


From: Palomas Park Neighborhood Association <>

Subject: PPNA Brown Bag in the Park, Annual and Board meetings, Sunday 19 May 2024

Date: April 15, 2024 at 8:08:51 PM MDT

The PPNA will hold a brown bag in the park at 5:00 pm on Sunday 19 May 2024. We hope you will join us as we have important things to do: catch-up with neighbors, and hold our annual meeting followed by a board meeting.


Annual Meetings are held at the call of the President, and this meeting is so called. The purpose of the annual meeting is to elect a board for 2024-2025. The newly elected board convenes after the annual meeting to elect officers. 


Under the bylaws adopted in May 2023, the board meets quarterly. We meet virtually via Zoom in February and November, and in person in May and August (in conjunction with National Night Out). 


Please join us for the Brown Bag, it should be enjoyable and informative, and you will be helping your association stay in business with the city.


David Marsh

President, PPNA

David Marsh


From: Blount, Veronica <>
Sent: Friday, April 5, 2024 6:11 PM
Subject: Barstow Park/Desert Ridge Trails Park/ Rancho De Palomas Park- Small Shade Addition NA notification 


Afternoon all,

I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Veronica Blount and I am the City of Albuquerque Parks and Recreation Project Coordinator for these projects. I am sending this email to notify all of you of three projects that are happening at each of your parks. At Barstow Park, Desert Ridge Trails Park and Rancho De Palomas Park, we are adding one small fabric cantilever 10’x10’  shade structure per park. Crews will be out at each of your parks starting next week to get these projects started. The project should last only about 2weeks from 4/8-4/19. If there are any concerns and or questions please feel free to contact me. You will also notice small green “construction notice” signs for all neighbors to see and contact me as well.


Thank You, 




Project Coordinator

o 505.768.4730


We have a hawk in the park that is dive bombing pedestrians walking under the trees. In the most recent event a person was walking from the south side of the park to the north and was dive bombed. Another person had their head scratched by a hawk. It appears they are protecting a nest.

So...please be aware and watch your head while near the trees in the park. The city has been contacted, but I have no idea what they will be able to do.

Good luck with the hawks.

David Marsh

Pres, PPNA


PPNA Brown Bag in the Park, Annual and Board meetings, 5/21/23

The PPNA will hold a brown bag in the park at 5:00 pm on Sunday 21 May 2023. We hope you will join us as we have important things to do: catch-up with neighbors, and hold Annual and Board meetings.


Annual Meetings are held at the call of the President, and this meeting is so called. We are trying to get away from the cold dark weather of January and into nice warm weather to have a brown bag meal in the park in an attempt to increase attendance. 


The big item to address at this Annual Meeting is to change our bylaws. The CABQ ONC (Office of Neighborhood Coordination) in implementing the NARO (Neighborhood Association Recognition Ordnance) has new bylaw requirements in order for a neighborhood association to be recognized. A copy of the bylaws proposed by the board are attached. 


Some thoughts on the changes: We need new bylaws to comport with requirements of the CABQ ONC; not many but a couple, and no real changes. However, the new bylaws do give us an opportunity to revise how we do business in an attempt to increase participation at board and annual meetings. We will still hold one Annual Meeting to elect a board, and the board will meet quarterly. The current thinking is for the board to meet in February, May, August and November. That way we can hope to hold two meetings in nice weather in the park and the other two via Zoom. The annual meeting would probably be at the May meeting in the park.


So…if we approve the new bylaws, we will also vote on a new board for the next year. Everyone on the board has agreed to stand for reelection. With the new bylaws we took the opportunity to revise the current “annual term” for board members to “one year or until a successor board is elected”.  That gives us a little leeway in holding annual meetings if we need it.  


Please join us for the Brown Bag, it should be enjoyable and informative, and you will be helping your association stay in business with the city.


