylee Junk, Women's & Gender Studies Undergraduate Student, University of Northern Iowa, Iowa

Alison Kafer, Professor of Feminist Studies, Southwestern University, Texas

Njoki Kamau, Associate Director, Women's Center, Northwestern University, Illinois

Sara Clarke Kaplan, Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies/Critical Gender Studies & Director, Critical Gender Studies Program, University of California, San Diego, California

Zayn Kassam, Coordinator, Gender and Women's Studies, Pomona College, California

Sherry J. Katz, Lecturer, Department of History, San Francisco State University, California

Eli Kean, Instructor, Gender Women’s and Sexuality Studies, Kansas State University, Kansas

Dr. Patty Kean, Ed.D, Professor, Program for Advancement of Learning, Curry College, Massachusetts

Cael Keegan, Assistant Professor of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studie, Grand Valley State University, Michigan

Elena Keeling, Professor of Biological Sciences, California Polytechnic State University, California

Kathryne Kelly, Gender and Women's Studies Student, University of Denver, Colorado

Megan Kelly, Teaching Associate Professor and Writing Center Assistant Director, University of Denver, Colorado

Sam Kendrick, PhD Student, Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, University of Kansas, Kansas

Amanda Kennedy, Asst Prof of sociology and women's studies, Curry college, Massachusetts

Laura Kepler, LLC Director, Office of Housing, University of Tennessee at Martin, Tennessee

MARK KESSLER, Professor of Multicultural Women's and Gender Studies, Texas Woman's University, Texas

Maryam Khan, Assistant Prof, Wilfrid Laurier University, Ontario, Canada

Jess Kilbourn, PTL/adjunct WGST, Eastern Michigan University, Michigan

Mary Jo Klinker, Assoc. Prof of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Winona State University, Minnesota

Brian Klocke, Leadership Team, Faculty Against Rape,

Iliana Konidaris, Principal, Konidaris Law, , New York

David Kozel, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University Northwest, Indiana

Wendy Kozol, Professor of Comparative American Studies and affiliate of Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies, Oberlin College, Ohio

Cheris Kramarae, Research Associate, Center for the Study of Women in Society, University of Oregon, Oregon

Jodie A. Kreider, Special Instructor, History Department, Colorado State University, Colorado

Nancy Kursman, Professor, Political Science, University of Michigan, Dearborn, Michigan

Michelle Kweder, Affiliate, Center for Gender in Organizations, Simmons College, Massachusetts

Lizzie Lamoree, Adjunct prof of WGS, Cal Poly (California Polytechnic State University), California

Charmaine Lang, Doctoral Candidate, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Heather Laube, Associate Professor of Sociology, Women's & Gender Studies Core Faculty, University of Michigan-Flint, Michigan

Jeanne Phoenix Laurel, Assoc. Professor of English, Emeritus, Niagara University, New York

Alicia Hayashi Lazzarini, Consortium of Facutly Diversity Postdoctoral Fellow, Bucknell University, Pennsylvania

Sarah Leclerc, Clinical Psychologist, Sarah Leclerc, New York

Shelley Lee, Chair of Comparative American Studies, Oberlin College, Ohio

Susan Hagood Lee, Master Lecturer, Social Sciences, Boston University, Massachusetts

Elizabeth Lefler, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Northern Iowa, Iowa

Jane Lehr, Chair of Women's & Gender Studies and Professor of Ethnic Studies, California Polytechnic State University, California

Christina A. León, Assistant Professor of English, Princeton University, New Jersey

Caroline Lesch, , Truman State University, Missouri

Kimberly Lesley, Library Director, Moore College of Art & Design, Pennsylvania

Janaka B. Lewis, Director, Women's and Gender Studies, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, North Carolina

Beth Lew-Williams, Assistant Professor, History; Faculty Affiliate, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Princeton University, New Jersey

Paula Lezama, Assistant Director, Institute for the Study of Latin America and the Caribbean, University of South Florida, Florida

Adela C Licona, Associate Professor Department of English, University of Arizona, Arizona

