Numerology Meaning


Numerology can be defined as the science of studying numbers and their relationship with the events happening in an individual’s life.

The occurrence of numbers in the name, address, phone number, license number that is coming in front of an individual’s eye, again and again, has a significant message for him or her coming directly from universal numbers.

Cosmic forces have a deep impact on our lives. The change in time and planetary positions influence our daily lives. Numerology predicts and reveals the hidden traits of personality based upon the significant numbers appearing in one's life. In this article, we will discuss meaning of Life Path Number, Master Number And Angel Number in numerology.

The numerology can help a person discover his life path and uncover the secrets of their life.

Numerology is similar to astrology and horoscopes where we find the life insights and future predictions of a person through his name and date of birth.

The sequence and combinations of numbers have a significant meaning that draws the path of life based on numerical patterns as seen by the individual. Numerology can help reveal the relationship between numbers and occurrence of events in one's life. The influence of numbers, and its impact can be calculated through numerology.

You can uncover the secret potential and hidden traits of your personality that can help you solve problems that you are facing and help you succeed in life.

In addition, if repeated numbers are occurring in one’s life then numerology science can decode the secrets of numbers indicating its impact on one’s life.

numerology insights

History of Numerology

Numerology arose in Ancient Egypt many centuries ago. The Egyptian priests invented a complex numerical method that allows you to assign specific characteristics of an individual to a specific number.

In their sculpture and architecture, the ancient Egyptians demonstrated their understanding of the magic of numbers and the unity of proportions. The numerical proportions of the pyramids, which still elude our imaginations, are indirect evidence that Egypt possessed this understanding.

Every Egyptian temple architecture is founded on Egyptian numerical symbolism.

According to Wikipedia source, Many renowned mathematicians, philosophers believed that numbers have more to offer than just scientific calculations. They believed every number has a relevance to life events of a person and have a strong connection. St. Augustine of Hippo (AD 354–430), wrote: "Numbers are the Universal language offered by the deity to humans as confirmation of the truth.

He also believed that to find the secret meaning behind the number, one has to investigate the relevance and find the truth. From this point onwards the journey of numerology wisdom began and has an impact in today's modern world.

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Does Numerology Really Works?

Yes, numerology does work. There is a reason behind the occurrence of events. Numerology helps decode the relationship between the numbers and associated events in one's life through number analysis. Your personality traits and life is determined in numerology by considering numerical values existing in your date of birth and time.

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Name Numerology

Name numerology helps you discover your unique numerical vibrations through the alphabets of your name. The name gives us our true identity in this universe.

The name is the first word associated with our soul when we are born. The numerology reading based upon the name accurately shows the personal traits and deep meaning of your life.

We will first understand numerology chart and then we will discover our name numerology meaning through name numerology calculation. We will also learn about the meaning of destiny numbers, soul urge numbers, personality numbers, life path numbers, master numbers and angel numbers

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Meaning of Life Path Numbers in Numerology

Every life path number has its unique traits and capabilities. The life path number reveals the values you carry inside, the obstacles you will face and victories you will mark during the journey of your life. Let us go through life path numbers one by one and understand their significance.

Life Path Number 1 Meaning

If your life path number is 1 also known as numerology 1 then you are a pioneer, authentic, creative, and leader kind of a person. It is best if you are in something where you can lead a team and command.

You don't like taking orders, you are ambitious but honest, and with a good sense of humor.

The life path number 1 represents determination, will, which inspires things to exist.

It represents unity in the sense of what is unique and indivisible. 1 is the origin, it is self-sufficient since both if it is multiplied or divided by itself, it always stays at 1, which does not happen with any other number (1 × 1 = 1).

They have the ability to fight alone, and they are mentally strong. They might be stubborn sometimes due to their leadership quality since they don't like taking orders from someone.

The qualities in people of life path number 1

positive temperament: active, creative, pioneering, dynamic, and innovative.

Neutral qualities that must be known to channel them properly: Lack of will, selfishness.

Negative personality aspects: Tyranny, abuse of authority, wanting to control others, imposing their way of seeing life on everyone, intolerance, intransigence.