David Marsh

President, PPNA



We have a hawk in the park that is dive bombing pedestrians walking under the trees. In the most recent event a person was walking from the south side of the park to the north and was dive bombed. Another person had their head scratched by a hawk. It appears they are protecting a nest.

So...please be aware and watch your head while near the trees in the park. The city has been contacted, but I have no idea what they will be able to do.

Good luck with the hawks.

David Marsh

Pres, PPNA


PPNA Brown Bag in the Park, Annual and Board meetings, 5/21/23

The PPNA will hold a brown bag in the park at 5:00 pm on Sunday 21 May 2023. We hope you will join us as we have important things to do: catch-up with neighbors, and hold Annual and Board meetings.


Annual Meetings are held at the call of the President, and this meeting is so called. We are trying to get away from the cold dark weather of January and into nice warm weather to have a brown bag meal in the park in an attempt to increase attendance. 


The big item to address at this Annual Meeting is to change our bylaws. The CABQ ONC (Office of Neighborhood Coordination) in implementing the NARO (Neighborhood Association Recognition Ordnance) has new bylaw requirements in order for a neighborhood association to be recognized. A copy of the bylaws proposed by the board are attached. 


Some thoughts on the changes: We need new bylaws to comport with requirements of the CABQ ONC; not many but a couple, and no real changes. However, the new bylaws do give us an opportunity to revise how we do business in an attempt to increase participation at board and annual meetings. We will still hold one Annual Meeting to elect a board, and the board will meet quarterly. The current thinking is for the board to meet in February, May, August and November. That way we can hope to hold two meetings in nice weather in the park and the other two via Zoom. The annual meeting would probably be at the May meeting in the park.


So…if we approve the new bylaws, we will also vote on a new board for the next year. Everyone on the board has agreed to stand for reelection. With the new bylaws we took the opportunity to revise the current “annual term” for board members to “one year or until a successor board is elected”.  That gives us a little leeway in holding annual meetings if we need it.  


Please join us for the Brown Bag, it should be enjoyable and informative, and you will be helping your association stay in business with the city.


David Marsh

President, PPNA





DRAFT 15 April 2023

Article I – Name

This organization shall be known as the Palomas Park Neighborhood Association, also known as the PPNA, hereinafter referred to as the Association.

Article II – Boundaries

The boundaries of the Association within the City of Albuquerque, New Mexico are as follows:

the PPNA includes the entire Palomas Park Subdivision, along with the Church of the Risen Savior, bounded on the West by the houses on the West side of Storrie Place NE, bounded on the North by the houses on the North side of Laster Avenue NE, bounded on the East by Wyoming Boulevard NE, and bounded on the South by the houses on the South side of Gallinas Avenue NE. 

Article III – Association Membership

Section 1. Membership is open to all individuals who live (renters included) or own property within the boundaries of the Association, as stated in Section 14-8-2-3(B)(2) of the Neighborhood Association Recognition Ordinance (NARO). There shall be one type of membership in the Association, known as a general membership. 

Section 2. A general membership is for any adult aged 18 or older who resides full-time (including rents) or owns property within the boundaries specified for the Association. 

Section 3. No property within the boundaries of the Association is zoned for business use; therefore, there are no business members of the Association.   

Section 4. The Association shall allow ongoing membership enrollment throughout the year.

Section 7. Each member of the Association shall provide affirmation of membership by any written means, typically via email.  A Member, by providing their email address to the Association, affirms their membership.  

Article IV – Dues 

Section 1. Dues are voluntary for all members and cannot be a prerequisite for either membership or voting, pursuant to Section 14-8-2-3(B)(4) of the NARO.

Section 2. Voluntary association dues shall be set by the board of directors. 

Section 3. Voluntary dues can be paid at any time during the year.

Article V- Voting

Section 1. Every affirmed member may cast one vote on any question and participate in any election before the Association. 

Section 2. All questions to be voted upon by the general membership will be decided by a vote of the members present at any meeting of the membership voting in favor or against. In-person, mailed paper ballot, or electronic ballots shall be allowed, in which case questions will be decided by a majority of total votes cast, as stated in Section 14-8-2-3 (B)(8) of the NARO (except see Article IX, Sections 3 and 6). All questions to be voted upon by the Board will be decided by a vote of a majority of the Board Directors present and voting in favor or against.

Article VI –Board of Directors/Officers

Section 1. A Board of Directors shall be the governing body of the Association and shall consist of an odd number not less than three or more than seven members of the Association. The Board of Directors shall be elected by the general membership at the Annual Meeting. Board member terms shall be one year or until a successor board is elected.  

Section 2. Board of Director/Officer Nominations:

Nominations will be accepted to the Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting to be called by the Association President. 

The nominees must be members who live or own property within the boundaries of the Association as stated in Article III.

A vote will be taken during the Annual Meeting to accept nominees to the Board of Directors.

Section 3. Officers of the Association include a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and any such other officers as determined by the Board of Directors. Officers shall be chosen by the Board at their first meeting immediately following the Annual Meeting.

Section 4. Officers shall hold terms of one year or until a successor is elected.

Section 5. All members must be eligible to hold any officer position within the Association, pursuant to Section 14-8-2-3(B)(2) of the NARO.

Section 6. Vacancies occurring in any office shall be filled for the unexpired term by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. However, the Board of Directors may vote not to fill a particular vacancy.  

Section 7. Any elected officer may be removed from office by a majority of the Board of Directors, provided that notice of the intent to remove shall be furnished to subject officer in writing at least five (5) days prior to the meeting at which such action is to be discussed, as stated in Section 14-8-2-4(B)(3) of the NARO.

Section 8. Any elected officer replacing previous officers removed from office by a majority of the membership will be appointed by a majority vote of the Board of Directors, provided that notice of the intent to remove shall be furnished to subject officer in writing at least five (5) days prior to the meeting at which such action is to be discussed, as stated in Section 14-8-2-3(B)(3) of the NARO.

Article VII – Duties of the Officers

The duties of the officers shall include but not be limited to the following:

Section 1. Duties of the President: The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Association and shall in general supervise all the business and affairs of the Association between meetings of the Board of Directors. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors, the general membership, and the Annual Meeting. The President shall, with the approval of the Board of Directors, appoint all standing and special committees and shall be Ex-Officio member of all the committees. If standing or special committees are authorized, the President shall make an annual report for each to the general membership at the Annual Meeting and file such report with the Secretary. The President shall make all necessary reports to the City of Albuquerque in compliance with the NARO.

Section 2. Duties of the Vice President: The Vice President shall when necessary perform the duties of the President, and shall succeed to the Presidency in the event of the death, disability, resignation, or removal from office of the President until such-time as a successor to the President shall be appointed.

Section 3. Duties of the Secretary: The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors, general membership meetings and shall keep all records of the Association and give notice of all meetings as directed. The Secretary shall perform all other duties incidental to the office of the Secretary or as required by the President or the Board of Directors.

Section 4. Duties of the Treasurer: The Treasurer shall collect all monies due the Association and shall deposit all funds of the Association into a bank account set up by the Board of Directors. Every check issued from the Association account shall bear the signature of at least one Officer of the Association. The Treasurer shall ensure that all bills approved by the Board of Directors are paid and shall keep a written account of all expenditures and retain all receipts. The Treasurer shall present a financial statement at every Board of Directors meeting and every general membership meeting. Copies of these reports shall be available for inspection at reasonable times and places upon request of an Association member.

Article VIII – Committees

Section 1. The Board of Directors may establish necessary committees at any meeting. 

Section 2. No report or other action of a committee of the Association shall be considered as an act of the Association unless it has been approved by the Board of Directors or by the general membership at a membership meeting.

Article IX – Meetings

Section 1. Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the Association, except where in conflict with these by-laws. 