April Lidinsky, Associate Professor and Director, Women's and Gender Studies, Indiana University South Bend, Indiana

Lakia Shavon Lightner, Women’s Leadership/Women’s Studies, Women’s Leadership Institute, Connecticut

Brooklyn Lile, Pre-Law/ Women & gender studies student, Western Kentucky University, Kentucky

Yi-Chun Tricia Lin, Director and Professor of Women's and Gender Studies, Southern Connecticut State University, Connecticut

Lamont Lindstrom, Kendall Professor of Anthropology, University of Tulsa, Oklahoma

Clare Link-Oberstar, Student in Gender and Women’s Studies, University of Denver, Colorado

Tania Lizarazo, Assistant Professor, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), Maryland

Heidi Howkins Lockwood, Professor of Philosophy and Women's Studies, Southern Connecticut State University, Connecticut

Lisa Logan, NWSA Women’s Centers Committee Co-Chair and Manager, Eastern Washington University Women’s and Gender Education Center, Eastern Washington University, Washington

Duri Long, Human Centered Computing PhD Student, Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia

Jacqueline Long, Associate Dean, College of Arts & Sciences; Associate Professor, Department of Classical Studies; Associate Faculty, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program, Loyola University Chicago, Illinois

Judith Lorber, Ph.D., Professor Emerita, Graduate School and Brooklyn College, City University of New York, New York

Mariah Lord, Program Manager at the UWM Women's Resource Center, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Ashley Lucas, Associate Professor of Theatre & Drama and the Residential College, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Jeannie Ludlow, Professor, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Eastern Illinois University, Illinois

Glynnis M, MSW, Laurier, Ontario, Canada

Christine D MacDonald, Professor and Department Chair, Communication Disorders and Counseling, School, and Educational Psychology, Indiana State University, Indiana

Shauna MacDonald, Co-Director of Gender & Women's Studies, Villanova University, Pennsylvania

Brian Magerko, Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in Digital Media, Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia

Katherine Maich, Assistant Professor of Labor & Employment Relations and Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, The Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania

Harveen Mann, Associate Professor, English, Loyola University Chicago, Illinois

Tanya Marcum, WGS Affiliated Faculty, Bradley University, Illinois

Stefania Marghitu, Media Studies Scholar, University of Southern California, California

Susan Marine, Associate Professor of Higher Education, Merrimack College, Massachusetts

Katherine Marino, Assistant Professor of History, University of California, Los Angeles, California

Jennifer Freeman Marshall, Director, Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, Purdue University, Indiana

Lisa A. Martin, Director and Assoc. Prof. of Women's and Gender Studies, University of Michigan, Dearborn, Michigan

Katherine Martinez, Interim Director/Chair and Associate Professor, Metropolitan State University of Denver, Colorado

Lisa M. Martinez, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Denver, Colorado

Siwar Masannat, Graduate student in English and Women's and Gender Studies, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Brooke Mascagni, Lecturer, Political Science, California State University-Dominguez Hills, California

Tayler J. Mathews, PhD Candidate in Political Science, Clark Atlanta University, Georgia

Valerie Matsumoto, Professor of History and Asian American Studies, University of California, Los Angeles, California

Glenna Matthews, Research Associate, Starr King School for the Ministry, California

Greggor Mattson, Associate Professor of Sociology and Director of Gender Sexuality and Feminist Studies, Oberlin College, Ohio

Cliff Maxwell, Global Grounds, University of Virginia, Virginia

Morgan May, Doctoral Student, Multicultural Women's & Gender Studies, Texas Woman's University, Texas

Victoria Mayer, Assistant Prof. of Sociology, Anthropology and Justice Systems, Truman State University, Missouri

T'Shana McClain, Research Associate at Institute on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault, The University of Texas at Austin, Texas

Anne McClintock, A Barton Hepburn Professor of Gender and Sexuality Studies, Princeton University, New Jersey

Katherine S. McDonald, Adjunct Lecturer, Women’s Studies Department, Southern Connecticut State University, Connecticut

Maureen McDonnell, Director of Women's and Gender Studies, Eastern Connecticut State University, Connecticut

Jenna McGonegal, , Wilfrid Laurier University, Ontario, Canada

Jason McGraw, Associate Professor of History, Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana

Kirwan McHarry, Author of Trans Bodies, Trans Selves, Independent Scholar,

Cameron McKenzie, Professor, Social Work, Wilfrid Laurier University, Ontario, Canada

Adria McLaughlin, Graduate Teaching Associate, Sociology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee

Tracy McLoone, Faculty, Global Women's Leadership Development, Washington Internship Institute, District of Columbia

Corinne McNamara, Professor of Psychology/ Violence researcher, Kennesaw State University, Georgia

Hannah McShane, M.A. Student and Instructor in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Georgia State University, Georgia

Sally E McWilliams, Professor of WGSS, Portland State University, Oregon

Siobhan Mei, PhD Candidate, Comparative Literature, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Massachusetts

Marie Mele, Assistant Professor of Crimina Justice, Monmouth University, New Jersey

Virginia Metaxas, Professor Emerita Women's Studies and History, Southern Connecticut State University, Connecticut

Cassi Meyerhoffer, Associate Professor of Sociology, Southern Connecticut State University, Connecticut

Joan Meyers, Asst. Prof of Sociology, Cal Poly-San Luis Obispo, California

Katherine Miller, Victim Services Coordinator/Affiliate Faculty Gender, Women, and Sexualities Studies, Phoenix Center at Auraria/Metropolitan State University of Denver, Colorado

Wendy Miller, Associate Professor of Art Education, University of Northern Iowa, Iowa

Kathy Miller-Dillon, Assistant Chair, Women's & Gender Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Yong Soon Min, Professor Emerita, University of California, Irvine, California

Krista K. Miranda, PhD Student in Performance Studies, New York University, Massachusetts

Ronald L Mize, Associate Professor of Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, Oregon State University, Oregon

Carmen Monico, Assistant Professor of Human Services Studies and Instructor of WGSS courses, Elon University, North Carolina

Christina Monte, Director of Enrollment and Student Success, Title IX Coordinator, UMass Amherst, Massachusetts

Dr. Carley Moore, Clinical Professor of Writing and Critical Creative Production, New York University, New York

Nancy Daley Moore, Assistant Professor of Public Health, Truman State University, Missouri

Maribel Morales, Assitant Professor of Modern Languages and Women's and Gender Studies, Carthage College, Wisconsin

Leslie K Morrow, Doctoral Candidate in Educational Policy Studies with minors in Gender & Women's Studies and LGBT/Queer Studies and Director of LGBTQ Center, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois

Wynne Moskop, Assoc. Prof. of Political Science & Women's and Gender Studies, Saint Louis University, Missouri

Krystal Muise, MSW student, Wilfrid Laurier University, Ontario, Canada

Giavanna Munafo, Sr. Lecturer, Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire

Janet H Murray, Associate Dean for Research, Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts,, Georgia Tech, Georgia

Jennifer Murray, Alum, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Zilber School of Public Health, Wisconsin

Marnie Murray, Student of Gender/Cultural Studies, Simmons University, Massachusetts

Susan Myers, Director of Women's Studies, University of St. Thomas, Minnesota

Premilla Nadasen, President, National Women's Studies Association, Barnard College, New York

Nina Bosch Namaste, Associate Professor of Spanish, Elon University, North Carolina

Sara Naughton, Women's and Gender Studies MA Candidate, University of Northern Iowa, Iowa

Kristen Nelson, Graduate School of Professional Psychology, University of St. Thomas, Minnesota

Sara Netzley, Associate Professor of Communication/WGS-Affiliated Faculty, Bradley University, Illinois

Sarah C. Nicksa, Associate Professor, Criminal Justice; Core Faculty, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Widener University, Pennsylvania

Albie Gilbert Nicol, Sexuality, Women And Gender Studies Student, University of Northern Iowa, Iowa

Carolette Norwood, Assoc. Professor Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, University of Cincinnati, Ohio

Sekile Nzinga-Johnson, Director of Women’s Studies, Northwestern University, Illinois

Thomas Oates, Associate Professor of American Studies and Journalism & Mass Communication, University of Iowa, Iowa

Elizabeth O'Brien, PhD Candidate and Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellow, The University of Texas at Austin,

Maria Gabriela O'Brien, Student: Legal Studies Department, Ozanam Scholar, Social Justice Minor International Studies Minor Women and Gender Studies Minor, St. John's University, New York

Maria Victoria O'Brien, Public High School History Teacher, Wakefield High School, Virginia

Camille O'Bryant, Associate Dean for Student Success, Welfare and Issues of Diversity and Inclusion, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, California

Dan Okada, Professor, Criminal Justice, California State University Sacramento, California

Janice Dzovinar Okoomian, Assistant Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies, Rhode Island College, Rhode Island

John Oliver, Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California

Jane Olsen, Women's Center Director, St. Cloud State University, Minnesota

Jamie Elizabeth O'Quinn, PhD student in Sociology, The University of Texas at Austin, Texas

Catherine O'Reilly, , Elon University, North Carolina

Laura Oren, Professor Emerita, University of Houston Law Center, Texas

Jessica N. Pabón, PhD, Assistant Professor, Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies, SUNY New Palz, New York

Nancy Page Fernandez, Ph.D., Director Emerita, First Year Experience Program, California State University Fullerton, California

Emily Pain, Lecturer of Sociology, University at Albany, SUNY, New York

Sierra Pancoast, Hall Director, University of St. Thomas, Minnesota

Hannah Paperno, Program Assistant, Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College of Florida Atlantic University, Florida

Elisabeth Paquette, Assistant Professor of Women's and Gender Studies, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, North Carolina

Shelley Park, Professor of Philosophy, University of Central Florida, Florida

Juli L Parker, Assistant Dean of Students/Director, Center for Women, Gender & Sexuality, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, Massachusetts

Vanessa Parker, Graduate Assistant of Women's Studies Program, Southern Connecticut State University, Connecticut

Jennifer A Parks, Professor, Philosophy Department, Loyola University Chicago, Illinois

Juli parrish, Writing Center Director, University of Denver, Colorado

Katerina Pavlidi, Undergraduate, English Major and Women's Studies Minor, Vassar College, New York

Katie R. Peel, Associate Professor of English, University of North Carolina Wilmington, North Carolina

David Penchansky, Professor Emeritus, University of St. Thomas, Minnesota

Carol O. Perkins, Professor Emeritus of Women's Studies, Minnesota State University, Mankato, Minnesota

V Spike Peterson, Professor of International Relations and Gender Studies, University of Arizona, Arizona

Lauren Picard, Teaching Associate Professor in University Writing Program, University of Denver, Colorado

Robin Pickering-Iazzi, Professor of Italian and Comparative Literature, Department Chair, The University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Jennifer Pierre, , UCLA, California

Rebekah E. Pite, Associate Professor of History, WGS Advisory Board Member, Lafayette College, Pennsylvania

Elizabeth Pleck, Professor of History, Emerita, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois

Kate Polacikova, Doctoral candidate, University of St. Thomas, Minnesota

Christy M. Ponticelli, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of South Florida, Florida

David Ponton III, Assistant Professor, School of Interdisciplinary Global Studies, University of South Florida, Florida

Diane Price Herndl, Professor and Chair, Women’s and Gender Studies, University of South Florida, Florida

Kathryn Quinn-Sanchez, Professor of World Languages and Cultures, Georgian Court University, New Jersey

Catherine Raissiguier, Professor of Women's and Gender Studies, Hunter College, New York

Dr. Shoba S. Rajgopal, Professor, Dept of Ethnic & Gender Studies, Westfield State University, Massachusetts

Kristen Raminha, Student, California Polytechnic State University, California

Mary Ann Rasmussen, Associate Professor of Instruction, Gender, Women's and Sexuality Studies, University of Iowa, Iowa

Saiyare Refaei, Coordinator for Sustainability Integration in the Diversity Center, Pacific Lutheran University, Washington

Nancy Reichma, Professor, Department of Sociology and Criminology, University of Denver, Colorado

Salina Renninger, Associate Professor of Counseling Psychology, University of St. Thomas, Graduate School of Professional Psychology, Minnesota

Naomi Reshotko, Professor of Philosophy, University of Denver, Colorado

Dr. Keith Rhodes, Teaching Assistant Professor, University of Denver, Colorado

Hailey Rial, Chair of Feminist Student Union IUSB, IUSB, Indiana

Nicole J. Richard, Grad Student and GA LYHS, University of Northern Iowa, Iowa

Jill C Richards, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Yale University, Connecticut

Elaine Richardson, Teaching and Learning, The Ohio State University, Ohio

Brian Riedel, Associate Director, Center for the Study of Women, Gender, and Sexuality, Rice University, Texas

Mark Rifkin, Director, Women's and Gender Studies Program, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, North Carolina

Kirstin Ringelberg, Professor of Art History, Former Coordinator of Women's & Gender Studies and Former LGBTQIA Coordinator, Elon University, North Carolina

Dr. Shannon M. Risk, Associate Professor of History, Director, Public History and Women's Studies Minors, Niagara University, New York

Andrew Robbins, PhD student, University of Oregon, Oregon

Nicole Roberts, Sociology, Aquinas College, Michigan

Sara Rodberg, Academic Advisor, Hostos Community College, New York

Melissa F. Rogan, Student: Psychology Department and Women and Gender Studies Minor, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California

Jamie Ann Rogers, Visiting Assistant Professor of English, Clemson University, South Carolina

Shelly Ronen, Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology, Haverford College, Pennsylvania

Esther Rothblum, Ph.D., Professor of Women's Studies, San Diego State University, California

Jennifer Rothchild, Associate Professor of sociology and GWSS, University of MInnesota Morris, Minnesota

Ariella Rotramel, Assistant Professor of Gender, Sexuality, and Intersectionality Studies, Connecticut College, Connecticut

Vicki L. Ruiz, Distinguished Professor Emerita of History, University of California, Irvine, California

Ann Russo, Associate Professor of Women's and Gender Studies and Director of Women's Center, DePaul University, Illinois

Julie Levin Russo, Member of the Faculty, The Evergreen State College, Washington

Amy Rust, Associate Professor, Humanities & Cultural Studies, University of South Florida, Florida

Judith Ryder, Associate Professor, Sociology & Anthropology & Women’s and Gender Studies, St John’s University, New York

Jennifer Schenk Sacco, Director, Women's and Gender Studies, Quinnipiac University, Connecticut

Lysa Salsbury, Director, University of Idaho Women's Center and Co-chair of the NWSA Women's Centers Committee, University of Idaho, Idaho

Erika Sanchez, Sexual Violence Advocate and graduate student, Southern Connecticut State University, Connecticut

Haley Sandman, US Citizen, Purdue University Northwest, Indiana

Lauren Sandman, Sociology Student, Pasadena City College, California

Shannon Santana, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Criminology, University of North Carolina Wilmington, North Carolina

An Sasala, Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Kansas, Kansas

Shannon Saul, President: DU Collegiate Council on Gender Violence Topics, University of Denver, Colorado

Katherine Saunders, Masters in Social Work Student, Southern Connecticut State University, Connecticut

Madison Savage, Currently pursuing Masters in Higher Education, Merrimack College, Massachusetts

Sam Scal, Spectrum President/ Women & Gender Studies Student, St. John's University, New York

Robert K. Schaeffer, Professor, Sociology, Cal Poly, California

Sami Schalk, Assistant Professor of Gender & Women’s Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin

Eileen E. Schell, Professor of Writing and Rhetoric, Faculty Affiliate in Womens'a nd Gender Studies, Syracuse University, New York

Lizabeth Schlemer, Professor, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Cal Poly, SLO, California

