高 等 教 育 的 EMI 教 學
國 際 學 術 研 討 會


2022.06.15 - 06.16



Keynote Speakers

國立臺灣師範大學 劉美慧 教務長
Dr. Mei-Hui LIU, Vice President of Academic Affairs, National Taiwan Normal University

劉美慧為現任國立臺灣師範大學教務長暨教育學系特聘教授,於美國明尼蘇達大學取得哲學博士學位,曾任國立臺灣師範大學教育學系系主任、國立臺灣師範大學師資培育學院院長、通識教育中心主任、臺灣教育社會學學會理事長。研究專長領域包含國際教育、多元文化教育、社會科課程與教學、民主公民教育等,並曾多次擔任由國際教育成就評鑑協會(International Association for the Evaluation of Education Achievement)主導的國際公民教育與素養調查計畫(International Civic and Citizenship Education Study)國家計畫主持人。

Mei-Hui Liu is Distinguished Professor of the Department of Education and Vice President of Academic Affairs of National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU). She received her PhD at University of Minnesota, USA. She has been Chair of the Department of Education of NTNU, Dean of College of Teacher Education, Director of Center for General Education of NTNU, and President of Taiwan Association for Sociology of Education. Dr. Liu’s research areas include international education, multicultural education, social studies education, democracy and civic education and etc. She has been the National Principal Investigator of the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study led by International Association for the Evaluation of Education Achievement for many times.

倫敦大學學院教育學院 李嵬 院長
Prof. LI Wei, Director and Dean of IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society, University College London

李嵬教授的研究領域是雙語主義及多語主義。他在1997年發起了兩年一度的指標性國際研討會─雙語主義國際論壇 (International Symposium on Bilingualism) ,以及雙語主義國際期刊 (International Journal of Bilingualism) (SSCI)。

Lǐ Wéi is a British linguist, journal editor, and educator, who is currently the Director and Dean of the UCL Institute of Education. He is an elected Fellow of the British Academy, Member of Academia Europaea, Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (United Kingdom), and Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA).
Professor Li Wei is of Manchu-Chinese heritage, and received an MA in English Language Studies (with Distinction) and PhD in Speech Sciences at Newcastle University. Before joining UCL in January 2015, he was Pro-Vice-Master of Birkbeck College, University of London, and before that he was Head of School of Education at Newcastle.
His research interests are in bilingualism and multilingualism. He launched the series of International Symposium on Bilingualism, which is now a key international conference that takes place all over the world every two years, and the International Journal of Bilingualism (SSCI), both in 1997.

演講內容簡介 Speech Introduction

Translanguaging in English medium education
Following the multilingual trend in language education, translanguaging advocates active use of multiple languages and other meaning-making resources in a dynamic and integrated way in teaching and learning. When it comes to foreign language education, translanguaging advocates a view that the languages the learners already have should and can play a very positive role in learning additional languages. Moreover, the knowledge already acquired through the learners’ first and/or prior learned languages also plays an important role in foreign-language-medium education. This view is more than a pedagogic or theoretical perspective; it is a decolonizing stance, that this talk explores. It critiques notions such as academic English.

斯德哥爾摩大學雙語研究中心 Dr. Linus SALÖ,
Centre for Research on Bilingualism Stockholm University

Linus Salö 是斯德哥爾摩大學雙語研究中心副教授。他在許多研究領域都相當活躍,包括社會語言學、雙/多語主義、語言政策、語言人類學、科學研究 (科學的歷史、社會學、以及社會語言學)、以及教育及知識社會學。Dr. Salö 廣泛參與了語言政策、語言意識形態以及語言實踐等議題,因此擴展了他的著作領域,從學術領域的語言議題及現象,到母語教學及其對宏觀人類社會的影響。

Dr. Linus Salö is an Associate Professor at the Centre for Research on Bilingualism, Stockholm University. He is active in a number of fields, including sociolinguistics, bi/multilingualism, language policy, linguistic anthropology, science studies (history, sociology and sociolinguistics of science), and sociology of knowledge and education. Engaging broadly with language politics, ideology and practice, his work spans the gamut from language issues and phenomena in academia to mother tongue instruction and the impact of the humanities in wider society.

演講內容簡介 Speech Introduction

English and EMI in Swedish academia: the bigger picture

In this talk I will attempt a sociohistorical contextualization of EMI in Sweden, so as to account for the traction it has gained in Swedish academia in recent years. Focusing on broad sociolinguistic conditions, this approach entails a discussion on the rise of internationalism as a salient societal value as the backdrop for grasping the position held by English in Swedish academia, more generally. Apart from outlining the adoption of English in higher education and research, I dwell on the critical language ideological debates this situation has sparked in Sweden.

香港大學教育學系 徐碧美 榮譽教授
Prof. Amy B. M. TSUI, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong

Amy B.M. TSUI (徐碧美) 教授是香港大學 (HKU) 教育學院的榮譽退休教授。她自1997年至2017年擔任香港大學教育學院語言與教育系講座教授。從2007年至2014年,她擔任香港大學副校長 (教學) 。在此期間,她領導了香港大學進行歷史性三改四課程改革。
在其學術生涯中,她一直為國內外提供專業和社區服務,包括擔任各種各樣的政府諮詢委員會、大學理事會和諮詢委員會、 赫爾辛基大學國際顧問委員會委員 (2012-2018)、及其文學院顧問委員會委員 (2012-2016)、國際文憑組織 (IB) 理事會成員 (2014-2020)、新加坡政府教育部國際諮詢小組成員 (2011-2015)。此外,她目前是16種國際期刊的編輯顧問委員會成員。由於學術成就獲國際認可,她於2015年獲英國愛丁堡大學頒發教育榮譽博士學位,以表彰她對高等教育及其學術領域 (即ESL教學和師資培育) 的貢獻。

Professor Amy B.M. Tsui is Emeritus Professor & Honorary Professor at the University of Hong Kong. She was Professor of Language and Education in the Faculty of Education at the University of Hong Kong, from 1997 to 2017. From 2007-2014, she was Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Teaching and Learning) at HKU during which she led the historical reform of undergraduate education at HKU.
She has published 11 books and over 100 articles on classroom discourse, conversational analysis, language policy, and teacher development. She has presented over 80 keynotes in international conferences in 16 countries in Asia, U.K., U.S., Europe, Australia, S. Africa, and Mexico, and has served on the editorial and advisory boards of 25 international refereed journals.
In her academic career, Professor Tsui has been active in advisory and community services global-wide, including governmental advisory boards and boards of educational institutions. She is currently a member of the Board of Chatteris Educational Foundation. She had been a member of the International Advisory Panel, English Language Institute of Singapore (ELIS), Ministry of Education, Singapore (2011 – 2015), a member of the International Advisory Board of the University of Helsinki (2012-2018), the Scientific Board of the Faculty of Arts, University of Helsinki (2012-2016) and a member of the Board of Governors of International Baccalaureate (2014-2020). She currently serves on the editorial and advisory boards of 15 international refereed journals. In honor of her academic achievement and contribution to higher education, ESL and teacher training, she was awarded an Honorary Doctoral degree in Education by the University of Edinburgh, U.K., in 2015.

演講內容簡介 Speech Introduction

The Paradox in EMI in Higher Education

This presentation examines the unprecedented spread of EMI in higher education across the globe and highlights the paradox confronting policy makers when making decisions regarding the medium of learning and teaching in higher education. It also outlines the challenges faced by front-line educators in implementing the policy. It explores practices adopted by higher education institutions and identifies issues that need to addressed.