Destination Colege! Science & Technology MESA Day

On Saturday, March 2, 2024, UCSB student organizations Los Ingenieros (LI), National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), and Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS), along with UCSB departments MESA (Mathematics, Engineering, and Science Achievement), and OEP (Office of Education Partnerships) will host the action-packed, all-day Science & Technology MESA Day (S&T MESA Day) at UCSB for about 500 pre-college, underrepresented, first-generation college-bound students.  

This exciting annual event is designed to expose potential college students (junior high and high school) to math, science, and engineering through fun and accessible events. Invited guests also include students’ parents, teachers, school counselors, community members, alumni, and corporate supporters. All participants get a first-hand exposure to college, learn about the college preparation and application process, and experience opportunities in science, engineering and technology through interactive workshops, demonstrations, project competitions, and inspiring presentations. 

(General volunteers must attend a mandatory volunteer orientation)

To sign up to be a general volunteer for MESA Day:

To sign up to be a judge for MESA Day: