Conference FAQs

General Conference Information

This conference is a great opportunity for Tribal and Indigenous professionals, federal and state agency staff, personnel from universities, nonprofits, and students from academic institutions including Tribal colleges and universities to attend. This event will be a good opportunity to learn about climate change adaptation, mitigation and resilience efforts being done by Tribal and Indigenous peoples, communities, and respective partners. We welcome all who are interested in participating or attending.

Plans for the third Biennial National Tribal & Indigenous Climate Conference (NTICC) will be held in-person in Anchorage, Alaska with options for virtual attendance and participation. NTICC is scheduled for September 9-12, 2024.

The NTICC is a 4-day event, starting on Monday, September 9th with optional trainings, workshops, and field trips. The opening plenary will take place on Tuesday, September 10th and the final conference day will be on Thursday, September 12th. An agenda will be forthcoming.

Yes, there will be scholarships available. This information will be forthcoming.

Who do I contact for general conference questions?

You may contact us by emailing