RGV Our Voice/Nuestra Voz (OVNV) Survey

[RGV OVNV Survey] is designed to (1) capture attitudes and opinions of Rio Grande Valley residents on key international, national, state and local issues, and (2) inform policy at the state and regional levels. This survey will provide a platform for academic research, student engagement, and community discourse on topics affecting the RGV. The Center for Survey Research and Policy Analysis at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley conducted the first wave of the OVNV survey in 2018.

2018 RGV Voice I

  • Data & Codebook:

  • When using the data, please cite one of the followings:

    • Kim, Dongkyu, Mi-son Kim, Natasha Altema McNeely. 2020. "Comparative Analysis of the Attitudes toward the U.S.-Mexico Border Policy: Evaluating Perspectives on Border Security and Building a Wall in the Rio Grande Valley, National Hispanic and General U.S. Populations," Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences. 42(4):476-496. doi:10.1177/0739986320953803 [Link]

      • Altema McNeely, Natasha, Dongkyu Kim and Mi-son Kim, forthcoming, "Deportation Threat and Political Engagement among Latinos in the Rio Grande Valley," Ethnic and Racial Studies.