Tsing Hua University and Chiao Tung University Support Marriage Equality!


Joint Statement and Petition: “Tsing Hua University and Chiao Tung University Support Marriage Equality!”


Taiwanese society has been discussing the promotion of same-sex marriage for over 20 years now. However, in 2016, we still witness many blatant discriminations as well as baseless and preposterous statements in social media. But, meanwhile, more and more people are boldly stepping up, joining the ranks of those who seek to clarify the facts, actively engage in dialogue, and have the courage to resist.


As a part of Taiwanese society, we are not born to stand idly by and shirk our civic responsibilities; as members of Tsing Hua University (NTHU) and Chiao Tung University (NCTU), no matter whether we are professors, students, administrators, employees, researchers, or alumni, we—based on the spirit and values of higher education in its pursuit of social justice, human dignity, equality, and diversity—at this moment decided to join our hands in support of the amendment of Article 972 of Taiwan’s Civil Code, and issue the following statement:


1) Assuming the Role of Public Intellectuals

除上述所言,我們認為大學有追求自由思考、學術求真、深化教育、實踐民主與公共介入的多重定位與角色。因此,我們不能同意部分大學以「宗教」之名,發表諸如「 同志如竊盜不能合理化」等行歧視之實的言論。這些聲明不僅企圖從根本否認人的生存狀態,也漠視同志權利,更違背高等教育的理念。此外,作為公共知識分子,常受社會之託肩負發表實證研究、論述、甚至影響或制定公共政策的責任,我們更應該本著學術自由、中立客觀的態度,以紮實合理的研究成果說服一般大眾,為社會正義而努力,而不只是為特定理念服務。

In addition to the above, we believe that an university assumes multiple positions and roles in the pursuit of free thinking, academic truth-seeking, the deepening of education, the practice of democracy as well as public involvement. Therefore, we cannot agree that some universities express discriminatory views in the name of ‘religion’, such as “just like burglars, homosexuals cannot be rationalized.” These statements not only attempt to deny the essence of the human condition, but also ignore the rights of LGBTQ people, and are in sharp contrast to the principles of higher education. Furthermore, as public intellectuals, commonly entrusted by society with the responsibility to publish empirical research, engage in discourse, and even influence or formulate public policy, we should—adhering to principles of academic freedom, and a neutral and objective approach—convince the general public with solid and reasonable research results, work for social justice, and not just serve certain beliefs.


2) The Movement for Gender Equality Should Never Backtrack

回顧清交兩校學生集體推動性平運動的歷史,從1990年清大女研社《娘娘腔》創刊、到「清大小紅帽小組」對性騷擾議題的推動,以及社團間對性別議題的公開辯論等,這些行動不止於校園內,許多人更積極投入80-90年代台灣社會如火如荼的性別運動。2009年,交大第一個性/別相關社團BLG(By Liberal Gender)部落革成立,並在2011年拓展橫跨兩校,而2010年清大性別研究社再度成立,與其他校內單位團體持續一點一滴推動性別平權。

Let’s look back at the history of students' collective efforts to promote gender equality at our two universities: From the founding of the “Niangniang Qiang” (i.e. sissy voice) magazine by NTHU’s Women’s Studies Club in 1990, to the campaigning for issues concerning sexual harassment by NTHU’s “Little Red Hat Group” and the various open debates on gender issues by student clubs, all of these actions were not just limited to campus, but many of us actively participated in Taiwan’s gender movement that was in full swing in the 1980s and 90s. In 2009, “BLG” (By Liberal Gender), the first club on gender/sexuality issues at NCTU was established, and in 2011, it expanded across both universities. In 2010, NTHU’s Gender Research Club was reestablished. It continues to gradually push for gender equality together with other school departments and organizations.


The road to gender equality is long and lined with obstacles. When looking at the hard work of our forebears, we should—in addition to upholding the fighting spirit of the past—also continue to advance diverse gender discourses and fight for equal rights. We shall never allow the movement to backtrack. Unfortunately, in the fight for marriage equality, all kinds of discrimination against sexual preference, gender identity, or gender expression turn out in full force. We strongly condemn and cannot tolerate such ignorant, prejudicial words and deeds, some of them even going as far as personal attacks.


3) Creating a Special Law Is Discrimination


It is on the grounds of such misconceptions, fears, or repulsions that many people oppose same-sex marriage. However, as a democratic country, people’s individual preferences should not allow the state to abandon respect for its citizens’ personal sexual preference, gender identity, or gender expression, and in no case should it obstruct other citizens from obtaining equal rights protection. In addition, we emphasize that the formulation of a special law will only create more problems and discrimination: if there are differences between the new special law and the Civil Code, it presents an open discrimination against same-sex marriage. If “all provisions are the same as for marriage as laid out in the existing Civil Code,” this is clearly a form of segregation and discrimination, not admitting the institution of same-sex marriage into the more basic Civil Code, or as one scholar put it: “Everyone is a free citizen, an equal citizen, a citizen who can love other people first and citizens should be able to make use of the Civil Code.” For those who fear that same-sex marriage may cause marital and family breakdowns, we call for a correct understanding of the resilience and flexibility of “marriage”. If marital order was so easily destroyed, would there be any reason to retain it? On the contrary, if marriage was really that vulnerable, should we not discard it and start afresh? Why deliberately waste so much time and energy to protect it carefully?


4) The Government Should Act Proactively, Not Use “Public Opinion” As a Pretense


We believe that the government should act proactively; it should not let baseless lies spread around, make arbitrary use of scholarly opinions and research interpretations that lack logical argumentation, or use the argument of “universal public consensus” to evade its policy-making responsibility. We hope that the government correctly understands that marriage equality is not some special favor with more demands attached to it, nor should it be treated as a bargaining chip by political parties and the government. The government’s hesitant and wavering attitude, its attempt to be on good terms with everyone, have not only increased unnecessary fear and a rift in society, but also left the public more disappointed with the government and society more disconcerted. We expect our government to take the initiative to refute rumors and explain the contents of the amendments, and to lead the people in rational dialogue.


During this year’s gay pride parade in Kaohsiung, the mother of Yeh Yong-chih* said: “The ticket in your hands is to the terminal station, in no case can you get off during the ride!” This might not be the last mile of the road, but we are willing to, and have the responsibility to walk shoulder to shoulder through trials and hardships. When Taiwan’s society needs us, Tsing Hua University and Chiao Tung University will never back out. We sincerely invite all members of NTHU and NCTU to join hands and take part in this petition!

Online petition: http://tinyurl.com/nthunctustand4

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/nthunctugenderequality

Link to the petition statement: https://sites.google.com/view/nthu-nctustand4marriagequality/

*Yeh Yong-chih was a middle school student in southern Taiwan. He was regularly bullied for his effeminate behavior by his classmates. His death led to the passing of the “Gender Equality Education Act” in 2004.