Section 2. The association shall hold, at minimum, one annual meeting, and will be known as the Annual Meeting. The date for this annual meeting will be at the call of the President. The Association will notify the ONC of this meeting, and make a reasonable attempt to give written notice to all households within its boundaries at least two weeks in advance through placement of one or more signs at prominent locations within the association boundaries and one or more of the following: U.S. Mail; delivered flyers; website or social media posting; e-mail, text message, direct message through social media, or other form of electronic messages delivered to the known address of each member, pursuant to Section 14-8-2-3(B)(5) of the NARO.

Section 3. The Annual Meeting shall be for the purpose of electing Board Members and receiving any annual reports of Officers and Committees and any other business as determined by the Board. Each member shall be afforded the ability to vote at the Annual Meeting in-person only, pursuant to Sections 14-8-2-3(B)(8)(b) and 14-8-2-3(B)(9) of the NARO.

Section 4. The Board of Directors shall meet as necessary, but at least quarterly, to conduct the business of the Association, at such time and place as determined by its President or a majority of the Board of Directors. All Board members will be notified of meeting times and places.

Section 5. Special meetings of the general membership may be called by the President, a majority of the Board of Directors, or 30% of the membership. The President shall set the meeting within fifteen (15) days and the Secretary shall give notice of any such meeting.

Section 6. For any elections or voting other than the Annual Meeting, the Board of Directors must allow each member to vote using at least one of the following methods: in-person, mailed paper ballot, or electronic means, as stated in Section 14-8-2-3(B)(9) of the NARO.

Section 7. No member of the Association may vote by proxy.

Article X – Monetary Matters

Section 1. No member, director or officer will receive, directly or indirectly, any compensation or pecuniary benefit from the Association, except that the Association may reimburse them for expenses.

Section 2. In the event of the dissolution of the Association, the Board of Directors, after payment of all liabilities of the Association, shall dispose of the remaining assets of the Association by refund to its members or by donation to an organization with a similar purpose as agreed upon by the Board of Directors.

Section 3. Access to banking accounts and to financial records of all voluntary dues, member donations, or other financial assets shall be shared by the President, Vice-President, and Treasurer, or any combination of Officers from the Board of Directors as designated by the Board of Directors.

Article XI – Communication Venues

Section 1. The Board of Directors shall use an association specific e-mail address for the sole purpose of association/coalition business.

Section 2. Access to the association e-mail address shall be held by the President, Vice-President and Secretary jointly, and passed on to new Board members as they are elected, or by any method determined by the Board of Directors.

Section 3. Access to any type of website or social media accounts shall be held by the President, Vice-President and Secretary jointly, and passed on to new Board members as they are elected, or by any method determined by the Board of Directors.

Article XI – Amendments

These by-laws may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the general membership by two thirds (2/3) vote of those in attendance. The membership shall be notified ten (10) days in advance of the meeting that amendments will be entertained at that meeting.

I certify that these bylaws were adopted and ratified by the members of the Palomas Park Neighborhood Association on the _____ day of _____ 2023, and were adopted and ratified by the Board of Directors at a meeting held on the _____ day of _____ 2023.

____________________________ ____________________

William Marsh, President Date

____________________________ _____________________

Ann Wagner, Vice President Date


Palomas Park Neighborhood Association <>

The PPNA will hold its annual meeting on Tuesday, 24 January, at 6:00 pm in the Gathering Room of the Marion Center of the Church of the Risen Savior. The agenda for the annual meeting, and the board meeting that follows are noted below.


We expect a uniformed APD officer to join us to discuss current community safety issues, and thoughts on how to be safe in our homes and community.  


We will entice you to join us for pizza, salad, cookies and water (that is why we are meeting at 6:00 pm and not the usual 7:00 pm board meeting time). 


The seven current board members have agreed to stand for reelection for the 2023 board. However, if you want to nominate someone for the board send your nomination to or you may nominate someone at the meeting. You may nominate yourself or any other member of the association; however, before they are nominated, they must agree to serve if elected. Immediately after the annual meeting, the new board will convene to elect officers. Everyone is invited to stay for the board meeting.


