Program & Abstracts


Activities will start in the morning of Monday 24th and will finish in the late morning of Friday 28th.

The special session on applied problems will take place on Thursday 27th.



Narcís Miguel Baños Solar Sails as passive deorbiting devices and the possibilities of helio-stable structures

Esther Barrabés Ejection-collision orbits in some N-body problems

Giulio Baù Orbit determination for the Fibonacci dynamical system and generalizations: asymptotic behavior

Gian Marco Canneori Complex dynamics for the anisotropic N-centre problem in two dimensions

Alessandra Celletti The Laplace resonance: between theory and space missions

Camilla Colombo COMPASS: Engineering the effect of natural perturbations

Alessio Di Salvo Flight Dynamics Subsystem architectures of space systems

Guglielmo Feltrin Parabolic arcs for time-dependent perturbations of the Kepler problem

Marco Fenucci Symmetric constellations of satellites with a central body of large mass

Davide Ferrario Fixed points and the inverse problem for central configurations

Urs Frauenfelder Retarded potentials, Weber's electrodynamics and Lorentz geometry

Giovanni Gronchi On the orbit computation with the Keplerian integrals

Marcel Guardia Asymptotic density of collision orbits in the Restricted Planar Circular Three Body Problem

Massimiliano Guzzo Integrability of the restricted three-body problem near collisions

Andreas Knauf Poincaré section techniques for wandering sets

Ezequiel Maderna Hyperbolic expansions with arbitrary limit shape

Alessandro Margheri Strengthening the singularity in a Kepler problem with dissipation: from linear drag to Poynting-Robertson drag and beyond

Stefano Marò Orbit determination in ordered zones

James Montaldi Another look at the 2-body problem on surfaces of constant curvature

Daniel Offin Remarks on Lagrangian singularities, stability and variational principles for Hamiltonian systems

Rafael Ortega Periodic solutions and regularization in a perturbed Kepler problem

Jesús Palacián Formal Stability of Elliptic Equilibria with Exponential Time Estimates

Ernesto Perez-Chavela The restricted N+1-body problem on curved spaces

Gabriella Pinzari A first integral to the partially averaged Newtonian potential

Gianluca Polenta The ASI Space Science Data Center: a laboratory to test mathematical models and methods

Manuele Santoprete Central Configurations of the Four body Problem and Geometry

Tere Seara Oscillatory orbits in the planar three body problem

Cristina Stoica A continuation theorem in classical mechanics

Susanna Terracini Symbolic Dynamics for the N-centre problem

Antonio Ureña The Spectrum of Reversible Minimizers

Xingbo Xu Doubly symmetric periodic orbits in the Hill lunar problem with oblateness

Guowei Yu Variational construction for heteroclinc orbits for the N-centre problem

Lei Zhao Lambert's Theorem on the Sphere