Publications - 2019


Surface water waves propagating over a submerged forest.

Jie Hu, Zhan Hu, Philip L-F Liu (2019)

Coastal Engineering, vol. 152.

A model for obliquely incident wave interacting with a multi-layered object.

Jie Hu, Yang Zhao, Philip L-F Liu (2019)

Applied Ocean Research, vol. 87, pp. 211-222.

Modelling surface temperature of granite seawalls in Singapore.

Kuifeng Zhao, Jing Yuan, Lynette Loke, Shelley H. M. Chan, Peter Todd, Philip Li-Fan Liu (2019)

Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, vol. 13.

Long wave dissipation and harmonic generation by coastal vegetation.

Chang, C-W. and Liu, P. L.-F. (2019)

Applied Ocean Research, vol. 82, 210-224.

Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment in South China Sea with Consideration of Uncertain Earthquake Characteristics.

Sepúlveda, I., Liu, P. L-F. and Grigoriu, M. (2019)

Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, vol. 124, 658–688.

Depth-integrated wave-current models. Part I. Two-dimensional formulation and applications.

Yang, Z.T., and Liu, P. L-F. (2019)

Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 883, A4.

A Comparative Study of Typhoon Hato (2017) and Typhoon Mangkhut (2018) – Their Impacts on coastal inundation in Macau.

Yang, J., Li, L., Zhao, K., Wang, P., Wang, D., Sou, I. M., Yang, Z., Hu, J., Tang, X., Mok, K.M., and Liu, P. L-F. (2019)

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, vol. 124.

Conference papers