National Taiwan University

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Precision Metrology Laboratory



Beginning with precision machines, MEMS (Micro Electro-Mechanic Systems) and going through the currently popular industries such as electric/electronic industries, IC manufacturing, IC fabrications and tests,… etc., the global world has been developing with a great trend with an increasing importance and enormous concern in precise engineering and precision metrology for winning global competiveness and success.

Under the leading of Professor Liang-Chia Chen, the Precision Metrology Laboratory (PML) have been publishing many excellent results of research in the field of precise metrology. Not only does the laboratory model new theories in the academic community, but it also develops many breakthrough technologies, as well as providing industrial consulting services.

The PML has played globally as one of the important pioneers in for innovative precision metrology technologies. The laboratory has currently established close cooperation with many universities, research organizations and private enterprises. Our goal is to develop state-of-art technologies in precision metrology and educate excellent new blood for the industries continually.

Laboratory Leader

Research and Development

Measurement Service