Susan Schmidt Horning, Assoc. Prof., History, and Director, Women's and Gender Studies Interdisciplinary Minor, St. John's University, New York

Sarah Schoemann, PhD Candidate, Ivan Allen College, Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia

Lorraine Schroeder, Director, LGBTQ Resource Center, University of Houston, Texas

Dr. Sheila E. Schroeder, Associate Professor, University of Denver, Colorado

Hayley Schultz, , Vassar College, New York

Leslie A. Schwalm, Professor of Professor and Chair, Gender, Women's, and Sexuality Studies; Professor of History and Sexuality Studies, University of Iowa, Iowa

Tara Schwitzman, Adjunct Prof. of Women's and Gender Studies, New Jersey City University, New Jersey

Jonathan Sciarcon, Associate Professor of History and Judaic Studies, University of Denver, Colorado

Amy L. Scott, Director of Women's & Gender Studies & Associate Professor of History, Bradley University, Illinois

Dr. Britain A. Scott, Professor of Psychology, University of St. Thomas, Minnesota

Ina Seethaler, Director of Women's and Gender Studies, Coastal Carolina University, South Carolina

Simona Sharoni, Prof. Women's and Gender Studies, Merrimack College, Massachusetts

Barbara Shaw, Associate Prof. of Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies and Elliot Professorship for Interdisciplinary Studies, Allegheny College, Pennsylvania

Susan M. Shaw, Professor of Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, Oregon State University, Oregon

Dr. Ali Shore, Director of Human Resources, Poudre School District, Colorado

Sarah Simmons, , Curry College, Massachusetts

Kathryn Sklar, Distinguished Professor Emerita, State University of New York, Binghamton, New York

Dr. Sandra Slater, Associate Professor of History and WGS, College of Charleston, South Carolina

Patricia Sloane-White, Chair, Women and Gender Studies, University of Delaware, Delaware

Ageeth Sluis, Professor of History, Butler University, Indiana

Jane Bowman Smith, Professor of English, Winthrop University, South Carolina

Mariah Smith, Grad certificate student, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Kristie Soares, Assistant Professor of Women & Gender Studies, University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado

Natalie Sokoloff, Professor of Sociology, Emerita, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York

Anna Sondgroth, Student, University of St Thomas, Minnesota

Dana Sonnenschein, Professor of English, Southern CT State University, Connecticut

Carmen Sotomayor, Professor of Spanish, The University of North Carolina Greensboro, North Carolina

Francesca Spizzo, , Loyola University Chicago, Illinois

Carol A. Stabile, Professor, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies; Associate Dean for Strategic Initiatives, University of Oregon, Oregon

Sarah Staszak, Associate Research Scholar, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, New Jersey

Alison Staudinger, Chair and Assoc. Prof. Women's & Gender Studies, Democracy & Justice Studies, Political Science, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, Wisconsin

Kristi Marie Steinmetz, MFA, MA, PhD, TESOL CTE, New York University, New York

Elizabeth A. Sternke, Ph.D., Sr. Analytics & Research Scientist, Press Ganey Associates, Inc., Indiana

Margaret D Stetz, Mae & Robert Carter Professor of Women's Studies, University of Delaware, Delaware

Abigail Stewart, Professor of Psychology and Women's Studies, University of Michigan, Michigan

Amanda A. Stewart, PhD Candidate, Sociology, University of Illinois at Chicago, Illinois

Rachel Stonebrook, Adjunct, Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies, The Ohio State University, Ohio

Anna M. Storti, PhD candidate in Women’s Studies, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland

Annette Stott, Professor of Art History and Women & Gender Studies, University of Denver, Colorado

Amy Dunham Strand, Assistant Professor and Director of Women's Studies, Aquinas College, Michigan

Karla J. Strand, DPhil, MLIS, Gender and Women's Studies Librarian, University of Wisconsin System, Wisconsin

Michael Strauss, Professor and Associate Chair, Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University, New Jersey

