ya vocative marker. ya Yakûb (hey) Yakub.

focus marker. it is. discourse marker. then. yǎ (dé) here it is. Úo yǎ dé. Here he is.

ya(a)ni conj. it means, I mean, in other words.

yakhúi see under akú.

yakutí see under akú.

yâl, yalâ see nyerekû.

yála discourse marker. and then. syn. dúkuru.

yalwelê see yowéle.

yatú inter. which. yatú bakân which place. Weled-íta fi sána yatú? In which year were you born?

yébis v.t. dry. ma-yébis dried. v.i. dry.

yeboyébo n. flip-flops.

yégif see wógif.

(y)émbe (pl. ma-) Sw./Ga. n. mango. syn. mánga.

yemîn (var. yomîn) n. right (side). le yemîn to the right.

yôm (pl. -în) n. day. Yôm tô tîm. His (last) day has come. yom taláta third (day). yom talatá Tuesday. yomîn dé these days, recently.

yowéle (var. wéle; pl. yowelê, welê, yalwelê) n. boy, son.

yoyóte Sw. det. any. syn. ái.