2022 NTU-Kyoto high energy physics workshop/Kawai Fest

17-20 December 2022, Department of Physics, National Taiwan University

The aim of this workshop is to discuss the latest exciting results of field theory, string theory and phenomenology brought by researchers from National Taiwan University (NTU) and Kyoto University (KU) working in these subjects from the various perspectives. This year we will also use this occasion to celebrate the work of Professor Hikaru Kawai, formerly a professor at Kyoto University until 2021, now Chin-Yu Chair Professor at National Taiwan University, who initiated this series of workshops between NTU and KU.

This workshop will be hosted as a part of research cooperation between National Taiwan University and Kyoto University.

Invited Speakers:

Yoshihiko Abe (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Sinya Aoki (YITP, Kyoto University)

Jiunn-Wei Chen (Physics, National Taiwan University)

Cheng-Wei Chiang (Physics, National Taiwan University)

Chong-Sun Chu (Physics, National Tsing-Hua University)

Masafumi Fukuma (Physics, Kyoto University)

Yuta Hamada (KEK)

Koji Hashimoto (Physics, Kyoto University)

Pei-Ming Ho (Physics, National Taiwan University)

Nobuyuki Ishibashi (Tsukuba University)

Takaaki Ishii (Rikkyo University)

Satoshi Iso (KEK)

Hiroshi Itoyama (Osaka Metropolitan University)

Shoichi Kawamoto (Obirin University)

Hikaru Kawai (Physics, National Taiwan University)

Chia-Kai Kuo (Physics, National Taiwan University)

Yoshinori Matsuo (Kindai University)

Takeshi Morita (Shizuoka University)

Jun Nishimura (KEK)

Toshifumi Noumi (Kobe University)

Nobuyoshi Ohta (Physics, National Central University)

Justinas Rumbutis (Physics, National Taiwan University)

Harold Steinacker (Vienna University)

Asato Tsuchiya (Shizuoka University)

Koji Tsumura (Kyushu University)

Yuki Yokokura (RIKEN)

Kentaroh Yoshida (Physics, Kyoto University)


Room 815, Department of Physics, National Taiwan University.



The workshop will be mostly in person, except for one afternoon of online talks, however we will also provide the live link for all the talks. Sign up here to receive the link.

Workshop Program:

(All time listed are Taiwan local time)

2022/12/17 (Saturday)

10:20-10:30: Opening

Session Chair: Heng-Yu Chen

10:30-11:05: Sinya Aoki: "Entropy and its conservation in expanding Universe."

11:05-11:40: Pei-Ming Ho: "UV Physics in Hawking Radiation and Unruh Effect".

11: 40-12:15: Masafumi Fukuma: "Sign problem and the World volume Hybrid Monte Carlo method."

12:15 - 14:00: Lunch Break

Session Chair: Nobuyoshi Ohta

14:00-14:35: Toshifumi Noumi: "Black Hole Extremality in Nonlinear Electrodynamics and Weak Gravity Conjecture."

14:35-15:10: Cheng-Wei Chiang: “VBF vs. GGF Higgs with Full-Event Deep Learning — Towards a Decay-Agnostic Tagger.”

15:10-15:45: Takeshi Morita: "Large-N gauge theories and Black holes."

15:45-16:15: Coffee Break

Session Chair: Kentaroh Yoshida

16:15-16:50: Justinas Rumbutis: "Minitwistors and the Cotton Double Copy."

16:50-17:25: Yuki Yokokura: "Entropy-Area Law from Interior Semi-classical Degrees of Freedom."

17:25-18:00: Takaaki Ishii: "Superradiance, black resonator strings and helical black strings."

2022/12/18 (Sunday)

Session Chair: Sinya Aoki

10:30-11:05: Hiroshi Itoyama: “Critical hypersurface of N=2 SU(n) gauge theory with flavors from A_n-1 multi-matrix model."

11:05-11:40: Jiunn-Wei Chen: "Parton Distributions on a Lattice."

11: 40-12:15: Shoichi Kawamoto: "Time dependent field correlators from holographic EPR pairs."

12:15 - 14:00: Lunch Break

Session Chair: Asato Tsuchiya

14:00-14:35: Nobuyoshi Ohta: "Asymptotically Free Quantum Gravity."

14:35-15:10: Yoshinori Matsuo: "Spacetime structure of static black holes."

15:10-15:45: Kentaroh Yoshida: ``Chaotic instability in the BFSS matrix model''.

15:45-16:15: Coffee Break

Session Chair: Yu-tin Huang

16:15-16:50: Koji Tsumura: "The origin of pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone-Boson Dark Matter. ''

16:50-17:25: Chia-Kai Kuo: " All-loop four-point Aharony-Bergman-Jafferis-Maldacena amplitudes from dimensional reduction of the amplituhedron."

17:25-18:00: Yuta Hamada: " Monopole-fermion scattering and varying Fock space."

2022/12/19 (Monday)

Session Chair: Hikaru Kawai

10:30-11:05: Asato Tsuchiya:"Emergence of (3+1)-dimensional expanding space-time in the type IIB matrix model".

11:05-11:40: Yoshihiko Abe: "Black hole extremality in de Sitter spacetime and weak gravity conjecture."

11: 40-12:15 :Chong-Sun Chu (CANCELED!): "On a new model of black hole, Page curve and information retrieval."

12:15 - 14:00: Lunch Break

Session Chair: Masafumi Fukuma

14:00-14:35: Jun Nishimura (Online) : "The beginning of the universe as seen by numerical simulation."

14:35-15:10: Nobuyuki Ishibashi (Online) : "The Fokker-Planck formalism for closed bosonic strings."

15:10-15:45: Satoshi Iso (Online): "Relativistic quantum measurement and decoherence."

15:45-16:15: Coffee Break

Session Chair: Heng-Yu Chen

16:15-16:50: Harold Steinacker (Online) : "3+1-dimensional gravity as a quantum effect in the IKKT matrix model."

18:00-? : Banquet (Invitation Only) - 新東南海鮮餐廳汀州店: https://goo.gl/maps/6fngJxS7nKjcApQE8

2022/12/20 (Tuesday)

Session Chair: Heng-Yu Chen

10:30-11:15: Koji Hashimoto: "Chaos energy bound."

11:15- ? : Hikaru Kawai: "Time Flow in the Quantum Multiverse and Solving the Naturalness Problem."


Heng-Yu Chen, Pei-Ming Ho, Yu-tin Huang, Hikaru Kawai (National Taiwan University), Koji Hashimoto, Kentaroh Yoshida (Kyoto University)


This workshop is supported by Center for Theoretical Physics, National Taiwan University; National Science and Technology Council; Supporting Program for InteRaction-based Initiative Team Studies (SPIRITS)