舊版個人網站(因為Google傳統版平台轉換問題, 2021/9後舊版個人網站已無法持續更新)https://sites.google.com/site/ntuthislab002/home

實驗室相關訊息我有時也會更新在台科電子系榮譽榜:https://ece.ntust.edu.tw/ 、 台科大智慧電動車中心:https://ai-sev.ntust.edu.tw/

利用電腦視覺、影像處理理論, 建立智慧型自動化、人機互動系統 (如機器人視覺、自動檢測、各種相關應用...)、自駕車之深度學習環境感測、以及各項AI產業落地實證

At HIS Lab, we are a group of enthusiasts dedicated to the researches in image processing, digital halftoning, pattern recognition, 3-D modeling, human-computer interaction, and DNN-based perception for autonomous driving. Our goal is to develop electronic imaging systems as a bridge that will connect people and computer/machines.

Recruiting prospective and self-motivated international students! (especially from Indonesia, Malaysia, or other countries belong to New Southbound Policy)! Please Email me first!! 

PS. Having basic Mandarin Chinese speaking & listening ability would be better for you to co-work with my Taiwanese students. Normally, I would request you to take one semester Chinese language course in NTUST. 




各位好!  我是台灣科技大學電子系計算機組的教授 陳永耀老師。我2013年於美國普渡大學(Purdue University)取得電機與電腦工程(Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)博士。回台灣前, 我曾任職於美國惠普研究室(HP Labs), 擔任影像系統工程師。除了上述研究方向外, 我對帶領學生應用人工智慧AI於不同場域的實務競賽、產學計畫也很感興趣(有興趣了解的同學請見關於我以及學校網頁)。期待與諸位優秀學子的相互激盪和成長!


隨時歡迎對我研究領域有興趣的新生以e-mail方式聯繫我, 我們可以約時間當面討論。

我的e-mail: yungyaochen@gapps.ntust.edu.tw   or   yungyaochen@mail.ntust.edu.tw

來信請附上你/妳的基本資料, 謝謝!


