NTA Digital is an SEO agency that specializes in quality search optimization. Our clients in the past have ranged from local retailers within the motor vehicle, landscape gardening, and catering industries, to contractors, financial consultants, property realtors and developers, data systems companies, and health and fitness experts.

We use our 20 plus years of working within search optimization, as well as general marketing and our business building knowledge expertise to successfully promote and build our clients’ online presence to help them achieve their business objectives.

SEO Tips To Consider

Whether you are new to the online marketplace or you have an established business you need to know how to reach your customers and potential customers on the web. SEO marketing is one of the simplest and most effective ways to get your business noticed because it raises your Google rank quickly. There are some SEO tips to consider before you get started, however. These three tips should always be used when creating content for your online business.

Tip One: Be Informative and Honest

Your search engine optimization articles don't have to be flashy to be effective. Consumers today are looking to build a trusting relationship with the businesses that they buy from. If your website and your SEO articles don't appear professional and honest, consumers may simply pass you by in favor of a business that appears more professional.

Tip Two: Maintain Your Blog or Article Database

You have probably heard it time and time again, but one of the most important SEO tips to consider is keeping your articles or blog current and fresh. Think about creating press releases for new products or services, blog about discounts, or ask customers if they have suggestions for improving your online business.

When you are buying and selling online the only thing customers have to base their decision to buy from you on is the information you provide to them. Make every blog post or article count by focusing on good information that the customer can really use.

Tip Three: Use a Professional

Lastly, an important SEO tip to consider is hiring a professional to provide content for your blog or article database. A professional SEO writer can do more than provide articles; SEO professionals make it their business to provide accurate, well-written and informative articles that help the customer.

Fluff, or useless articles, don't reflect well on your business. If someone is linking up to your website through a poorly written article then every spelling mistake or grammar error will be considered by those in the market for your products or services. When you hire an SEO professional you have the benefit of getting truly professional articles and blog posts that build customer trust.

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SEO Tips That Will Stand The Test Of Time

Today, you can find SEO tips and tricks all over the Internet. This coming year, we all have seen how many SEO services tips stayed the same however most of these easily get outdated and greatly abused by many SEO marketers. This makes it hard for most SEO marketers to know what tips and tricks to try. In order to help you decide which of the available tips you should trust, I decided to give you three of the best and most effective tips you can use. These are top SEO tips which can surely use, regardless of what year it already is. You are rest assured that these tips will give you great results no matter what changes will take place.

However, you should take note that the tips given below are not your complete guide to SEO. On the other hand, these are tips which you can use to better enhance any of your search engine optimization strategies.

Tip #1: Always Make Sure That You Have Fully Grasped The Concept Of Your On-Page SEO.

For me, On-Page SEO is the most basic search engine optimization strategy there exists. If you fail to establish a great on-page search engine optimization strategies, you won't get to achieve any great results, no matter how hard you try. When we talk about on-page search engine optimization, we are referring to putting the keyword phrase/keyword in the title, meta tag, title tag, content links and post tags. In addition to that, you also have to determine the proper keyword/s density in the article body. You should also have about 2-3 text links which are created by using your keywords. You should learn to practice on-page SEO till it is as natural as writing the content of your site.

Tip #2: Always Keep It Unique and Original ( In Terms of Both Content and Website)

You think that this is not even worth mentioning since this is a common sense for almost everybody. To tell you the truth, most SEO marketers have forgotten how important uniqueness and originality is when it comes to driving more traffic to their site. You should not be too pressured about writing an article which can attract the attention of people. Remember that you do not have to be a well-known or award-winning writer just to create a unique and original content. You should not focus too much on sounding intellectual to your readers. What you should think about is how useful your article will be to them. Will this give them a great understanding about your chosen niche? Have you helped any one when you wrote this content?

Tip #3: Promote Social Interaction Through Your Content

If you want to give your keywords more authority, what you need to do is to influence people to socially engage into your content. This is needed because it will make people to stay longer at your site. As a result, you did not only get to sell lots of products, you had also increased traffic to your site.

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Top 5 Killer SEO Tips For Beginners

SEO is a very difficult to learn and never ending topic for blogger, the more you learn the better you get. In my past 6 months of blogging career believe me every day I learn new SEO tips from one or another blog sites. But what if you have just started, you cannot be very technical in the early stages. So you need to first begin with the ABC of it. And here I am going to teach it to you. Some basic SEO tips that every beginner should learn right away.

1) Catchy Post Titles

This is a very easy to learn SEO tip, make sure whenever you write a new post make the title of the post very catchy and attractive. People would never like to see a post which has a very dull and boring title. Let's take this post as an Example - A Good Title "Top 5 Killer SEO Tips For Beginners" and the boring one "Some SEO Tips." Include some catchy headlining words in the post title. In this case "Top 5 Killer." Whenever you search for anything on Google you get thousands of results, but do you really visit all of them. No, you only visit the one which you think would give the perfect information and would seem to you very catchy.

2) Use Social Media

The main secret for SEO for beginners lies in Social Media. It's not a very complex task and anyone can do this. Use social media, each and every one on which you can get your hands on. Use Facebook, Twitter and especially Google+. With the increase in the population on Social Sites than on the streets, target the audience with your brand name where you find more people. It can bring huge traffic to your site and consequently increase your rankings on Search Engines.

3) Linking Pages

The biggest example you can see yourself is if you read Wikipedia. Have you seen how they interlink each and every post on their site within the related posts? That's why their site has such a less bounce rate, i.e. no. of visitors that include just one page view. So, connect your posts within one another and see the results yourself. This tip will keep your audience for more time on your site and will keep the flow on. Include a popular post widget below each and every post of your site or in the sidebar so that people can see it clearly. This will help a lot.

4) Use SiteMaps

Using sitemap can help a lot as it just gives the search engines a map so that they can easily navigate and index each and every page of your site. There are many popular plugins available for WordPress Platform which can help you do this task easily. One of my favorite and the one which I am using right now is SiteMap XML. So go ahead and create a sitemap for site and submit it to Google though the Webmasters Tools Page.

5) Write Guest Posts

This can help you both in getting traffic to your site as well as building some backlinks. The main reason of doing so is since you have just started out; therefor the chances are you might not get a lot of views. So if you write Guest Posts for some big sites you will surely get a backlink through that post and the second is that people might visit your own site from the guest post if they like it. I write occasionally for many blogs and believe me just a single post over there brings considerable amount of traffic to my site.

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