jinghua wang

jinghua wang

Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Jinghua studied Harbour, Waterway and Coastal Engineering at Ocean University of China and obtained his Bachelor degree in 2010. Later he received his PhD degree at City, University of London in Hydraulic Engineering in 2015. He subsequently worked as a research fellow at City from 2016 to 2019 before joining Prof. Liu’s group. His research focuses on phase-resolved numerical modelling of ocean waves on large scale to investigate the mechanisms of rogue waves (waves that feature twice the significant height) and their impacts on marine applications. He has developed a computationally efficient numerical model based on the fully nonlinear potential flow theory called Enhanced Spectral Boundary Integral (short as ESBI) method. He is currently involved in a project on probabilistic storm surge and tsunami hazard assessment in South China Sea region.

Research Interests

  • Rogue wave dynamics

  • Wave-structure interactions

  • Storm surge modelling

  • Tsunamis modelling