"Beta Release" Beta drivers are provided by NVIDIA as preview releases for quick bug fixes and access to new features. Beta drivers are under qualification testing, and may include significant issues. It is the end user's responsibility to protect system and data when using Beta drivers with NVIDIA products. It is strongly recommended that end users back up all the data prior to using Beta drivers from this site. Please ensure that newer Recommended/Certified drivers are not already posted on NVIDIA.com prior to installation and usage of Beta drivers. Beta drivers posted do not carry any warranties nor support services.

NVIDIA provides full Vulkan 1.3 support and functionality on NVIDIA GeForce and Quadro graphics card with one of the following Ada Lovelace, Ampere, Turing, Volta, Pascal and Maxwell (first and second generation) based GPUs:

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Please be aware that this answer may become slightly outdated. I will do my best to update it regularly, but I can't guarantee anything. The driver version used below may not be the latest. Please check the Launchpad page to confirm.

I installed Ubuntu 16.04 and everything worked fine until I switched to NVIDIA driver. After rebooting I couldn't get past the login screen. The solution that worked for me was to disable secure boot.

Purging nvidia-* and reinstalling gdm got me to low-graphics mode, but reinstalling the NVidia drivers brought back the black screen. As it turns out, Secure Boot had been set to "Windows" in the BIOS settings. I changed it to "Other", and my issue was solved.

Before I found the Secure Boot option I'd tried purging and reinstalling nvidia-*, xorg*, xserver-xorg, ubuntu-gnome-desktop, gnome-desktop-environment. I'm not sure whether or not this helped, but it seems best to put it in. Also, the upgrade tool had said that it would have to disable Secure Boot in order to succeed, but that it would turn it back on afterwards. That is what led me to go look for it.

After struggling with this issue for a day and a half, eventually it was solved by disabling secure boot in Bios settings. during installation of driver I was prompted to disable secure boot and I did, but somehow, perhaps because windows is also installed, it was not disabled (while installing). rebooting and pressing F2 (on Asus) I got into Bios, security, then disabled secure boot. rebooted, and voila!Although this may be specific to certain bios versions or dual boot systems, no one posted this solution here before.

After a long experiment (trying above and other solution from Google), I find that the problem occurs for the latest Linux Kernel 4.8.0-42 with Nvidia 378 driver! So I downgrade to Nvidia 370 driver using TTY (Ctrl + Alt + F1) and restart Ubuntu using Linux Kernel 4.8.0-41 (Using grub menu) and all problem solved!

When I first installed Ubuntu 16.04.1 I had graphics issues that were resolved by using nvidia-304 (already mentioned above as a solution). I just updated my system a week or so ago and since then I found myself in the "can't log in loop problem" as many people has already described. Logging in via a tty, I tried installing nvidia-304, 324, 350, and 370. NONE of them worked. Finally I tried something very drastic. I installed Xubuntu 16.04.1. It worked immediately with NO specific effort on my part. So it seems the problem is intimately tied to the desktop manager (Gnome). So if you can switch to Xfce from within a shell window, you might be good with your current version of Ubuntu (sorry but I don't know how to do that). Otherwise, install Xubuntu.

I went to BIOS setup and then disabled the "Onboard display" option. That solved the problem. Now when I opened fedora, it actually started working along with the GPU card and the driver was not installed yet. This was a great improvement from before. After installing the Nvidia driver the OS starting working well.

I mean I want to use rhino in power saving mode, there is no power socket where I use rhino.But Rhino cannot be opened on the energy-saving cpu graphics card, it can only be opened on the high-performance Nvidia graphics card.

Running nvidia-smi returns the following:


| NVIDIA-SMI 512.15 Driver Version: 512.15 CUDA Version: 11.6


Before this I have already tried uninstalling all Nvidia software from this PC and reinstalling only this older version of CUDA and the up-to-date graphics drivers for my GPU, but it looks like this may be confusing something along the way.

Basically my game starts stuttering after running a few seconds (random frames take 70ms instead of 16ms, on a regularish pattern). This ONLY happens if a setting called "Threaded Optimization" is enabled in the Nvidia control panel (latest drivers, windows 10). Unfortunately this setting is enabled by default and I'd rather not have to have people tweak their settings to get an enjoyable experience.

Investigating these blocks of CPU time on the nvidia thread, the earliest named function I can get in their callstack is "CreateToolhelp32Snapshot" followed by a lot of time spent in Thread32Next. I noticed Thread32Next in the profiler when looking at CPU times earlier so this does seem like I'm on the right track.

The only bug in recent memory I can think of is that older versions of the nvidia driver caused applications w/ threaded optimization running in Wine to crash, but that's unrelated to the stuttering issue you describe.

Building off of @subGlitch's answer, the following checks to see if an application profile already exists, and if so updates the existing profile instead of creating a new one. It is also encapsulated into a function which can be called, that will bypass the logic if the nvidia api is not found on the system (AMD/Intel users), or an issue is encountered which prohibits modifying the profile:

With the Photoshop 23.0 release or later, you can run the graphics processor compatibility check to ensure your GPU is compatible. To do so, go to Help > GPU Compatibility and see the report dialog that opens.

We have this known issue where the dialog could report that 'Your graphics processor is incompatible.' If you're running Windows on an Intel-based system with the 'Microsoft OpenCL/OpenGL Compatibility Pack' installed, the solution is to uninstall the compatibility pack and restart the computer.

Higher end computers often have a discrete, dedicated graphics card that uses its own memory (VRAM), has greater processing power, and doesn't eat up RAM. If your GPU preference is disabled and you cannot enable it, verify your monitor is connected to the high-powered GPU and not the built-in port on your computer. Also, higher end laptops ofter use two graphics cards, an integrated one when you're using the battery, and a discrete graphics card when you're plugged into an outlet.

If your system has more than one graphics card, ensure that Photoshop has been assigned the High-Performance graphics card rather than Integrated Graphics or Power-Saving graphics card for the best experience. Changing these settings on laptops will increase battery usage. See Quick Tips on setting up GPU for high performance in Photoshop.

If the above step does not resolve issues when using more than one graphics card, consider disabling one of the graphics cards. Before disabling the onboard graphics card, please ensure you have the video output of your monitor connected to the dedicated graphics card.

To disable a graphics card, use the Device Manager on Windows. In the Device Manager, right-click the card's name and choose Disable.

Adobe Camera Raw uses the graphics processor differently than Photoshop. If you experience crashes, performance issues, or incorrectly rendered windows or objects, redraw issues or artifacts specifically when opening files in Adobe Camera Raw, then see Camera Raw graphics processor (GPU) FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions).

Adobe Camera Raw uses a graphics processor differently than Photoshop. If you experience crashes, performance issues, or incorrectly-rendered windows or objects, redraw issues or artifacts, specifically when opening files in Adobe Camera Raw.

I have installed the nvidia driver package in zorin since i have Nvidia GTX 1650. But in system properties it is showing me AMD Renoir.

Here are the pictures:

properties1074780 49 KB

graphics19201080 104 KB

Open a terminal and issue prime-select query - what's displayed? You may need to change your performance setting to either 'nvidia' or 'amd' to specify which GPU to use. My ZenBook has both Nvidia and Intel - if 'intel' is set, it's like a power saving mode - and if 'nvidia' is set, all-out performance settings. You may be seeing the AMD one being 'used' because of GPU switching - if it's in 'on-demand', you'll use the liter AMD GPU (assuming the AMD is weaker) for less intensive processing, and when more pow-a is needed, it switches to the Nvidia GPU. I normally have 'on-demand' set, partly cause I don't do a lot of intensive graphics stuff. When I'm using Cura and other modeling apps, definitely use the Nvidia setting so it doesn't skip or lag..

I would suggest trying the second in the list via your screenshot above (first post, second photo), or the fourth - the 470 driver is pretty stable; 525 is also more stable than 535. Just make sure it's not any of the (open kernel) ones.

I'm using an MX450 in a ZenBook right now, on 535 proprietary. When I installed Zorin, I used the 'use modern Nvidia drivers' option from boot, installed, and was set with the 470 one for a while. Saw the new updates rolling through - gave it a try and works! I have some weird stuff happen if I set prime-select to 'nvidia' so, I only use it when I need that performance. Just about all other times set to 'on-demand', then I can use the Nvidia settings app to set 'PowerMizer' to Adaptive, Performance, or Auto - Performance utilizes the chip more aggressively, not quite 'performance' though; just a tad lower performance than full-out Nvidia. 2351a5e196

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