Dara Strolovitch, Associate Professor of Gender & Sexuality Studies, Princeton University, New Jersey

Susan Sugarman, Prof. of Psychology, Princeton University, New Jersey

Anne Sullivan, Assistant Professor of Digital Media, Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia

Dheepa Sundaram, Assistant Professor or Religious Studies, Gender and Women Studies ex-officio member, University of Denver, Colorado

Karl Surkan, Lecturer, Program in Women’s and Gender Studies, MIT, Massachusetts

Natasha M. Sutliff, Title IX Coordinator, Nebraska Wesleyan University, Nebraska

Lisa Sweatt, Associate Professor, Psychology & Child Development Department, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California

Kirsten Swinth, Associate Professor of History & American Studies, Fordham University, New York

Nicholas L. Syrett, Professor and Chair, Department of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, University of Kansas, Kansas

Alexa Szombathy, Student, California Polytechnic State University, California

Tolulope Aderonke Taiwo, Assistant Director, Center for Gender Equity, Pacific Lutheran University, Washington

Nefertiti Takla, Assistant Professor of History, Manhattan College, New York

Christine Talbot, Assoc. Professor of Gender Studies, University of Northern Colorado, Colorado

Steven Tauber, Associate Professor and Director, School of Interdisciplinary Global Studies, University of South Florida, Florida

Stephanie Peebles Tavera, Lecturer/Adjunct Assistant Professor of English and Women’s and Gender Studies, University of Texas at Arlington, Texas

David Tenorio, Assistant Professor of Spanish and affiliated with Gender, Sexuality & Women’s Studies, University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Gwynn Thomas, Chair, Associate Professor, Global Gender and Sexuality Studies, University at Buffalo, SUNY, New York

Helen Thompson, Professor of English, Faculty Affiliate of Gender & Sexuality Studies, Northwestern University, Illinois

Margaret Thompson, Associate Professor, Media, Film & Journalism Studies, University of Denver, Colorado

Mary Thompson, Assoc. Prof. of English; Coordinator of Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program, James Madison University, Virginia

John Tiedemann, Associate Professor of Writing and Director of Social Justice Living & Learning Community, University of Denver, Colorado

Theresa Tiso, Associate Professor Women's Gender Sexuality Studies, Stony Brook University, New York

Meaghan Tomasiewicz, Graduate Student, Loyola University Chicago, Illinois

Aurea Toxqui, Associate Professor of History, Women's & Gender Studies Committee Member, Bradley University, Illinois

Jo Trigilio, Dir. Grad Prg Gender/Cultural Studies, Simmons University, Massachusetts

Libby R Tronnes, WGS Committee Member, Bradley University, Illinois

Heather M. Turcotte, Associate Professor of Crime & Justice Studies, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Massachusetts

Leah Marie Turner, Graduate Assistant, University of South Florida, Florida

Ashley Tyrrell, MA, MSW (Candidate), Wilfrid Laurier University, Ontario, Canada

Anjali Nath Upadhyay, Teacher, Liberation Spring, California

Debra L. Valencia-Laver, Associate Dean, College of Liberal Arts, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California

Karen Valero, Student, Texas Womans University, Texas

Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler, Professor of Psychology, Elon University, North Carolina

Joe Vandllo, Professor of Psychology, University of South Florida, Florida

Lara Vapnek, Professor of History, St. John's University, New York

Valeria Varga, Senior Lecturer CEUS, Indiana University, Indiana

Sabina Vaught, Chair and Professor, Educational Leadership & Policy Studies, University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma

Roberta Villalon, Professor, Chairperson Sociology & Anthropology, St. John's University, New York

Nancy D. Wadsworth, Associate Professor, Dept of Political Science, University of Denver, Colorado

Jamie Wagman, Associate Professor of Gender and Women's Studies, Saint Mary's College, Indiana

Jennifer Wagner-Lawlor, Professor of Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Penn State University, Pennsylvania

Catherine Waitinas, Professor of English, California Polytechnic State University, California

Resa E. Walch, Senior Lecturer, School of Education, Elon University, North Carolina

