Data format


Each dataset contains four sub-folders which contain the FOV images (.png), annotation coordinates (.csv), mask images (.png), and visualization images (.png). All images are at 0.2 microns-per-pixel. All coordinate values in tables are pixel units at 0.2 microns-per-pixel.





Naming convention

File names encode most relevant information. There may be a prefix encoding participant and dataset.

Coordinate files (.csv)

Each contains nuclei coordinates for the corresponding image. Additionally, a file called all_fov_locations.csv contains the intended annotation region. This accounts for the fact that nuclei may extend beyond the FOV boundary.

> raw_classification: raw class (13 total)

> main_classification: nucleus class (7 total)

> super_classification: nucleus superclass (4 total)

> type: rectangles v.s. polylines

> xmin / ymin / xmax / ymax: extent of the nucleus

> coords_x / coords_y: comma-separated boundary

Mask format

Mask images are provided for convenient use with machine learning analyses. The first channel in each mask image encodes the class labels found here. The product of the second and third channels encode the unique instance label for each nucleus. The fov area (gray) is included in the class table and first channel of the mask. This file contains the nucleus label encoding, including a special 'fov' code encoding the intended annotation region.

Note: unlike the csv files, masks do not distinguish between bounding boxes and segmentations.

1st channel

2nd x 3rd channels

Clustering results

Anchors obtained from clustering are in files named like: v3.1_final_anchors_E_Ps_AreTruth.csv. In this case, this file includes anchors that were collectively judged by pathologists to be "real" nuclei. Some relevant columns are highlighted here. Please contact us with any questions.

> xmin_relative, ymin_relative, .. : anchor extent

> MV_[...] : majority voting results

> EM_[...] : expectation-maximization results

> NP.1, NP.2, SP.1, .. : matched annotations

> manual_coords_x/y : manual boundary by one SP

> algorithmic_coords_x/y : suggested boundary