The OMP is administered by the Public Utilities Department's Environmental Monitoring and Technical Services Division. For questions, downloading assistance, or to request the data in an alternative format, contact

Quarterly discharge monitoring reports (DMRs) are required to be submitted through NetDMR 45 days following the quarterly reporting period starting January 1, 2023. That means that the first quarterly reporting is due May 15, 2023.

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Annual Reports (AR) and 2022 monitoring data for the period covering January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 are due by January 31, 2023 for those facilities that filed a Notice of Intent (NOI). The AR form and data must be submitted electronically through the Georgia EPD Online System (GEOS). A guide for submitting your annual report and tips for a successful submittal can be found below. This process remains unchanged from previous years.

For all NPDES facilities, electronic reporting through EzDMR will be required by December 21, 2016; however, for all other wastewater facilities required to submit monitoring reports, the EzDMR system is designed to provide a better alternative than handwritten or paper DMRs.

The rule also requires states and other regulatory authorities to share data electronically with EPA. The data that these regulatory authorities will share with EPA includes permit, compliance monitoring (e.g., inspection), violation determination, and enforcement action data.

Regulated entities and state and federal regulators will use existing, available information technology to submit, share, and manage the required data. EPA is working with states, tribes, territories, and software vendors to develop and have in place all of the necessary electronic reporting tools. Recognizing that many states, tribes, and territories have their own electronic data systems and reporting tools for managing NPDES data, the electronic reporting rule provides flexibility on the specific data systems and reporting tools to be used.

The NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule allows states to determine what electronic reporting tools and systems work best for them and whether they would like to be the initial recipient of NPDES compliance monitoring data. EPA does not dictate the electronic reporting tools that a state may use. Rather, EPA sets performance requirements for states that wish to build their own electronic reporting tools. States also have the option of using and, if desired, customizing electronic reporting tools developed and maintained by EPA. A state, tribe, or territory that is designated by EPA as the initial recipient for an NPDES data group must submit an implementation plan to EPA for review to ensure that the authorized NPDES program will meet the Phase 2 electronic reporting deadline. This plan must provide enough details (e.g., tasks, milestones, roles and responsibilities, necessary resources) to clearly describe how the program will successfully implement electronic reporting of Phase 2 data. This plan does not include electronic reporting of Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs).

On September 23, 2020, EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler signed the final "Phase 2 Extension Rule," which provides states and EPA additional time to implement electronic reporting for certain Clean Water Act discharge permitting requirements. In this final rule, EPA is extending the compliance deadline for implementation of Phase 2 of the eRule by five years from December 21, 2020, to December 21, 2025. This final rule also provides states with additional flexibility to request additional time as needed. Further, this final rule promulgates clarifying changes to the NPDES eRule and eliminates some duplicative or outdated reporting requirements. Taken together, these changes are designed to save the NPDES authorized programs considerable resources, make reporting easier for NPDES-regulated entities, streamline permit renewals, ensure full exchange of NPDES program data between states and EPA, enhance public transparency, improve environmental decision-making, and protect human health and the environment.

Welcome to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Central Data Exchange (CDX) - the Agency's electronic reporting site. The Central Data Exchange concept has been defined as a central point which supplements EPA reporting systems by performing new and existing functions for receiving legally acceptable data in various formats, including consolidated and integrated data.

EPA will use the personal identifying information which you provide for the expressed purpose of registration to the Central Data Exchange site and for updating and correcting information in internal EPA databases as necessary. The Agency will not make this information available for other purposes unless required by law. EPA does not sell or otherwise transfer personal information to an outside third party. [ -17639/privacy-act-of-1974-system-of-records]

The CWA and NPDES regulations require permitted facilities to monitor the quality of their wastewater discharge and report these wastewater monitoring data to their permitting authority on a Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR). Additionally, the Electronic Reporting Rule now requires various reports required under the NPDES program to be reported electronically. DEQ has implemented an Electronic Reporting System (ERS) and Electronic Discharge Monitoring Reporting (E2) application to allowing permitted facilities to submit DMRs.

The DNR regulates the discharge of pollutants to waters of the state through the Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) program. Wastewater permits contain all the monitoring requirements, special reports and compliance schedules appropriate to the facility in question. Permits are issued for a five-year term.

Immediately after your role is approved in NetDMR, Signatory Authorities or subscribers may begin submitting monitoring reports electronically. It will be helpful to explore the NetDMR Support Portal for trainings.

At this point, you will no longer need to submit paper DMRs/SMRs to DEEP, you can now submit reports through CDX/NetDMR. However, you may still be required to submit paper DMRs to your local sewer authority. It is recommended that you check with your local sewer authority to inquire about any specific reporting requirements they may have. NetDMR stores all submitted data and copies of records (CORs) that can be downloaded and emailed to various recipients.

Below are tabular datasets of wastewater data for the entire state for years 2009-2018. Wastewater Release Sites (National Pollution Discharge Elimination System) were retrieved from the ODEQ database. Flow data and water-quality parameters for sites in Oklahoma were retrieved from the EPA (Permit Compliance System/Integrated Compliance Information System) database. Each annual table includes data for each water year (October through September).

This search allows you to retrieve selected data from the Permit Compliance System (PCS) and Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) databases in Envirofacts regarding facilities registered with the federal enforcement and compliance (FE&C) and holding National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits. Specify the facilities by using any combination of facility name, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit number, geographic location, facility industrial classification, and chemicals.

Our Permitting and Reporting Information System (PARIS) database contains information about water quality permits, inspections, enforcement actions, and discharge monitoring reports (DMRs). Both federal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and State Waste Discharge permits are included in the database.

The following two tables identify the minimum set of NPDES data that authorized states, tribes, territories must enter or transfer to EPA's national NPDES data system as well as what NPDES-regulated entities must electronically report to the designated initial recipient (authorized NPDES program or EPA) [see 40 CFR 127.2(b)]. Authorized NPDES programs will be the data provider in the event the regulated entity is covered by a waiver from electronic reporting. Use of these two tables ensures that there is consistent and complete reporting nationwide, and expeditious collection and processing of the data, thereby making it more accurate and timely. Taken together, these data standardizations and the corresponding electronic reporting requirements in 40 CFR parts 3, 122, 123, 124, 125, 127, 403, and 503 are designed to save the NPDES authorized programs considerable resources, make reporting easier for NPDES-regulated entities, streamline permit renewals (as permit writers typically review previous noncompliance events during permit renewal), ensure full exchange of NPDES program data between states and EPA to the public, improve environmental decision-making, and protect human health and the environment.

The General Permit for Construction Dewatering regulates the discharge of construction dewatering to state surface waters. Construction dewatering is the action of pumping or actively removing ground water and/or surface water from a construction site and includes well pump tests and/or well development. Effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions are set forth in the General Permit.

The General Permit for Disinfected Water and Hydrostatic Testing regulates discharges into state waters after treatment resulting from hydrostatic testing or disinfecting with water containing chlorine. Effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions are set forth in the General Permit.

There are two General Permit for Domestic Sewage Treatment Lagoons 1) for Batch and Non-Discharging Facilities and 2) for Continuous Dischargers. These General Permits regulate the discharge of treated wastewater from eligible public and private domestic lagoons to state surface waters. The General Permits includes effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions. ff782bc1db

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