Number Theory Down Under

This is the official website of the Number Theory Down Under  (NTDU) interest group of the Australian Mathematical Society (AustMS). 

The NTDU interest group was officially recognised in 2015 as part of AustMS, but has been active since 2013 when the  series of Number Theory Down Under Conferences was initiated in Newcastle as a one-day workshop. This annual event has since become one of the regular activities of the group, and has transformed into a full-scale international conference, promoting number theory in Australia.  It brings together Australian and international number theorists to share ideas, pursue collaborative work, and establish connections to other fields of mathematics.


The next Number Theory Down Under (NTDU 12) will be held from 9th to 12th September 2024 at La Trobe University Bendigo campus. Registration is open.

The University of Auckland in New Zealand is hosting the Joint Meeting of the NZMS, AustMS, and AMS from 9th to 13th December 2024. See the list of special sessions for items of interest to number theorists, including Arithmetic Geometry and Number Theory, Computational Number Theory and Applications, and Special Functions, q-Series and Beyond. Registration is open.

Recent events:  

The Number Theory Session at the 2023 AustMS Meeting (5-8 December at the University of Queensland) was organised by James Borger (ANU) and Bryce Kerr (UNSW Sydney).

The annual "Number Theory Down Under" Conference (NTDU11) was held on 4-7 September 2023, at the Australian National University, Canberra.

The Workshop "Trends in Metric Number Theory" was held on 26-28 July 2023, at La Trobe University, Bendigo campus.

Current executive team: 

President: Liangyi Zhao (UNSW Sydney)        

Secretary: Alex Ghitza  (University of Melbourne)

Past executive teams: