Computer Programming (Mon) 2021


  • quizzes, assignments, midterm, final exam (Semester grades will be submitted on 01/20. If you have any question regarding scores, please contact Teacher as soon as possible.)

  • (01/17) The results of the final exam. (answer paper, grading information)

  • There is no class on 01/17.

  • (01/13) The results of Assignment 5.

    • -2 means wrong output format, -1 means compilation error

    • Test all the input-output samples before sending your solution.

    • Accuracy 1 and Accuracy 2 are for task 1 (add_item) and task 2 (remove_item), respectively.

  • Final exam

    • 01/10, 9:10 am @ EC 3012 (seating plan)

    • paper-and-pencil exam, closed-book, calculators are not allowed

    • Exam scope: materials covered between 2021/11/22 ~ 2022/01/03

    • Exam regulations:

      • Sign your name and student ID on both the exam paper and answer paper.

      • Write down only the answers. Do not include the computation process.

      • Write down your answers sequentially as in this link.

      • Hand in both the exam paper and answer paper.

  • (01/05) Quiz results

    • The quiz in each week has 3 questions, and each question is worth 25 points. Attendance is worth 25 points. The total points of a quiz are 100.

  • Please fill out the course evaluation survey, if you haven't yet.

  • (01/02) The results of Assignment 4.

    • Test all the input-output samples before sending your solution.

    • Make sure that all the variables are properly initialized. In C++, the value of an initialized variable is random! (video)

    • Accuracy 1 and Accuracy 2 are for task 1 (computing the semester grade) and task 2 (finding the most difficult quiz), respectively.

  • Assignment 5 is announced, and the due date is 01/11.

  • (12/19) The results of Assignment 3.

    • -1 means compilation error, -3 check your sent folder, -4 means infinite loop

    • The deadline of Assignment 3 is 12/13, 12:00 pm.

  • Midterm student evaluation of this course

  • Assignment 4 is announced, and the due date is 12/27.

  • (11/28) The results of the midterm exam. (answer paper, grading information)

  • (11/28) The results of Assignment 2.

    • The deadline of Assignment 2 is 11/22, 12:00 pm.

    • The outputs of your program should be EXACTLY THE SAME as those in the input-output samples. Carefully read the descriptions of Assignment 2 from beginning to end.

    • Ensure that all variables are properly initialized.

    • If you cannot figure out the problem of your program, you can use for loops to print all the possible calendars (the first input is between 21 and 31, and the second input is between 1 and 7) to inspect your program outputs.

  • Assignment 3 is announced, and the due date is 12/13.

  • Midterm exam

    • 11/15, 9:10 am @ EC 3012

    • paper-and-pencil exam, closed-book, calculators are not allowed

    • Exam scope: materials covered between 09/27~11/08

  • Due to some technical problems, the lecture video on 11/8 was not saved. The lecture video previously recorded is provided, but it is in Chinese.

  • Assignment 2 is announced, and the due date is 11/22.

  • (10/31) The results of Assignment 1.

    • -1 means your program cannot be compiled.

    • -2 means wrong output format. The outputs of your program should be EXACTLY THE SAME as those in the input-output samples. See the descriptions of Assignment 1 for more details. It is recommended that you modify the code template to finish this assignment.

    • The deadline of Assignment 1 is 12:00 p.m. 10/25.

  • I will update the results of Assignment 1 on 10/25. If you have not sent Assignment 1 and want to see the accuracy of your program (or you want to improve your accuracy), you should send your assignment before 9 p.m. 10/24.

  • Assignment 1 is announced, and the due date is 10/25.

  • There will be a quiz on 10/4, so make sure that you can login zuvio.

  • 10/4 class will be taught in-person in classroom EC 3012. (Unless the epidemic prevention policy is changed.)

  • 9/27 class will be taught online using Google Meet. The class starts at 9:10 am.

Course Information

Instructor: 魏家博 (Chia-Po Wei)

To contact Teacher: (Remember to mention your name, student ID, and class)

To send assignments:

Lecture: Monday 9:10 am ~ 12:00 am @ EC 3012

Teaching Assistants: 謝子翔 (Zi-Xiang Xie)陳衡安 (Heng-An Chen)陳宏寬 (Hong-Kuan Chen)黃保勲 (Bao-Xun Huang)

Office Hours: Tuesday 16:00~18:00, Wednesday 13:00~15:00 @ EC 8011

Course Website:

Online IDE: onlinegdb, jdoodle, (before sending assignments you can use online IDE to check your programs)

Offline IDE:

Grading Policy

  • Midterm Exam: 25%

  • Final Exam: 25%

  • Quizzes: 10%

    • Zuvio: Search "zuvio 校園" in the app store of your mobile phone. (Do not select other versions of Zuvio, otherwise you will not be able to see the course contents.)

      • Course Title (課程名稱):學期 110-1 Computer Programming

      • Course Code (課程代碼)79705634

    • Account: (The first letter of studentID is either in lowercase or uppercase.)

      • This account is automatically generated by your student ID.

      • Do not register a new account unless you really need to create a new one.

      • If you need to register a new account, remember to use your real name so that I can know who you are.

      • This account is not the same as the school email address

    • Password: 123 (You can modify the default password to avoid misuse.)

    • There are no make-up exams for quizzes. If you need to take a leave, please attach related documents.

    • Do not take the quiz for other students, otherwise you get a zero for your quiz grades.

  • Assignments: 40%

    • Send your assignment to

    • Follow the rules to send assignments, otherwise your assignments will not be processed.

    • The assignments are designed for beginners. You should be able to finish the assignments independently.

    • It is recommended to use the office hours if you have problems of doing the assignments.

    • Plagiarism Is strictly prohibited. We will use programs to check plagiarism. If plagiarism is proved, you get a zero for your assignments.

    • It is recommended that you sent your assignments as early as possible. Because if mistakes are found, you will have a chance to fix the mistakes before the deadline. Late assignments will not be accepted.

    • All the grades will be announced on the course website. Once the grades are announced, if you have any problems, you should contact the teacher within two weeks.


  • Walter Savitch and Kenrick Mock, Absolute C++, 6th Edition, Pearson, 2016. (Book CoverNT $1350)

    • Textbook Agent: 開發圖書公司, 0916-709-655 (甘先生)

    • The above textbook agent offers discount prices for group buying, or you can search other textbook agents that offer a lower price.

    • There is no need to use the latest version (6th edition). You can also use the 5th edition.

    • It is not mandatory to buy the textbook, but the textbook provides detailed descriptions of concepts or programming terminology, which are useful for beginners.

    • Table of contents of the 5th edition

Schedule and Syllabus