First Meeting Information



Held at Elk Ridge Park on Mondays at 8:45-10:00 and Wednesdays 10:15-11:30. We will stay with this schedule, but if you have a game on a practice day you will not come that day. We will still have practice for the girls who aren’t playing that day. Our last practice will be held July 15, that will give you a full week and a half to rest up/focus on high school tryouts.


Please verify a uniform number before ordering, we will by club passing so all numbers need to be different. Numbers that are available to use include: 3, 6, 12, 16, 18, 19, 26, 28, 31 or higher except for the following high numbers (33, 42, 71, 88, 99). Again, please verify because we have a number of new girls that need to purchase and I don’t want you to purchase the same number.

The link to order Adidas apparel is or there is a link on the home page of

The following uniform is required:

Adidas home royal blue jersey (you can get the established or the new, we have both on the team)

White away jersey

Adidas royal blue shorts

Adidas royal blue sock

There are also warm-ups, sweatshirts, backpacks and beanies but these are not required.


Just want to gauge our interest in some possible tournaments. I am going to assign each one a letter so please respond with the letter you would be willing and able to go to and then put them in the order you would prefer.

A- Hero’s Cup- Nov 8-9 Mesquite

B- Dixie Invitational – Nov 27-28 (St. George)

C- 7 Elite -This year it was Feb 6-8 in Mesquite and St. George

D- Presidents Cup- Feb 11-15 Mesquite -Rage/Icebreakers is probably this weekend in St. George

E- Coyote Cup – Feb 25-27 Mesquite

Tournament costs will be divided by the number of players going. Approx 15.

Camp Possibilities:

These are completely up to the individual, I don't know what is going on this year with Covid-19, these were all available in 2019.

-Si Collins - Sponsored by Aggies - June 21st and June 22nd 6-8:30pm (U-15 to U-18). $65.00 at Elk Ridge. Register at

-Coerver Mtn West.


-U of U

-Weber State

- Utah State

-Idaho State

Registration Information:

I am attaching information for both teams. Please register with the appropriate team, if you’re not sure if you are blue or white please ask. Please take care of registration this week.

Click on the blue registration tab at the top of the page. Click the player registration box and log in. After logging in you will click on your daughter and use the Team Assignment Code, then just finish the registration. I will need a signed copy of your registration form. So please print and hold onto until we get together.

Aggies FC 04G Blue SF team information:

Your Registration URL is:

Team Assignment Code for Players


Aggies FC 04G White SF team information:

Your Registration URL is:

Team Assignment Code for Players


Please remember to:

Send me a picture for the roster page.

· Register

· Purchase uniform if needed

· Let me know what summer series games you can attend/not attend (text directly)

· Let me know what tournaments you are interested in attending. (text directly)

· Pay fees if you have any

I am going through the GroupMe notification list, if you are not receiving these and want to be please send me contact info through text, I also have a GroupMe account for your daughters if they are not on it and want to be please let me know.