
Below is a list of courses I have taught over the years with excellent evaluations at U of Minnesota, U of Miami, USC Marshall, Ozyegin U, and most recently at U of Iowa Tippie College. I have received numerous excellence in teaching recognitions for my Intermediate Macroeconomics, International Macroeconomics, MBA and Executive MBA Microeconomics and Macroeconomics courses with student evaluations of 5.9 out of 6.0 (at U of Iowa Tippie), 5.0/5.0 (at Özyeğin MBA and EMBA), 4.8 out of 5.0 (at USC Marshall).

Please email me for syllabi.

Ph.D. Level Courses

Macroeconomics (with emphasis on dynamic general equilibrium and search theory)

International Trade

MBA and Executive MBA Courses

Microeconomics for Managers

Macroeconomics for the Global Economy

Country Economic and Risk Analysis

Undergraduate Courses

Principles of Macroeconomics (large lecture with 300+ students)

Intermediate Macroeconomics

Intermediate Microeconomics

International Economics

The World Economy