Dong Wang

Dong Wang

Dalian Maritime University


Dr Dong Wang obtained her PhD degree and Master degree of Hydraulic Engineering from School of Civil Engineering of Tianjin University (China) in January 2017.

Her research field is coastal hydrodynamics, incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamic (ISPH) modeling and local scour due to tsunami. During her PhD study, she developed the CWP-TWP-CSS scour module based on ISPH method, and the topic of her dissertation is ISPH simulation and experimental research of local scour around structures under currents. She also has worked in Port and Airport Research Institute, Japan for three months.

She joined NUS as a research fellow in May 2017. Her current work involves numerical simulation of hydrodynamic processes and sediment transport with ISPH method.

Research Interests

  • Sediment transport

  • Fluid-structure interaction

  • Current-wave interaction and hydraulics

  • Tsunami

  • Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)