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Annotated bibliography on Nubi

The first vocabulary of Nubi, presented with Dinka (Bor dialect) and Egyptian Cairene Arabic. During 1905-1906, the author was traveling from Kampala, where he had established Mulago Hospital, to the colonial headquarters at Mongalla in South Sudan (near modern Juba). On his way he collected these Nubi vocabularies.  
The first published grammar of Nubi by a famous linguist. His volume is a part of the series Language and Dialect Atlas of Kenya,  in which the same author provides grammatical sketches of many under-described non-Bantu languages of Kenya. 
The first published vocabulary of Nubi by a British soldier. This vocabulary was analyzed by the following article: Kaye, A. S. & M. Tosco (1993) “Early East African Pidgin Arabic”, Sprache und Geschichte in Afrika 14: 269–305. 
About multilingualism among the Nubi community in Bombo, Uganda. In German. 
A collection of Nubi narrative texts from Bombo, Kibera, and Mombasa. 
A large, comprehensive Nubi grammar written in French. The author focuses on the Nubi community in Mombasa, Kenya. 
An early vocabulary of Nubi, or rather a Sudanese Arabic variety, spoken by early Nubi soldiers of Uganda Rifles. The author was stationed at Gondokoro, one of the oldest town in Jubek State (South Sudan) and once the northernmost outpost of the Uganda Protectorate until the early 20th century. The same author has written an interesting ethnographic report: “Notes on the Sudanese in Uganda”, Journal of the Royal African Society 7 (1908): 123–146.
The first linguistic report on Nubi and Juba Arabic by a South Sudanese scholar. Until then, almost nothing was known about the linguistic natures of these Arabic creoles. 
Multilingual vocabulary for medical purposes. Extensively analyzed by the following article: Avram, A. A. (2015) “An Early Nubi Vocabulary”, Romano-Arabica 15: 155–192.
The first comprehensive grammar of Nubi. The same author has written numerous academic articles on Nubi, Nigerian Arabic, as well as Old Arabic predating the Islamic expansion. 
A large, comprehensive Nubi grammar. The author focuses on the Nubi community in Buganda, with some notes on northern (West Nile) Nubi. 
An interesting vocabulary of Bangala, Zande, Mangbetu, and Arabic as spoken in the Lado Enclave, now parts of West Nile (Uganda) and Juba area (South Sudan). The Arabic variety shares a few isoglosses with modern Nubi. This is also the first vocabulary of Bangala, an old variety of modern Lingala.