











國立台灣大學電機工程系博士 (2003/08-2009/01)

國立陽明大學生物醫學影像暨放射科學系碩士(分子影像暨核醫藥物組) (2001/08-2003/06)

國立陽明大學生物醫學影像暨放射科學系學士 (1994/09-1998/06)


Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

M.S. Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Science (molecular imaging and nuclear medicine), National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan

B.S. Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Science, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan


國立台灣科技大學 應科學院 醫學工程研究所 專任教授 (2018/02- present)

國防醫學院 醫學工程科 兼任教授 (2018/02-present)

國防醫學院 醫學工程科 兼任副教授 (2014/08-2018/01)

國立台灣科技大學 應科學院 醫學工程研究所 專任副教授 (2014/08- 2018/01)

國防醫學院 醫學工程科 兼任助理教授 (2011/08-2014/7)

國立台灣科技大學 應科學院 醫學工程研究所 專任助理教授 (2010/08-2014/7)

國立台灣大學生醫電資所/基因體醫學中心生醫分子影像實驗室 博士後研究員 (2009/02-2010/07)

國立台灣大學電機工程研究所 研究助理 (2003/08-2009/01)

國立陽明大學 生物醫學影像暨放射科學系 專任助教 (2000/09-2001/07)

石牌振興復健醫學中心 影像醫學部 放射師 (1998/06-2000/08)


1. Professor, Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. 02/2018 – Present

2. Associate professor, Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. 08/2014 – Present

3. Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. 08/2010 – 07/2014

4. Postdoctoral Researcher (PostDoc), NTU Research Center for Medical Excellence – Division of Genomic Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. 02/2009 –07/2009

5. Graduate Research Assistant (Ph.D.), Ultrasonic Imaging Lab, National Taiwan University - Taipei, Taiwan. 08/2003 – 01/2009

6. Graduate Research Assistant (M.S.), Department of Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Sciences (BIRS), National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan 07/2001 – 07/2003

7. Teaching Assistant in the Department of Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Sciences (BIRS), National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan 09/2000 – 07/2001

8. Radiologist in the Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Cheng-Hsin Rehabilitation Medical Center, Taiwan 06/1998 – 09/2000


1. 榮獲第十八屆國家新創獎,"廣效型局部促藥物輸送之微氣泡複合醫材"新創精進獎。

2. 榮獲第十七屆國家新創獎,"微氣泡複合醫材結合超音波於耳科疾病及頭頸癌治療之開發"新創精進獎。


4.榮獲科技部「2020法人鏈結 Boot Camp產學合作計畫」競賽第二名。

(參賽者: 碩二 陳俞臻 王柏翰 碩一 李湘慈 王崇宇 謝睿勳)

5. 2020年台科大優良研究獎。

6. 2018年獲得科技部吳大猷獎計畫四年期補助。

7. 第十五屆國家新創獎 學研新創獎 暨 最佳產業效益獎 "廣效型局部促藥物輸送之微氣泡複合醫材"。

8. Dr. Ta-You Wu Memorial Award (106年科技部吳大猷獎) (Outstanding Young Researcher Award) from Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan in 2017.

9. Poster Award, Symposium of Annual Conference of the Biomedical Engineering Society of ROC, Taoyuan, Taiwan, Dec, 2018. Topic: Estimating the treatment efficacy of ultrasound mediated cisplatin loaded microbubbles cavitation and co-administration of atorvastatin in hypopharyngeal cancer. (Advised W. T. Lin)

10. 2018 Excellent Research and Innovation Award (台科大優良研究創作獎) in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.

11. Poster Award, Symposium of Annual Conference of the Biomedical Engineering Society of ROC, Taoyuan, Taiwan, Nov, 2017. Topic: Estimating the treatment efficacy of ultrasound mediated cisplatin loaded microbubbles cavitation in hypopharyngeal cancer. (Advised W. T. Lin)

12. 2018 Outstanding Young Researcher Award (台科大優秀年輕學者獎) in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.

13. 2016 publish a paper "Effectiveness of a Layer-by-Layer Microbubbles-Based Delivery System for Applying Minoxidil to Enhance Hair Growth to Enhance Hair Growth"in Theranostics(2020 IF=11.556)2016, 6(6), 817-827."and used as the journal front cover page image.

14. 2015 JMBE Annual Excellent Paper Award (SCI journal)

15. Poster Award, Symposium of Annual Conference of the Biomedical Engineering Society of ROC, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Nov, 2013. Topic: Effects of Albumin and Dextrose Concentration Mediated Microbubbles-Size Dependence of Ultrasound-Induced Inner Ear Gene Transfection in Vitro. (Advised H. C. Ho)

16. Poster Award, Symposium of Annual Conference of the Biomedical Engineering Society of ROC, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Nov, 2013. Topic: Combined therapeutic ultrasound with the new microbubble-type anti-inflammatory drug for arthritis. (Advised H. Y. Zhung)

17. Poster Award, Symposium of Annual Conference of the Biomedical Engineering Society of ROC, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Nov, 2013. Topic: COMBINING ULTRASOUND AND PROBIOTICS TREATMENT FOR DIET-INDUCED OBESE MICE. (Advised C. C. Li)

18. Poster Award, Symposium of Annual Conference of the Biomedical Engineering Society of ROC, Tainan, Taiwan, August, 2011. Topic: The Measurements of Acoustic Properties of US/MR Multimodality Contrast Agent. (Advised C. H. Cheng)

19. 科技部100年度優秀年輕學者計畫補助三年期

20. Outstanding students conference travel grant by foundation for the advancement of outstanding scholarship (Ultrasonics Symposium, New York, U.S.A., 2007)