Priscilla Wald, Margaret Taylor Smith Director of Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies and R. Florence Brinkley Professor of English, Duke University, North Carolina

Diane Waldman, Associate Professor Emerita, Media Film and Journalism Studies, Gender and Women's Studies, University of Denver, Colorado

Lisa K. Waldner, Associate Dean and Professor of Sociology, University of St. Thomas, Minnesota

Marta L. Wayne, Professor & Chair of Biology and Adjunct Professor of Gender, Sexualities, and Women's Studies, University of Florida, Florida

Lisa Weasel, Professor and Chair, Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies, Portland State University, Oregon

Alice Weinreb, Associate Professor of History, Loyola University Chicago, Illinois

Penny Ann Weiss, Professor of Women's and Gender Studies, Saint Louis University, Missouri

Ericka Wentz, Assistant Professor of Criminology, University of West Georgia, Georgia

Jacqueline Wernimont, Distinguished Chair and Associate Professor of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire

Sharon R. Wesoky, Professor and Arthur E. Braun Chair of Political Science, Allegheny College, Pennsylvania

Kelsey West, Student, Loyola University, Illinois

Stephen Westfall, Professor, Visual Art, Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers University, New Jersey

Katie White, Assistant Director, Consortium on Race, Gender, and Ethnicity, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland

Jacquelyn W. White, PhD, Professor Emerita, Department of Psychology, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, North Carolina

Angelica Whitehorne, Student in the Women and Gender Studies Department, The College at Brockport, New York

Lisa Wikinson, Prof. of Philosophy and Gender Studies, Nebraska Wesleyan Unviersity, Nebraska

Erin K Willer, Associate Professor of Communication Studies, University of Denver, Colorado

Jean Williams, Professor, Political Science Department, California Polytechnic State University, California

Juliet A. Williams, Professor of Gender Studies, University of California, Los Angeles, California

Maeve Williams, Grad Student, Master of Social Work, Wilfrid Laurier University, Ontario, Canada

Kimberly Williams Brown, Assistant Professor of Education, Vassar College, New York

Beth Williford, Program Director, Women's & Gender Studies, Manhattanville College, New York

Jenny Wilson, Graduate Assistant Women's and Gender Studies Program, Southern Connecticut State University, Connecticut

Joshua C Wilson, Associate Professor, Dept. of Political Science, Gender and Women's Studies Program Member, University of Denver, Colorado

Kelly Wilson, Adjunct Professor of Theology and Affiliated Faculty with Women Studies, University of St. Thomas, Minnesota

Ryley Wilson, Student, Truman State University, Missouri

Alexandria S. Winters, Student of Education, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, Wisconsin

Cleo Woelfle-Erskine, Assist. Prof. of Marine and Environmental Affairs, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

Marissa Wold, Graduate Student, Graduate School of Professional Psychology, University of St. Thomas, Minnesota

Kristina B. Wolff, Curriculum Specialist & Capstone Faculty Advisor, The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy & Clinical Practice, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire

Jennifer Wolgemuth, Assoc. Prof. Education, Title IX Committee Member, University of South Florida, Florida

Ruth Wollersheim, Faculty and Gender Studies Program Director, Century College, Minnesota

Samantha Womeldorf, Graduate Professional School of Psychology, University of Saint Thomas, Minnesota

Taylor Wondergem, PhD Candidate Feminist Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz, California

Tyler Justin Wong, Student, Florida Atlantic University, Florida

Marjorie Worthington, Professor, Coordinator of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Eastern Illinois University, Illinois

SusanL. Wortmann, Associate Prof. Sociology, Nebraska Wesleyan University, Nebraska

AK Wright, Graduate Student in Feminist Studies PhD, University of Minnesota- Twins Cities, Minnesota

Deborah Lee Wright, student, Western Kentucky University, Kentucky

Judy Tzu-Chun Wu, Professor and Chair of Department of Asian American Studies, University of California, Irvine, California

Lauren Yurman, Academic Advisor, Loyola University Chicago, Illinois