NUS Philosophy Interest Group

(1) Peer Mentoring Stage A (Philosophical Reading)

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Last Updated: 1 Feb 2021


Philo Peer Mentoring (Reading) - 26Jan2021.pdf

For Reading Philosophical Texts


Reading Text

Robert Nozick's The Experience Machine

Reading Text (2)

Michael Huemer's "Is Critical Thinking Epistemically Responsible?"

Paper Here

Philo Peer Mentoring Stage 1A (Philosophical Toolkit) Some Useful Distinctions.pdf

Useful Philosophical Distinctions

An addendum to the Slides.

(2) Peer Mentoring Stage B (Philosophical Writing)

Philo Peer Mentoring (Writing) - 1 Feb 2021.pptx.pdf

Writing Philosophy: Slides

Some tips on writing Philosophy Essays.

You may also find 'Useful Philosophical Distinctions' a helpful addendum to the slides, found under the materials for Philosophical Reading.

Helpful External Resources

Some philosophers have written illuminating guides on writing a philosophical essay. Here are links to their resources:

(3) MCQ Clinic

MCQ Clinic.pdf

MCQ Clinic: Slides

Some tips on tackling MCQ Questions in Philosophy

You may also find 'Useful Philosophical Distinctions' a helpful addendum to the slides, found under the materials for Philosophical Reading.