One of the most well-known diet meal delivery systems in the US is Nutrisystem. Let's see what it can do for the guys!

Nutrisystem for Men allows men to sign up for a plan designed specifically for them.

This plan gives them instant access to a simple, fast-losing plan that is easy to follow and convenient.

I will be reviewing Nutrisystem for Men to explain how it works, how much weight you can lose, and where you can find the best deal.

We love the Nutrisystem menu for guys and believe it is one of the best.

How Nutrisystem Works for Men

Nutrisystem offers a weight loss-oriented meal service. Visit the website to select the right meal plan for you and receive frozen or prepared meals every week delivered directly to your door.

The Nutrisystem plan has three basic options. You can also tailor your diet plan.

To access any one of the Nutrisystem for Men diet plans, one can first select the weight-loss plan that interests him and then click on the "Men” button at the top.

Each Nutrisystem plan follows the same basic structure. The most important differences are the meals and snacks the plan provides as well as any dietary restrictions or preferences it caters too, such vegetarian.

All plans let you choose your meals or have it done for you by the company.

Stick to your diet plan and you'll be on your path to losing weight.

Standard Plans

The three basic plans are available to people, which can be tailored to meet their individual needs.

  • Basic Plan: At $10 per day. The plan includes five breakfasts each morning, lunches, dinners every week, and 10 snacks chosen from over 100 menu items.

  • Uniquely Yours is available for $12 per Day. It includes five breakfasts, lunches and dinners, plus 10 snacks. The plan can be customized to suit your individual needs by allowing you to access 150 menu items.

  • Uniquely Yours Max+ is the ultimate plan. It starts at $14 per day for a man who needs the best quality food, 160 menu items and access to all the services.

Specialized Diet Plans

You can also get options from Nutrisystem for people who are on certain diets. The following are the specialized plans:

  • Vegetarians: This plan starts around $12 a day. It includes breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks over five days.

  • Basic Diabetes plan: $10 per day. This plan provides five meals, lunches, dinners, and snacks. It also includes a selection from 100 different menu items.

  • Uniquely Yours Diabetes Program: Available starting at $12 per day, this plan offers the same number and 150 choices, as well as access to the same meals. A person can customize the plan to suit his or her metabolism.

  • Uniquely Yours Ultimate Diabetic Plan: Available for $14 per day , the plan provides 7 days of breakfasts, lunches, and dinners as well snacks. It provides more than 160 options for meals and allows you to customize it to your needs.

The company claims that each of their diabetes plans provides more benefits to customers than their regular plans. These benefits include:

  • A guy can eat food or snacks every 2-3 hours.

  • Each diabetes plan provides 1,200-1,500 calories each day.

  • Meals are a balanced source of whole grain carbs, fiber, and protein.

Pros and Cons for Men

Although the Nutrisystem program is generally well reviewed, there might be some downsides that you should be aware of before you sign up.

With this in mind, we'll briefly look at them both to give you additional information to consider before joining.


  • Easy Weight Loss: For most men, a program that is difficult to follow or hard to maintain is not the best choice. Nutrisystem's approach is unique from other diets. It is finally an easy-to-follow program that actually works.

  • Fast Weight Loss: A Guy can drop 18 pounds within a month. That's pretty amazing!

  • Great-Tasting Food

  • Get balanced meals, snacks, and foods

  • Flex Meals & Foods teaches people how to make healthier eating choices.

  • Reasonably priced

  • Nutrisystem App Free

  • Support for Weight Loss Counselors: Questions, Feedback, and Support

  • Works Great for Couples

  • Vegetarian and diabetic plans

  • May help you improve both your health & waistline


  • Meal delivery service is something that not all men like.

  • This doesn't work for vegans

  • For some, the price can be prohibitive

  • Register for auto-delivery to avoid an early cancellation fee. Recommended if Nutrisystem is your only option for at least two months.

How Much Weight Can You Lose?

Here's a list of average weight-loss numbers for men who are following the Nutrisystem diet.

  • Month 1: Lose as much as 18 lbs. 8 inches

  • Men can lose 1 to 2 lbs per week after month 1.


You should keep in mind that the results of any plan are different for every person. These are only average numbers that you should consider.

They are not meant to be guaranteed. Many factors can affect your health and weight-loss results, including how closely the plan is followed.

Nutrisystem is a well-respected weight loss program that provides a simple weight loss plan and sends most of your food, snacks, meals, and meals for the month.

You're ready for Nutrisystem for Men to be tried?

You can only get full-service delivery from them at their official website. And right now, they have a great discount for you.