Linear Algebra


  • There will be no change in the semester grades, unless the registration is incorrect or the test paper is not properly corrected. For the sake of fairness, there will be no remedies for specific students. (除非是登記錯誤或考卷改錯,否則學期成績不會再有更動。為了成績的公正性,不會因為特定同學而有補救措施。)

  • If you have any question about the results of the final exam, please contact the teaching assistants before 7/2.

  • [學期成績] The semester grades are here.

    • The semester grades cannot not be changed after 7/3. (7/3 之後學期成績就無法更動)

    • The grades of the first nine weeks by Prof. Kao are here.

    • The grades of the last nine weeks by Prof. Wei are here.

  • [期末考成績] The results of 06/22 examination are here (the last column).

    • If you have any question about your scores, you can contact the teaching assistants at the following time at EC 8011-2.

      • 06/29 (Monday) 10:00~12:00, 13:00~17:00

      • 06/30 (Tuesday) 15:00~17:00

      • 07/01 (Wednesday) 10:00~12:00, 13:00~17:00

      • Or you can contact the teaching assistants via email if the time slots are not convenient for you.

    • Chinese Translation:

      • 對期末考分數有任何問題,請利用上面時間聯絡助教,地點在 EC8011-2

      • 若無法在上面時間看考卷,請先寫信聯絡助教

  • There is no quiz on 06/22.

  • 06/22 Exam

    • Time: 09:10 am ~11:10 am (考試時間是上午 09:10~11:10 而不是晚上)

    • Scope: Sections 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6

    • Classroom seating arrangements are announced. (Please find your seat before the exam starts 考試開始前請先找到自己的座位)

    • Rules you need to comply:

      • Cheating will be punished! (作弊以校規處理,助教會嚴格監考保持考試公平性)

      • Wear your face mask and no food (戴口罩且不可飲食)

      • You can use engineering calculators and dictionaries, but no computer or any electronic equipment with internet connection. (可以用一般工程計算機, 字典, 但不可使用電腦, 或任何可以上網的電子設備)

      • Water and drinks are allowed, but their containers need to have lids (可以帶水或飲料, 但必須裝在有蓋子的容器裡).

  • [小考成績] 06/15 quiz has 2 sub-questions (10 points + 10 points). The results are here.

    • If you have any questions, please contact the instructor (please inform me of your name, student id).

    • The results of 06/01 quiz will not be taken into account in computing the semester grade, because Cyber University failed to shuffle the questions. (6/1小考成績不會列入成績計算,因為網路大學隨機出題有誤 )

    • There are two columns for the 04/13 quiz, and only one of them contains the score (04/13 quiz 有兩個欄位,只有一個欄位會有成績)

  • [期中考成績] The results of 05/26 examination are here.

    • If you have any question about your scores, you can contact the teaching assistants at the following time.

      • Tuesday 16:00 ~ 18:00, Thursday 10:00 am ~ 12:00 am @ EC 8011-2

      • Or you can contact the teaching assistants via email if the time slots are not convenient for you.

    • Chinese Translation:

      • 對期中考分數有任何問題,請利用助教時間聯絡助教,地點在 EC8011-2

      • 若無法在助教時間看考卷,請先寫信聯絡助教

      • 助教時間: Tuesday 16:00 ~ 18:00, Thursday 10:00 am ~ 12:00 am

  • 05/26 Exam

    • Time: 18:30~20:30

    • Scope: Sections 3.5, 3.6, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3

    • Classroom seating arrangements are announced. (Please find your seat before the exam starts 考試開始前請先找到自己的座位)

    • Rules you need to comply:

      • You can use engineering calculators and dictionaries, but no computer or any electronic equipment with internet connection. (可以用一般工程計算機, 字典, 但不可使用電腦, 或任何可以上網的電子設備)

      • Wear your face mask and no food (戴口罩且不可飲食)

      • Water and drinks are allowed, but their containers need to have lids (可以帶水或飲料, 但必須裝在有蓋子的容器裡).

  • Below I explain in Chinese why only English videos are provided.

    • 影片已經放慢講解速度,並在講解時加上 highlight,此外用到的英文字彙不多,相信大家應該可以了解影片內容。如果有無法了解的地方,請在影片下方留言有問題的時間點,我會一一回覆。此外,有少數時間點聲音較小聲或掉字,這可能是因為錄影時軟體同時在壓縮影片所導致,之後的錄影會儘量減少此問題出現的頻率。

Course Information

Instructor: 魏家博 (Chia-Po Wei)

Teaching Assistants: 王銘譽 (Ming-Yu Wang)黃建誠 (Chien-Cheng Huang)葉治均 (Chih-Chun Yeh)吳彥頡 (Yan-Jie Wu)

TA Hours: Tuesday 16:00 ~ 18:00, Thursday 10:00 am ~ 12:00 am @ EC 8011-2

Course Website:



Schedule and Syllabus