Sending Assignments

  • Your assignments WILL NOT be processed if you do not follow the following rules.

    • You had better check the sent folder to see if any mistake occurs. If so, then resend your assignment. The evaluation program will only test the latest assignment received.

  • Send your assignments to

    • See the picture at the bottom of this page.

      • Make sure that the spelling is correct.

      • Email subject line for assignment 1:

        • assignment1 progB

        • Do not use _ to replace the space, i.e. assignment1_progB is illegal.

      • Email attachment

        • Valid file names:

          1. B083011123.cpp

          2. B083011123_as1_v1.cpp

          3. B083011123_any_words_you_want.cpp

    • Do not send links to documents on the cloud. Send real cpp files.

    • Windows 10 will hide file extensions by default. To show hidden file extensions, click here.

    • Windows 10 預設會隱藏副檔名,請取消此選項,以避免誤寄副檔名非 .cpp 之檔案

    • Do not send assignments for other students. You can send your own assignments.

    • I will announce the accuracy of assignments on Monday. If your accuracy is not 100%, you can fix the mistake and resend the assignment before the deadline. Thus, send your assignment as early as possible.