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Life Path Number 2 Meaning

If your life path number is 2 which is also known as numerology 2 then you work better with other people; you need a company to develop yourself. Two is the principle of duality.

The two speak to us of the feminine principle of receptivity, therefore, the characteristics of the life path number 2 are those that are traditionally associated with the yin part, softness, sweetness, and diplomacy.

They are very social; family and home are very important to them. These people are interested in minute details and deep insights into any matter.

They are also versatile, they can adapt well to different circumstances and environments, they have an objective vision of reality.

They are great in taking care and giving respect to others. They are the ones which keep the team running by maintaining great relationships with others.

The qualities in people of life path number 2

The qualities in people of positive temperament: They are collaborative, sensitive, and cooperative.

Neutral qualities that must be known in order to channel them properly: Shyness and timidity, susceptibility, and hypersensitivity.

Negative personality aspects: Hypocrisy and deception, unwarranted jealousy, emotional instability.

Life Path Number 3 Meaning

Life path number 3 also known as numerology 3 is the number of enthusiasm and the pleasant, the joy of living.

The life path number 3 is also considered as the number of creativity because it is the result of the sum of 2 + 1, that is, the receptive feminine principle (yin) of 2 added to the masculine principle of 1 (yang) that combines the yin yang of the couple love.

It is usually associated with sexual symbolism since the male genital apparatus is made up of 3 parts, two the same and one different.

The influence of the three is on two levels: mental, which develops your effort in the plane of ideas, and social that moves in the sphere of relationship, word, and communication.

They are exciting and friendly people who are always ready for an adventure. They have a great sense of humour and are willing to take great risks in life.

The qualities in people of life path number 3

The qualities in people of positive temperament: Optimism, ability to make friends, creativity.

Neutral qualities that must be known in order to channel them properly: Talk uncontrollably, talkative, and pretentious.

Negative personality aspect: Depression and pessimism, gossipy, entangling, nosy.

Life Path Number 4 Meaning

Life path number 4 also known as numerology 4 is the number of the organization, honesty, serious and dignified work, patience. You work perfectly with your hands and your mind. You are fully responsible.

You are the strongest support for any organization or your friends. You are thrifty and builder. The foundation of family and society, the prop of everything.

They are puzzle solvers who like to solve difficult problems and find the best solution. They like being free and act as the way they feel depending upon their mood.

The qualities in people of life path number 4

The qualities in people of positive temperament: They are Patient, trustworthy, organized, honest, and responsible.

Neutral qualities that must be known to channel them properly: The type of heavy, immobile, not very light people, dense in their things.

Negative personality aspects: Disorganized and disordered, rude, rude in speaking, not very delicate, and careless.

Life Path Number 5 Meaning

Life path number 5 also known as numerology 5 is the number that represents the freedom of the human being, the digit that is halfway (1-2-3-4 5 6-7-8-9) in the centre, can be versatile, changing.

They do not resist the routine and it is always on the move.

It is essential to be able to move, have no restrictions, express yourself without censorship. It is the number of the traveller, everything new fascinates and captures the imagination.

The person with life path number 5 is the one who likes to move forward even if he does not have a clear vision of the road, he is very bold. You seek freedom and do not hesitate to reject the old to replace it with the new.

They are flexible in nature since they can adapt to new environment and culture. Their intellectual quality makes them unique and attractive.

The qualities in people of life path number 5

The qualities in people with a positive temperament: dynamism, freedom, a taste for change and renewal, freshness in relationships, the openness of mind.

Neutral qualities that must be known to channel them properly: Irresponsibility, instability, superficiality.

Negative personality aspects: Self-indulgence with lack of control, excess of pleasures, drugs or drink, cynicism.

Life Path Number 6 Meaning

Life path number 6 also known as numerology 6 is the number of selfless love, the one that has been born to love and serve, as a teacher, always ready to go wherever required.

Love harmony, tranquillity, and peace. Life path number 6 is also the number of the home, the family, the house, represents the father and the mother.

It is a number of justice and always strives for balance. Seek harmony in the home through marriage or a stable relationship.

It is the first of the perfect numbers, since decomposed into its multiples and added: 1 + 2 + 3 = 6 gives us himself and explains the continuous search for harmony and perfection of 6, of beauty as an expression of balance.