I want to ensure everyone knows who is eligible to vote. A homeowner has one vote for the home they own in the neighborhood. In addition to the owner’s vote, a renter of the same house also has one vote. 


Our $12 annual dues are voluntary, but we hope you will send a check for dues to our Treasurer, Rick Swanson, 7508 Laster Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109.  You can also pay your dues at the annual meeting. 


David Marsh

Pres, PPNA


Palomas Park Neighborhood Association


Annual Meeting

6:00 pm, 24 January 2023

Church of the Risen Savior, Gathering Room of the Marion Center


1.     Call to Order


Board roll call: Joan Arrey, Sec, Gregory Elder, Lynn Hebert, Len Higgins, David Marsh, Pres, Rick Swanson, Treas, Ann Wagner, VP


2.     Program: TBD


3.     Reports of Officers, Boards or Committees

a.     Past meeting minutes

b.     Treasurer’s Report


4.     Old Business



5.     New Business

Election of the PPNA board for 2023


6.     Adjourn


Association members attending: 


Guests attending: 



Palomas Park Neighborhood Association


Board Meeting

7:00 pm, 24 January 2023

Church of the Risen Savior, Marion Center, Gathering Room


Board Meeting immediately following the Annual Meeting (Board meets in Jan, Mar, May, Sep & Nov)


7.     Call to Order


8.     Board roll call


9.     Reports of Officers, Boards or Committees

Past Meeting Minutes - addressed at the annual meeting

Treasurer’s Report - addressed at the annual meeting


10.  Old Business



11.  New Business

Elect Board Officers for 2023


12.  Adjourn


Association members attending: 


Guests attending:

The Solid Waste Management Department, Parks and Recreation, and PNM will recycle real Christmas Trees for FREE at three separate locations in Albuquerque beginning December 26, 2022. No artificial trees will be accepted. PNM Vegetation Management crews and Parks and Recreation staff will grind trees into mulch chips, which can then be used as mulch to provide a better growing environment for plants and residential landscapes. Residents can pick up the mulch free of charge while supplies last. 

Trees may be dropped off between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday, December 26, 2022 through Sunday, January 8, 2023 at the following locations: 


Please remove all bags, tree stands, decorations and lights from trees before dropping them off to be mulched. Limit 5 trees per resident, no commercial customers. 

For more information call 311, TTY 711, or visit:

Happy holidays!!!!

David Marsh

Pres, PPNA


2022 Fall Green Waste Collection

The City of Albuquerque’s Solid Waste Management Department will pick up residential Green Waste at no additional charge. This year’s fall Green Waste collection program begins on Monday, November 28 and will end on Friday, December 9, 2022.

Solid Waste customers should have their Green Waste at the curb by 7 a.m. on the day of their regular trash collection day. All Green Waste must be placed 5 feet from automated trash and recycling containers as well as any large items scheduled for pick-up. Solid Waste customers must place their Green Waste (leaves, grass, and brush) in trash bags.

Each trash bag should not weigh more than 40 pounds. Customers that have branches must cut them to four-foot lengths and bundle them securely.

The following items will not be picked up: dirt, construction debris, gravel, construction material or tree stumps.

The green waste is processed into a rough chip mulch and is used to help prevent erosion at the Cerro Colorado Landfill.

Call 505-761-8167 with questions.

Green Waste Collection Event Tips

During collection events, please follow these guidelines:

Hope everyone is enjoying the nice but cool weather, perfect for fall cleanup:)

David Marsh

Pres, PPNA


From: Palomas Park Neighborhood Association <>

Subject: Palomas Park Neighborhood Association (PPNA) Newsletter – November 2022

Date: Nov 7, 2022 at 6:09 PM

The PPNA board next meets five times each year, in January (our annual meeting), March, May, September, and November.


