
Registration fees:

  • Academic with grant, not NTDU member - $253.00

  • Academic with grant, NTDU member - $231.00

  • Academic without grant, not NTDU member - $198.00

  • Academic without grant, NTDU member - $176.00

  • Student - $99.00

All fees are in Australian Dollars (AUD) and include GST.

Please register by 5 September 2022!

Contributed talks

Please indicate whether you are interested in giving a contributed talk at the time of registration.

When you are ready to do so, please send the title and the abstract of your talk to

There will be a very limited opportunity to have contributed talks over zoom. If you wish to participate over Zoom, please still register above by 5 September, and choose the no-cost option.

Support for Students

There are limited funds available to provide student participants with support.

If you wish to be considered, please send your CV as well as the title and abstract of your contributed talk to Please also ask your Supervisor to send a letter of support to the same address. Applications received by 22 August will be considered, and decisions on support will be made by 29 August.