Ignacio Sepulveda

Ignacio Sepulveda



Ignacio graduated from Santa Maria University (Chile), obtaining his Bachelor degree in 2007 and his Civil Engineering degree in 2011. After some years teaching ocean engineering in the University of Valparaiso and working in a consultant company, he moved to United States to pursue graduate studies in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering of Cornell University. In 2015 he obtained his degree of Master of Science and his PhD degree in 2017.

During his stay in Cornell University, Ignacio have studied analytical solutions for the tsunami response in coastal areas and the uncertainty quantification of hydrodynamic models by using stochastic approaches. Currently, he has been interested in environmental fluid mechanics, seismology and stochastic calculus.

Research Interests

  • Environmental Fluid Mechanics, focused in wave theory and internal hydraulics.

  • Computational Fluid Dynamics

  • Stochastic calculus for uncertainty quantification

  • Tidal energy