The board last meet on Tuesday, 27 September. We are looking for a group to sell and place luminarias on Christmas Eve. The old backs of the board are no longer able handle the bending and reaching required to put-out and pick-up dozens of luminarias.


Our annual meeting will be held on Tuesday, 24 January 2023. We will start at 6:00 pm, not our usual 7:00 pm start time, and we will provide pizza, salad and cookies to entice you to attend.


Our next board meeting is at 7:00 pm on Tuesday 22 November. All association members are invited to attend. Email me at for the Zoom link if you would like to join us. 


The CABQ Green Waste pick-up dates were announced. Our days are our regular trash days of 29 November and 6 December.  Green waste should be placed at the curb by 7:00 am on these days and comply with these guidelines:

·        Green Waste must be 5 feet away from trash/recycling containers.

·        Green Waste must be placed in trash bags.

·        Trash bags must not weigh more than 40 lbs.

·        Cut branches to four-foot lengths and bundle them securely.

·        Dirt, debris, gravel, construction material or tree stumps will not be picked up.

·        Do not place green waste in your recycling cart.


Useful email and web sites:

PPNA email:

PPNA web site: 

City of Albuquerque (CABQ) website:

Our District 4 City Counselor is Brook Bassan, you can email her at  


Hope everyone is enjoying a great fall!


David Marsh

President, PPNA


Joan Arrey sent this to her Neighborhood Watch group. I thought it would be of interest to the PPNA. Watchfulness is a key defense to this type of nefarious activity. 

Dave M

Pres, PPNA

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Joan Arrey 

Date: Mon, Oct 24, 2022 at 1:14 PM

Subject: ALERT!!! There is a brown truck stealing catalytic converters

To: removed

Hi Everyone,

I just saw on Ring neighbors that there is brown truck SW of Paseo and Wyoming (that's us and Santa Barbara neighborhood) that is stealing catalytic converters so please call 242-COPS if you see them in our area.

I've attached a link to the post below if you want to see the truck.

Have a good day,



I thought this was worthy of forwarding. Hope everyone is having a safe summer and staying cool. 

David Marsh

Pres, PPNA 

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: VanWhy, Alexandria <>

Date: Mon, Jul 11, 2022 at 8:26 AM

Subject: Free Fixit Clinic - August 13th, 9am-noon

To: VanWhy, Alexandria <>


Thank you for signing up for Keep Albuquerque Beautiful’s mailing list! We’re excited to let you know that we are gearing up for our next Fixit Clinic. It’s happening on August 13 from 9 a.m. to noon at Fuse Makerspace and we wanted to make sure you were the first to know about it.

This FREE, pop-up event is designed to give electronics, small appliances, and clothing a second chance by working to fix or repair it. 

Have broken items? Feel free to register as an attendee to troubleshoot them with a Coach as you work together to fix the problem. Do you have fix-it skills? Register as a coach to help fix these items! You can learn more at CABQ.GOV/FIXIT

We hope to see you there!


Just a reminder that if you plan to attend and have not already done so, please RSVP by replying to this email so that we have a head count for Rudy's BBQ. 

However, if you find at the last minute that you can attend, please do so, we will have a few extra meals available. 

Dave Marsh

Pres, PPNA


From: <>

Date: Wed, May 25, 2022 at 9:04 PM

Subject: FW: BernCo News Release: County Clerk Reminds Voters the Deadline to Request an Absentee Ballot for the upcoming primary election is June 2nd:

To: <>

The new Neighborhood Assoction Recogintion Ordnance, (NARO) has been pubslied and one of its tenents is to share info with ABQ residents. So, we are trrying something new, forwarding BERNCO and CABQ news release type items. I get them but the board  is not sure everyone is and we think it is work a try to forward so everyone is in the loop.

You will see them as received, with only an FYI note on the email from the PPNA.  