They love to live their life in harmony with family and have a stable life. They are disciplined and have strong work ethics towards their profession.

The qualities in people of life path number 6

The qualities in people of positive temperament: They are helpful, responsible, loving, and caring.

Neutral qualities that must be known to properly channel them: nosy, liar, manipulator, controller.

Negative personality aspects: irresponsible, weedy, unstable, disorganized, selfish.

Life Path Number 7 Meaning

The person with life path number 7 also known as numerology 7 is the eternal seeker of knowledge, the lover of wisdom. He loves to study and learn new things every day.

Those with life path number 7 tend to be loners, philosophers, thinkers. You feel the need to share your knowledge with others, they like to write.

Success comes from incessant searching. Seven is a mystery to others and they possess psychic and intuitive abilities. Self-confidence is great and they have a good memory. They have great analytical skills.

They are busy in their own world of imagination and creativity. They are introvert kind of people who are shy and want their own space.

They like being alone and work upon their projects that they have decided about themselves.

Numerology number 7 is considered the luckiest number. We all might have seen in life how people love to associate themselves with number 7 since it's considered the perfect number.

There are seven days a week available. There are seven shades of the rainbow. On the music scale, there are seven voices. The earth is divided into seven oceans and seven continents. The number 7 is unquestionably the most enigmatic and auspicious.

7 is the number of experience, knowledge, learning, all of which contribute to our spiritual, emotional, and intellectual growth. At the same time, the number seven is a time-binding force, which means that seeing it seven times a day always signifies a good time to begin studies and spiritual practices! The amount of higher cause and knowledge that can bring us luck in our learnings and personal growth!

The qualities in people of life path number 7

The qualities in people of positive temperament: They are observant, analytical, intuitive, investigative, reasonable, restrained

Neutral qualities that must be known to channel them properly: Pessimism, excessive concern, is hypercritical, extremely anti-social.

Negative personality aspects: The destructive, self-destructive, false, pessimistic, and defeatist impulse.

Life Path Number 8 Meaning

Life path number 8 also known as numerology 8 is the number of efforts, success depends on work and determination.

You have to fight a lot to take advantage of them. Nothing comes easy way, what they have is through hard work.

They do things in a big way, they are the excellent administrator and very good for the money, they have great aspirations.

In numerology, the eight is related to karma, since, in times when its influence is predominant, the effects of the acts of the past are received, which can be of wealth or on the contrary, with many economic blows.

They are excellent in managing things, people and money. They take very calculative decisions based upon their wisdom and life experiences. They like working in an organized manner where everything is pre-planned and scheduled.

The qualities in people of life path number 8

The qualities in people of positive temperament: They are fair, capable of making important decisions, constructor, hard-working, and reliable.

Neutral qualities that must be known to channel them properly: Selfishness, cynicism, injustice, manipulation.

Negative personality aspects: Self-centeredness, vengeful tendencies, ambitious and greedy.

Life Path Number 9 Meaning

People with life path number 9 also known as numerology 9 come with superior knowledge and understanding, tolerance, the fulfilment of life, total empathy.

This is the number that indicates the great conquests of self-realization of all kinds, mental and spiritual, marking the end of a development phase and the beginning of a higher one, symbolized by the passing of the units to the tens since the next cycle is the one (10 = 1).

Pythagorean Greek philosophers used to say of nine that it was the ocean in which numbers move. Whoever has this number will be able to achieve success in life, collect what he sows, and be an example of compassion and love.

They are people of ethical values, principles and discipline. They are having high degree of tolerance which help them get through troubles and negative side of things in a short span of time.

The qualities in people of life path number 9

The qualities in people of positive temperament: He is generous and inspiring, he has a vocation for service, tolerant, respectful.

Neutral qualities that must be known to channel them properly: Lack of social tact, excessive pride, self-centeredness.

Aspects of people with a negative personality: Abusing knowledge is disrespectful, carefree, and sarcastic.

What is a Master Number in Numerology?

Every numeric value has a different vibration and power. In numerology 11,22 and 33 are considered master numbers.

