Dr. Khalid Tantawi

(Principal Investigator)

Dr. Khalid Tantawi is an Assistant Professor of mechatronics at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. He previousely was a faculty at Motlow State Community College in the Smyrna Campus in Tennessee, and was a trainer for Siemens Technik Akademy. He obtained his PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Alabama in Huntsville in 2012, and a masters in Aerospace Engineering from University of Toulouse in 2007. His Bachelors of Science is in Mechatronics Engineering from University of Jordan, and was obtained in 2005. Dr. Tantawi serves as the Principal Investigator and project manager on the $545,000 project SMARTT funded by the National Science Foundation. He is the recipient of the European Commission's Erasmus Mundus grant of 42,000 Euros (2005-2007), and the $75,000 Alabama- EPSCoR grant from the National Science Foundation (2009-2012). He received the Faculty Excellence Award from Motlow College in 2017, and chaired the Tennessee Academy of Science in 2017/2018.

Dr. Ismail Fidan

(Co- PI)

Currently, Dr. Fidan serves as a Professor of the Department of Manufacturing and Engineering Technology at Tennessee Tech University. His research and teaching interests are in additive manufacturing, electronics manufacturing, distance learning, and STEM education. Dr. Fidan is a member and active participant of SME, ASEE, ABET, ASME, Tennessee Academy of Science, and IEEE. He is also the Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology and International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing, and Associate Author of Wohlers Reports.

Dr. Karen Birch


Dr. Karen Birch is a faulty at Tunxis Community College. She is the founder and manager of the Next Generation Manufacturing Center in Connecticut.

Dr. Birch is the Co-PI from Tunxis Community College.

Project Manager Dr. Khalid Tantawi and Project Coordinator Ms. Liala Syler (Left). Mr. Shane Terry, a graduate student at Tennessee Technological University, during a site visit to an Industrial Assessment Center (Right).