NTMS Summer School HOURS are 8:45-12:15 pm - Monday - Friday

NTHS Summer School Hours are 8:45-4:00 pm - Monday -Friday

Summer Breakfast is from 8:00 - 9:00 am

Summer Lunch is from 12:00 -1:00 pm

NTHS Session 1-June is from 3-14, Session 2 is from June 17-28

Weekly Sporting Events:

Take a look at the different events that have happened at the High School and Middle School this year! Lots of fun and excitement! 


Dr. Small was in the building to work with our 8th grade students! The work that was focused on was cultural resiliency and trauma. Many community members took part and shared they stories and experiences!  



1. Masks are now voluntary. There will still be masks available for those that choose to wear them. All sanitation procedures will still be in place.

2. Attendance is taken every class period. Parents, you will receive a phone call if your child has not arrived by 8:40 am.

3. The school day is from 8:30 am to 3:50 pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. On Wednesdays the school day is from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm.

5. Your child will be marked tardy if they arrive after 8:30. If they are 10 minutes, or more, late to class they will be marked absent for that hour. 

4. *Reminder: once a student misses any class for 29 or more hours, he/she will non-credit the class. Attendance is vital for a student's success.

From the NTHS- Counseling Department

Hello! Starting November 6th, high school students will be completing a needs assessment during the daily Social Emotional Learning (SEL) time. The purpose of this assessment is to drive the school counseling program in meeting the needs of our students. Ms. Streitz, the school counselor, and Ms. Emmi, the school social worker, will be in all of the classrooms with each teacher until all students have completed the assessment. The assessment was designed by 7 Mindsets, the Social Emotional Learning (SEL) platform that is used in the high school. We are very excited to see where each student sees themselves in relation to their Social Emotional Learning (SEL) skills and needs. 

Please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Streitz or Ms. Emmi if you have any questions or concerns about the assessments. We appreciate your time and interest in your children and their future. 


Ms. Beatrice Steitz 

School Counselor

Ms. Emmi Albrecht, LBSW

School Social Worker

New Town High School

(701) 627-3658



According to the 2022-2023 student and athletic handbooks, if a student failed classes last spring, they are now ineligible in sports for 4 weeks for EACH class failed. For example, if a student failed or non-credited 3 classes, they are ineligible for 12 weeks from the date of the first practice. Classes can be recovered in credit recovery, independent study, or through summer school to avoid the four weeks. Remember, all student athletes are students and your education is very important to us.

Also, students are not eligible if they are failing any classes. Eligibility is run every Wednesday at 5 pm and that ineligibility will stand firm until the following Wednesday. It is very important that you check your child's PowerSchool and be in the know about your child's educational progress.

Finally, attendance does count for weekly eligibility. Students cannot have more than 7 absences in any class and be eligible for sports. However, once the hours are made up, students will be eligible to play.


According to the handbook, high school students cannot miss more than 28 hours per class period each semester. Absences due to any reason--excused, unexcused, medical, etc. count towards the 28 hours. Once a student has missed over the 28, the class is considered a non-credit and the student will be placed in credit recovery for the rest of that semester for the hours non-credited. If a student non-credits every class period, they will be dropped for the semester and given alternative learning materials. The student must wait until the beginning of the next semester to return to school.

Additionally, students cannot have over 7 absences in any class period to be eligible for sports and/or activities. Students must make up those hours during tutoring sessions and/or Saturday Academies.

Finally, all hours must be made up down to 7 hours in every class at the end of each semester, or the student will non-credit the course for the semester.

Attendance in school is very important for student success. We recommend that students be in school as much as possible and for parents/guardians to login to PS and be aware of their child's grades and attendance to avoid issues such as non-crediting.

If you have any questions about the attendance policy, please contact your child's administration team.

Bullying Information Below

Dear Parents and Guardians,

The school district has looked into other ways that bullying could be reported. STOPit is an app that you can get on your phone that allows you to anonymously get in touch with a school administrator to report a bullying incident. Information on how to download the app and how to use the app is attached below.

It is the belief of the New Town Public School District that every child has a safe learning environment. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s school building administration.

              STOPit Parent Letter                                           STOPit Answers some Parent Q's                   How to download the STOPit App           

 Contact us:

NTMS - 701-627-3660

NTHS - 701-627-3658