Dave Marsh

Pres, PPNA

From: BernCo Neighborhood Coordination <> 

Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2022 3:56 PM

Subject: BernCo News Release: County Clerk Reminds Voters the Deadline to Request an Absentee Ballot for the upcoming primary election is June 2nd: 


For Immediate Release

May 25, 2022               

Contact: Kristal Peña

O. 505.468.1222

C. 505.250.0904

Deadline to Request an Absentee Ballot is June 2nd


Bernalillo County – Clerk Linda Stover reminds the public of the deadline to request an absentee ballot for the June 7 New Mexico primary election.

“If you want to vote absentee, remember that you need to request an absentee ballot to receive one. June 2 is the deadline to request an absentee ballot,” says Clerk Stover.  Absentee ballots continue to be mailed to voters who have requested them. 

Voters who have not mailed in their absentee ballot to the Clerk’s Office by June 2 are encouraged to hand-deliver their completed absentee ballot to any location during early voting or on Election Day to ensure it is received on time. 

There are also two outdoor ballot drop boxes where completed absentee ballots can be dropped off at Alvarado Square, 415 Silver Ave. SW, 87102 or the Voting Machine Warehouse, 2400 Broadway Blvd SE, Building H 87102.

Please visit for trusted information on elections and voting in Bernalillo County. The Clerk’s Office may be contacted by phone at 505-243-VOTE (8683) or email at You’re also invited to follow the Clerk’s Office on Facebook and Twitter

# # #

About Bernalillo County

Bernalillo  County is 1,160 square miles and is New Mexico’s most populous county with more than 676,000 residents. Bernalillo County government provides a wide range of public services to residents who live in Albuquerque, Los Ranchos and Tijeras with approximately 106,000 residents living in unincorporated areas of the county. Bernalillo County employs approximately 2,500 people and has an annual operating budget, capital investments and other funds of more than $1 billion. Elected officials include five county commissioners, assessor, clerk, probate judge, sheriff and treasurer.


For Immediate Release

May 24, 2022               

Contact: Tom Thorpe

O: 505-314-0403

C: 505-414-0485


BernCo Commission Bans Open Burning and Fireworks

East Mountain open spaces also closed


Bernalillo County – The Bernalillo County Commission voted to ban open burning and fireworks in the unincorporated areas of the county, outside the city limits of Albuquerque.  Open burning is any fire that is not in a contained space such as a campfire or piled brush.  The fireworks ban restricts the sale and use of aerial fireworks.


Bernalillo County Fire Chief Greg Perez says the current dry conditions and an ongoing extreme drought have created circumstances requiring the restrictions.


“The current drought situation is just plain dangerous,” says Bernalillo County Fire Chief Greg Perez.  “It’s not just about the mountains, vacant lots are extremely dry as are fallow fields and the bosque.  It’s all a tinderbox.”


Key factors in determining the burn and fireworks ban include:


Additionally, commissioners approved the closure of all county East Mountain open space and other facilities that abut forest service lands.


“Protecting our people, pets and precious land human life is our top priority,” notes District 5 County Commissioner Charlene Pyskoty.  “We simply can’t risk any type of devastation as the county works with the state, local and federal governments to protect our community.”


The bans and closures will remain in effect until further notice.


The closures and precautions were passed by the commission on a 3 to 0 vote.  Commissioners Debbie O’Malley and Steven Michael Quezada were excused.


# # # 


About Bernalillo County

Bernalillo County is 1,160 square miles and is New Mexico’s most populous county with more than 676,000 residents. Bernalillo County government provides a wide range of public services to residents who live in Albuquerque, Los Ranchos and Tijeras with approximately 106,000 residents living in unincorporated areas of the county. Bernalillo County employs approximately 2,500 people and has an annual operating budget, capital investments and other funds of more than $1 billion. Elected officials include five county commissioners, assessor, clerk, probate judge, sheriff and treasurer.



Tom Thorpe

Communication Services Administrator

Communication Services

415 Silver Ave. SW, 5th Floor, Albuquerque, NM 87102


O: (505) 314-0403 C: (505) 414-0485