Creativity & Change in  

Anglo-American Literature & Culture

A two-day symposium sponsored by the British and American Studies Program, School of Global Studies, Chukyo University, the Chukyo University English Society and the Nagoya University American Literature/Culture Society.

DAY 1: Saturday, March 16th, 2024, Yagoto Campus, Convention Hall, Annex Building 16, 6F


Opening Remarks (10:15)

Arinori Mori and Christopher J. Armstrong (Chukyo University)


Session 1 (10:30-12:00)      Chair: Madeline Boulanger (Chukyo University)


1.    Paolo Taruc (Chukyo University)

Cultura ex Machina: AI and the Crisis of Cultural Production

2.  Eric Gondree (Chukyo University)

The 5 C’s of Historical Thinking

3.  Seng Ong (Chukyo University)

Translanguaging Theory/Monolingual Praxis: Translanguaging Theory and its 

Reception in English Education in Japan 

Lunch Break (12:00-13:00)

Session 2 (13:00-14:30)    Chair: Arinori Mori (Chukyo University)

1. Stephen Charles (Chukyo University)

Students’ Perceptions of Peer Review and Self-Assessment in EFL Writing

2.   Mina Westby (Chukyo University) and Terry Wacholtz (Chukyo University)

The Benefits of Freshmen Interacting with International Students in Preparation for Studying Abroad

3. Miori Motomori (Chukyo University)

Bridging the Gap: Study Abroad Experiences and Global Human Resource 



Coffee Break 14:30-15:00


Session 3 (15:00-16:30)      Chair: TBA


1.     Yoko Araki (Keiwa College)

Weaving Women’s Experience into the Outmigration Narrative: A Study on Kate Beaton’s Ducks

2.     Yoko Tsuchiya (Hirosaki University)

How did American Women Writers of the Early 20th Century Struggle to Create New Images of Women? And How Do They Inspire the Creativity of Women Artists Today?

3.   Kiyofumi Sugiura (Chukyo Univerisity)

Danticat Reading Jean Rhys: A Consideration of In-Betweenness and Creativity in the Work of Haitian-American Author Edwidge Danticat


Remarks on the Chukyo University English Society (16:30-17:00): Arinori Mori, Kiyo Sugiura and Christopher J. Armstrong


Reception at Restaurant Hamayu (18:00 - 20:00)

DAY 2: Sunday, March 17th, 2024, Yagoto Campus, Convention Hall, Annex Building 16, 6F

Session 4 (11: 00 - 12:45)      Chair: TBA

1.  Yuri Shakouchi (Toyohashi University of Technology)

Creativity as Capital in Too Much Coffee Man

2.  Daichi Sugai (Aichi Gakuin University)

Seafaring Chinatown: Hybridity of Anglo-Saxon Frontier in Frank Norris’s Romance

3.  Yohei Chiba (Chukyo University)

Creative Writing of the Masses: Composition in the U.S. and Sakubun (作文) in 

Japan after the Second World War

4.  Jane Joritz-Nakagawa (Poet)

Power / Pain / Protest / Poetry: The 21st Century


Lunch Break (12:45-13:30)


Session 5 (13:30 - 15:00)       Chair: Kiyofumi Sugiura (Chukyo University)



1.    Myles Chilton (Nihon University)

    Atwood’s Speculative Fiction: The Third Culture, Trust, and Truth

2.    Ryunosuke Oki (Sugiyama Jogakuen University)

More Illegible Rage: Changing Looking, Remaining Post-Feminist Disorders in Mona

Awad’s 13 Ways of Looking at a Fat Girl

3.  Mark Weeks (Nagoya University)

From A to I and Back Again: Warhol's Philosophy Today


Coffee Break (15:00 - 15:20)

Keynote Lecture (15:20 - 16:50) Chair: Christopher J. Armstrong (Chukyo University)

Dr. Andrew Houwen (Tokyo Woman’s Christian University)

           Breaking New Earth: Akitoshi Nagahata, Ezra Pound, and Arnold Fanck's Die 

                Tochter des Samurai/Atarashiki Tsuchi


Closing Remarks, Farewells and Photos (16:50-17:15)               

Arinori Mori, Madeline Boulanger and Christopher J. Armstrong (Chukyo University)

Contact:      Arinori Mori (

                       Christopher J. Armstrong (

                     Madeline Boulanger (