11, 22, and 33 are special and have unique characteristics in the numerology world. They have great authority and meaning in one's life compared to other life path numbers.

The intensity and vibrational energy of a number gets double when both the numbers comes out to be the same. Master numbers have high potential and power that have great influence on one's life. Master numbers can completely manipulate and transform one's life since their occurrence have deep impact according to numerology.

Numerology Master Number 11

The value of master number 11 is a high level of intuition, pronounced creative abilities, enthusiasm, humanism. The mission of the holder of the number 11 is enlightenment in any field where the key to success is primarily striving for spiritual goals.

Failure to fulfill this mission is fraught with the destruction of personality. They can make various discoveries and comprehend things that are hidden to most. The number 11 people are spiritual in nature and are well aware of their existing circumstances.

Numerology Master Number 22

The value of master number 22 is a unique ability to see a single whole behind disparate parts.

The mission of the number 22 is to use this ability to organize and direct the creative activities of a large number of people for the implementation of large-scale projects. Many attributes of 22 are similar to 122.

The main goal is to serve humanity on the path to creating lasting values. The number 22 are hard workers and work with the best of their abilities to achieve their goals.

Numerology Master Number 33

The value of master number 33 is boundless philanthropy, endless patience, and selflessness. The mission of the number 33 is to reconcile people with their "demons", teach them justice, love, and compassion.

The purpose of life is to bring benefits: to help, support, and patronize, spreading its benefits.

What are Angel Numbers in Numerology?

Angel numbers can be defined as the recurring pattern of numerical values having a unique frequency and vibrational energy. Angel numbers can be considered a messenger from heaven trying to convey an essential message through repeated numerical patterns.

What are Angel Numbers Meaning in Numerology?

When you see the same number patterns like 333, 777 or 1010 again and again in a clock, license plate, watch or in your gas bills then you need to realize that those numbers are striving hard to convey you a secret message that can change your life and influence your life circumstances. Let us understand the meaning of Angel Numbers one by one.

Angel Numbers 111 Meaning

Angel Numbers"111" is a signal for a quick response. You have been visited by thoughts that can have a decisive effect on your life. Do not let them dissolve into the stream of consciousness. Focus on them, think through to the end.

If the brain has fixed three “units”, then your guardian angel beeps. And you must hear it. Otherwise, something very important will pass by you and be irrevocably missed.

Angel Numbers 222 Meaning

The numerology of angels regards the number 222 as confirmation that the actions you have taken recently have not been in vain. Your words have been heard; ideas have been received.

Three "deuces - a signal warning about the need to be prepared for the consequences of their actions. Get together! Will have to work.

Angel Numbers 333 Meaning

A reminder that your Ascended Masters control your life - real historical figures who have had an unprecedented impact on the course of the spiritual evolution of mankind.

Thousands of times per minute on Earth their words are quoted, their actions are repeated. Their heritage is invisibly present in every act of every person. And no matter what you do, whatever you think - the verdict has already been delivered, the retribution is determined.

Angel Numbers 444 Meaning

A sign in case of loss of self-confidence, disappointment, the appearance of a feeling of isolation from the world, hopeless loneliness.

Your star is shining, angels are nearby, every second of your life is your gift to humanity, and there is always a person who loves you. Calm down! You can learn more about spiritual meaning of 444.

Angel Numbers 555 Meaning

The number 555 is interpreted by angel numerology as a signal to the beginning of "pre-flight preparation." Nothing Unforeseen! Planned “flight” along a familiar route.

But you have to break away from the Earth, cease to be a part of it for a short time. Get ready for anything, hold the helm tighter. It is possible that you will "land" where you did not plan to be, but this will be the best moment in your life. Learn more about the meaning of 555, 511 and 505.

Angel Numbers 666 Meaning

Be careful! You are one step away from losing yourself forever. There is a desire, and there is an opportunity to get "all at once", paying for it with the purity of one’s own soul.

This is a temptation that you must overcome. Angels will help you accept what is now and not try to take more from life than you need now.

Angel Numbers 777 Meaning

A rare success has literally just occurred in your life. Even if you did not notice it. The choice made in the last 48 hours is the most justified decision in your life. The person who caused the positive emotions is the one for whom you were born.

