Goblins in the Clan Castle

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There once was a Clan Castle full of thirty-five male goblins. They were donated by fellow clanmates and were eager to get to work. They did not do much when the base was functioning as it should. Typically, the troops in the clan castle just sat around and hung out. With that said, once someone began to attack, they tried to save the village by all means necessary.

One day, however, the base was attacked by nearly two hundred female archers. The goblins had never been attacked by an all female army before. The goblins believed that they could use their chiseled jaw-lines and bushy eye brows to impress the ladies initially, and defeat them all when they were least expecting it. The goblins were a rather weak troop and were often made fun of. They wanted to prove themselves by defeating the archers!

The goblins proceeded with flowers from the royal rose garden and a pleasant demeanor to the archers who were ready to attack. The archers were a combination of shocked and stunned. They were ready for war. They were happy they didn't have to battle and all two hundred of them laid down their bows and arrows. They then followed just thirty-four of the goblins back to the clan castle.

One of the goblins, Jawbreaker, stayed behind to steal all of the bows and arrows. One archer took notice that one goblin stayed behind and verbalized this to her peers. They called her paranoid and told her to have a good time, so she did. They gleefully marched to the clan castle where the goblins had promised the archers a feast and a day full of exhilarating festivities. After the meal, all of the archers got quite tired and wanted to take a nap so they had energy for an afternoon full of fun.

As the goblins left, they quietly locked the door and snuck away. The goblins then went and grabbed thirty-five of the bows and all of the arrows that the archers had brought with them to the base where the clan castle resides. The goblins proceeded to climb up the side of the clan castle up to the top, where a square opening in the roof would allow the goblins to put an end to the archers that they had trapped. The noise on the walls of the clan castle had woken up most of the archers. They immediately tried to open door and realized that they had been trapped. They yelled for help, but the only response was thirty-five goblins maniacally laughing.

After the goblins finished off the archers, they were ecstatic and celebrated until the sun came up the next morning. The village celebrated with them. All of the troops and heroes pranced around the village and had a grand ol' time. This was the first time that the goblins were solely responsible for a victory and the village was pumped! Unfortunately, all of the celebration may have come too soon.

All of the troops, heroes, and individuals who manned the defenses had not slept in over twenty-four hours. They were exhausted. As they slowly made their way back home to sleep, another army sneakily crept up on their base. This time, there were no archers but instead it was dragons! The goblins were nearly defenseless. All they had to defend themselves were the bows and arrows they had stolen from the archers. They did everything in their power to defend the village once again. Was it enough?

Author's Note: This week, one of the stories we read was called "Goblin City." That was the story that this one was based off of. I Incorporated parts of that story and put it in the context of the game Clash of Clans, a childhood game that was extremely popular a handful of years back that I still play from time to time. Some of the changes I made were:

    • The Island of Ceylon where the sailors landed became a Clash of Clans base (Clan Castle building in particular). The Clan Castle is a building that allows your buddies (members of your clan) to donate you troops to help you defend your base and/or attack other people's bases.

    • The She-goblins from the story that were eager to eat the sailors became the little green goblins in the game Clash of Clans which are a small but mighty troop.

    • The Sailors that arrived at the Island of Ceylon became Archers, a troop from Clash of Clans, which had been deployed to that particular base to attack.

    • The Captain that said that the she-goblins were trying to trick them and saved many of the sailors became an Archer who was not taken seriously and was called "paranoid" by her fellow archers. Of course this completely changed the outcome of the story. Instead of many of the sailors being saved by the captain's gesture, none of the archers were saved because she was ignored.

    • Lastly, the part after the goblins maniacally laughed is an addition to the story and is not my version of the original.


Story source: The Giant Crab, and Other Tales from Old India by W. H. D. Rouse.

Clash of Clans Goblin - Via CoC Guide