2020-21 Predicted Schedule

I am hoping that with the move to yellow we are able to start practicing the first week of June. There maybe a small league run for a month by UYSA mid June to Mid July. All of this is speculative so we will just wait and see.

Training: I will do my best to put the schedule out a month at a time so that we can all plan. On Sunday evenings during season I send a weekly reminder of all activities. I believe that 2-3 soccer experiences a week are sufficient for this age during season. When not in season we will generally go once a week with times when we go twice. We can talk about this as a team.

Time: I teach and love to start practices as soon as we can all make it when school is out (between 4 & 4:30). I will talk to everyone before making a set time. Practices will be about an hour and 15 minutes. In the fall practice will start a little later 5:30. I prefer the mornings in the summer.

During the summer we will talk about times that will work for all of us, we will also determine how often together.

Location: Elk Ridge Park when we can go outside (sometimes Cedar Ridge). RSL facility during the winter.

Fall League Games start at the end of August (first game was the 22nd in 2019) go through the end of October.

Spring League Games start the middle of March (the week of the 16th in 2020) go through the end of May.