Do not stop! The direction - the right one, the assessment of one's actions - corresponds to reality, the potential possibilities are inexhaustible.

Angel Numbers 888 Meaning

A sign that is rarely paid attention to. Apparently, because he, as a rule, appears at the moment of an uncontrollable “drive”. When everything is so good that it’s better, there’s simply nowhere to go.

Keep in mind: when it’s better - nowhere, then the limit of possibilities has been reached. And soon it will all be over. It is time to set the stage for new solutions and determine the direction of further movement.

Angel Numbers 999 Meaning

Angelic numerology of figure 9 is a special topic. Since the "nine" is, in a sense, the number of angels. Unsophisticated, evil, disinterested. Delivered from the hardships of earthly existence, but taking on a heavier burden - responsibility for people.

Therefore, the angelic numerology of the number 999 is a symbol of the infinity of the transitional movement called life. The designation of a new beginning, which is a continuation of something finished, which has come to a logical conclusion. You can also learn about angel number 944 which comes under number 9 series.

Angel Numbers 000 Meaning

The most common combination of numbers. It should be so. Indeed, three zeros is a reminder that we are all “in the hand of God,” and each of our steps is a manifestation of his will.

To understand this is to comprehend the eternal wisdom of the universe, which cares for every living creature in the same way that a good mother takes care of her children.

Angel Numbers 1010 Meaning

The combination of 1010 takes on a slightly different meaning, which can be expressed by the words: "There is no limit to perfection."

For idealists and impractical people, 1010 reminds us that it is time to focus on our own interests. It calls for egoists to ease the pressure of the ego and reflect on the needs of the neighbour. Make sure you are moving in the right direction.

The number 1010 is the beginning and end, the alpha and omega of existence. Dawn gives way to sunset, night follows day. Double repetition of numbers emphasizes the infinite cyclic nature of being.

As a reference point, you can take the date 10.10 - the tenth of October. This is the autumn season - a time to take stock, harvest. The period when the annual cycle ends, nature prepares for winter holidays.

It seems that nothing reminds us of a future spring revival. But a pulsating numerical rhythm predicts that renewal is as inevitable as the relentless passage of time.

Angel Numbers 1212 Meaning

It is believed that angel No. 1212 symbolizes awakening and deeper spiritual consciousness. It is believed that it shows the manifestation of your dreams in your real life and the realization that you are an infinite being.

When you see angel No. 1212, the angels try to tell you that you are moving towards achieving higher spiritual consciousness and your ambitions in life.

You must have positive thinking in order for positive changes to happen in your life. We attract the type of energy that we give to the world.

If you think only of negative thoughts and never stop to help other people, you can never reach your full potential.

Like attracts like, so you must send positive vibrations to the world if you want to bring about good change.

When you just see the numbers 1 and 2, they have a unique meaning. Number 2 is a sign of an independent outlook, positive thinking, intuition, and harmony. Meanwhile, number 1 is a sign that your goals can be realized.

When you see numbers 1 and 2 together, it is a convincing sign that focusing on your goals and dreams will help turn them into reality. As both numbers appear twice in 1212, the value increases.

When you see angel No. 1212, angels try to tell you that new beginnings are possible if you are persistent, brave, and take the initiative. Some of these changes may be possible through diplomacy and collaboration with people around you.

Angels want you to believe that your divine purpose in life will be achieved while you are positive, adapted, and committed to your work in life.

This is a reminder that you should focus on your highest expectations of life because the universe exists to help you and guide you when you need it.

If you are thinking about making changes in your life, don't be afraid. Angel No. 1212 is an indicator that you should go beyond your comfort zone and try something new.

New projects and experiences can help you grow as a person. They can also help you achieve your soul’s mission in life. If you never try new things, you can never truly grow and develop.

Angel No. 1212 is a sign that it is time for a change and progress towards your dream. At first, this can be a terrible experience, but you will gradually gain confidence and courage in your life path.

If you ever doubt or fear, relax. Spend some time meditating or praying while the angels guide you along the way. If you have a belief that everything will be fine, you only need to make every effort to achieve your goals.

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